Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 294 The Forging Gryffindor

The Gryffindor common room was very quiet. The Weasley twins were following Filch in confinement, which made the place less interesting and noisy.

"Malfoy is gone!" Harry, who was looking at the Marauder's Map, suddenly shouted.

"What? Did you miss it?" Ron poked his head over.

"No! In the Astronomy Tower, the three of them suddenly disappeared just now!" Harry said impatiently, "I said we should follow him tonight. He must have opened the passage..."

"Don't worry, Harry, maybe they just found a secret passage that is not on the Marauder's Map." Hermione comforted.

"This is not a good thing. What if that secret passage leads outside the school?" Harry said.

"I mean, look..." Ron pointed to the small dot next to the astronomy tower, "Daphne Greengrass is the girl who is always around Foley and Malfoy."

"So, Brian is probably over there too." Harry muttered, "Here, a little dot without a name... He must not know that I asked Sirius to upgrade the Marauder's Map, and he can hide it. Can’t stand anymore.”

"Did he conspire with Malfoy? You know..." Ron shrugged and said no more.

Harry looked hesitant, but Hermione said firmly: "I think we can think more about what Dumbledore told us. He told us that we can trust Brian...he will definitely not follow Voldemort."

"But you can't deny Dumbledore's weird trust in Snape." Harry retorted, then scratched his hair and messed it up even more. "Let's not talk about him for now. We need to tell him quickly. Only professors can do that.”

"We have no evidence, Harry, what if Malfoy just found a secret room?" Hermione said.

"That can also allow the professor to take him back. The time has come now." Harry said, "It's strange, right? Usually he has already gone back at this time..."

"Okay, let's go tell Professor McGonagall," Hermione said sharply. She randomly packed the books on the table in front of her into her bag and threw them into the armchair.

The three of them walked out very naturally. Ginny, who had been paying attention to them, turned her head and said, "Where are you going?"

"Nothing, let's go... to the Potions classroom. Ron left his homework there." Harry said vaguely.

"Oh -" Ginny drawled, with a look of disbelief on her face, "Forgive me for just knowing that Ron is so studious."

"Harry! Oh, Harry..." Hermione, who had been paying attention to the Marauder's Map, exclaimed softly and pointed to the Astronomy Tower with a horrified expression.

Harry grabbed the map and took a look, and found a series of familiar names appearing out of thin air in the Astronomy Tower, those notorious Death Eaters...

"Go find Dumbledore!" Harry jumped up and rushed out of the common room.

Hermione followed closely behind, and Ron said as he ran: "Go, go...go away, Ginny, don't follow us..."

"You don't need to tell me where I fall in love." Ginny shook her hair, "It's just along the way."

They turned away from the portrait of the Fat Lady and came outside. The castle was as calm as ever.

"We have to find Dumbledore quickly, they must be planning to secretly cause havoc here..." Harry said.

"Wait, Dumbledore is not in the office." Hermione's eyes quickly moved around the map.

"Where is he?" Harry asked.

"In...in the Astronomy Tower!" Hermione said with a sigh of relief, "Dumbledore must have discovered it."

At this time, they heard exclamations from everywhere. They looked at each other and followed the corridor to the window where they could see the Astronomy Tower. They saw the Dark Mark hanging high above the Astronomy Tower, and a group of people were rushing to Astronomy Tower.

"Oh my God, my God..." Hermione crossed her hands as if praying for them.

"...We, what are we going to do now?" Ron said blankly.

"There's nothing you can do, Ron," Hermione said.

Harry took the Marauder's Map and looked at the group of people in the Astronomy Tower, as well as the professors and Order members who rushed over to fight the Death Eaters. He scanned quickly among the jumbled dots, fearful of seeing a dot with Voldemort's name written on it.

"No, look at the top of the tower!" Ginny pointed out the window.

They looked up at the top of the astronomy tower. It was a bit far away and couldn't see the specific situation above, but the huge Dark Mark was very conspicuous.

Beneath the mark, they saw the gleam of the spell lighting up and down the place like bright, twinkling fireworks of various colors. Phoenix Fox flies up from time to time, singing loud and sweet, and the flames on his body are burning brightly.

"Who is Dumbledore fighting!" Hermione covered her mouth.

Harry hurriedly looked at the Marauder's Map. The dot representing Dumbledore was wandering on the top of the tower, and there was an unnamed dot next to him!

"It's Brian!" Harry glanced at where Brian was, and sure enough, there was no one there.

"Brian is fighting Dumbledore?" Hermione bit her lip and said in a trembling tone.

"So, this person is blocking Dumbledore, preventing him from going down to help." Ginny stayed out of the matter and added based on her own thoughts.

"That's impossible! Dumbledore believes him!" Hermione said.

"But you don't think they are setting off fireworks on the astronomy tower now, do you?" Ron said a cold joke.

"I said, Dumbledore's standards for looking at people are hard for people to understand." The more Harry thought about it, the more likely Ginny's statement was. "What if Brian is really conspiring with Malfoy? What if? He's trying to give Voldemort a chance to kill Dumbledore...or is he trying to kill Dumbledore?"

"Wake up, Harry, he can't kill Dumbledore." Ron said worriedly.

"No, after that night in the Department of Mysteries, can you still look down on him?" Harry felt that his thoughts were extremely clear. "And Dumbledore is injured. His hand is very serious..."

"Indeed, no matter how you look at it, he seems to be doing something detrimental to Dumbledore." Ginny nodded in agreement.

"Then let's..." Hermione said.

"We have to stop him!" Harry said decisively. "I think Dumbledore must have had a guess. Remember what he asked me to tell you that day? Dumbledore must have wanted us to stop him, don't let him do wrong things."

Hermione opened her mouth, grabbed her hair randomly, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, let's go there!"

"Hermione, you're crazy!" Ron's eyes widened in horror, "The fighting is fierce over there!"

"I think that since Dumbledore told me this, he must think that we have the ability to stop him..." Hermione said quickly, "In other words, I don't want him to really do something wrong. Mistakes to make up for.”

"We have the invisibility cloak, right? As long as we are careful..." Harry said, "The professors and the Order of the Phoenix are here, and they can help too."

"What if you guessed wrong? That might just be your imagination." Ron groaned.

"Then we can also help. We're not weak anymore, are we?" Harry waved his fist.

"Okay, I actually think it's pretty good." Ron said, "I must be crazy..."

They ran forward along the corridor, and Harry suddenly looked at Ginny and said, "Ginny, you..."

"I'm just along for the ride." Ginny said resentfully, "I'm not weaker than you, at least I'm more reliable than Ron."

"Okay, but you know, the invisibility cloak can't hide so many people... you can't get into the tower." Harry said bravely, "No one may be there to help you then."

"I can take care of myself." Ginny smiled brightly at him.

Daphne and Draco stood in front of the castle gate, looking at the Dark Mark slowly rising from the astronomy tower, looking at each other, and swallowed their saliva.

"Shall we go back?" Draco said.

"I...I have to wait first." Daphne squeezed the wand in her hand.

They hid in the corner behind the door, the bulk of Crabbe and Goyle squeezing them uncomfortably.

"Hurry up, the Death Eaters are coming in!" Professor McGonagall said breathlessly, "We can't let them break into the castle..."

A group of professors ran over, including Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, etc. They joined the members of the Order of the Phoenix who came from the other side of the field. A group of people hurried to the astronomy tower, completely unaware of the hidden objects. Daphne and the others in the corner.

"Did you do it, Draco?" Daphne took a breath and watched a fight break out under the astronomy tower. If they hadn't left just now, they would have been involved.

"Let's talk about it later," Draco said impatiently.

After a while, the sound of messy footsteps approached again. Daphne and the others listened attentively and heard Harry and the others arranging action plans while running.

"Hold the students off..." Daphne thought to herself.

She looked at Draco, who happened to be looking at Daphne, his light-colored eyes full of cunning and malicious looks.

The two looked at each other and reached an agreement instantly.

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