Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 295 Good teammates


Draco suddenly jumped out when Harry and the others were approaching the door, and before they could react, he shouted a spell at Harry.

Harry was caught off guard by the spell, his legs seemed to be doing a crazy tap dance, and his body stumbled because he lost his balance.

"Malfoy!" Ron cursed, "Petrify them all!"

"There are many obstacles!" Hermione and Ginny's curses were also struck at the same time, and they chose the Obstacle Curse at the same time.

Draco hurriedly dodged the Petrification Curse and was ejected by the Obstacle Curse. He fell to the grass with an "ouch".

Crabbe and Goyle waved their stubby wands and swished out two disarming spells. This was the result of Brian's special training for them. The two of them really didn't have much talent in magic spells. Brian felt that when they fought, they could first disarm each other's weapons and then win with their strong physiques.

However, their spells did not hit anyone. Ginny and Hermione jumped away nimbly. Only Harry's legs danced wildly and he accidentally fell to the ground.

"There are many obstacles!" Daphne took the opportunity to cast a spell, causing the four people on the opposite side to disperse.

"Crabbe, you deal with Weasley, Goyle, deal with Potter..." Daphne arranged in an orderly manner, "Wait until Draco comes." At this time, she seemed very calm, calm and unhurried.

Crabbe grinned and waved his wand at Ron, as if he was going to use the wand as a club to hit him, making Daphne resist the urge to cover her face.

Goyle raised his fist and rushed towards Harry who had not yet been able to stand up, making Daphne wish she had never known them.

"You are wizards..." Daphne groaned feebly in her heart.

"It's you, Greengrass." Seeing Ginny go to help Harry, Hermione pointed her wand at Daphne and said, "I hope you can get out of the way. You are Brian's friend. You can't just watch him." do wrong things……"

"No, I don't care about that." Daphne showed a bright smile, "No matter what he does, I will support him. So I will stop you..."

"This isn't right!" Hermione shouted.

"Then is your arrogant attitude from standing on the commanding heights right?" Daphne replied, and then read, "All of them will be petrified!"

Hermione recited an Iron Armor Curse, and the Petrification Curse was bounced back, hitting Daphne's feet. Daphne jumped a step, waved her wand and cast a sleeping spell.

The two of them battled back and forth. Hermione relied on her excellent spell skills to cast spells smoothly. Daphne's level was a little worse, but she was not far behind with the help of Felixir.

"Stop!" Ginny said to Harry's legs. Harry's constantly dancing legs finally calmed down, but he was still hit in the eye by Goyle's fist and was dizzy for a moment.

"Collapse!" Ginny muttered to Goyle. Goyle turned over and pushed down the struggling Harry, and the spell flew past his ears.

Crabbe and Ron were fighting spells. Crabbe had learned several destructive black magic, which left Ron a little helpless.

Soon, Draco joined in. He chanted a leg-locking charm at Ginny, but was dodged. For a moment, the place was in chaos, and no one on either side could do anything to the other, but Daphne and the others clearly had the upper hand.

Draco, who had been unable to take care of Ginny for a long time, impatiently took out the small black ball that Brian gave him from his pocket, and fell heavily to the ground under Daphne's horrified eyes. The surrounding area was suddenly plunged into darkness. middle.

"No!" Daphne's voice came from the darkness, but it was already too late.

There was darkness all around, and the sound of "Ouch" was heard from time to time, and no one could see anyone.

Draco was stunned, realizing that this skill did not distinguish between friend and foe, only he could see through the darkness. He hurriedly took out the glorious hand and was about to light the candle when he was kicked hard by a thick leg and rolled to the side.

The hand of glory came out and rolled to nowhere. Draco groped randomly on the ground and touched an arm.

"Who?" Harry's voice came urgently.

Draco didn't bother looking for the Hand of Glory, and punched him with his fist. Harry screamed in pain, and the two rolled into a ball and started fighting.

After about a minute or two, there was light again. Draco and Harry were pulling each other's hair, Goyle passed out on the ground, and Ginny stood next to him. Ron seemed to have sprained his foot, and Crabbe lay stiff on the floor. Daphne knocked away Hermione's wand in the dark and was pointing it at her.

"Expelliarmus!" Ginny quickly chanted a spell to Daphne after the surroundings returned to light. Daphne moved slightly to the side and the spell flew past her.

For a moment, the battle turned into Ginny versus Daphne, with Ron limping to his feet and chanting a spell to Daphne. Hermione took the opportunity to find her wand and joined in the siege.

Daphne was forced to focus on defense and dodge, but fortunately the Elixir of Fortune kept her from losing for the time being. She gritted her teeth with hatred, wishing she could fight Draco away.

Although the Fortune Elixir can make a person become luckier, it is powerless to reverse an absolute disadvantage. Soon, Daphne tilted due to lack of physical strength and was hit by a disarming spell. She stumbled against the wall under the onslaught of the spell, three wands trained on her.

Ginny freed up her hand to knock out Draco who was fighting with Harry, and the fight ended quickly.

"Okay, now you can't stop us." Hermione kicked Daphne's wand into the grass of the field and put down the wand in her hand slightly.

"Yeah, what a failure..." Daphne looked a little sad.

"Thank you, Ginny. Let's go." Harry got up. He was the most injured. One eye was black and his cheek was swollen. He glanced at Ron's injured foot and said, "Ron, it seems you have to stay here."

"I can go..." Ron moved his feet, then tilted his feet, grinning in pain.

"Ron, you stay here. Remember to hide." Hermione sighed.

"Okay." Ron said reluctantly.

"It's very dangerous over there." Daphne said lightly, "You just went there to die."

"I think Brian needs our help," Hermione said.

"Help?" The corners of Daphne's mouth twitched slightly, "Or maybe it's to add trouble, right?"

"You are too blind..." Hermione said.

"No, I know very well." Daphne said with her head slightly lowered.

"Come on, we can't delay any longer." Harry said anxiously. He looked sideways at the flash of light at the top of the tower.

"Of course." They ignored the defeated people and prepared to run towards the astronomy tower.

"Wait." Daphne raised her head and shouted. She took out a small bottle from her pocket and said, "Take this."

Hermione took it and raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Elixir of Fortune?"

"Brian gave it to me tonight." Daphne said, tilting her head.

"Why did you give it to us?" Harry asked.

"I think you have his friends among you." Daphne pursed her lips, "Brian doesn't want his friends to die...even if you go and die on your own."

As she spoke, Daphne raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a smile that seemed to contain sarcasm.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, wasting no more time, and the three of them ran towards the astronomy tower.

"Be careful!" Ron shouted, then he sat against the wall with his feet covered, looking at Daphne.

Daphne sat down on the ground in despair, looking up at the flash of magic spell on the top of the astronomy tower, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"I failed, Brian." Daphne murmured, "I hope you are safe..."

She knew that by giving up following him to the top of the tower, she was giving up an opportunity to get to know and get closer to Brian more deeply.

Daphne took a deep breath to calm herself down and found her wand in the grass. She looked at the Draco trio lying on the ground and stamped her feet angrily.

"Malfoy's doing a pretty good job, isn't he?" said Ron. "They're a really good group of teammates."

"No one will think you are mute if you don't speak." Daphne retorted.

On the way to the Astronomy Tower, Harry said, "Do you think this bottle of potion is real?"

"Yes, from my perspective, it must be fine." Hermione said, "It's not easy to hide it from me. She definitely wouldn't have foreseen our actions and prepared fake potions in advance, right?"

"Then let's use it, one bite at a time," Harry said.

"It's great. I've been wanting to try the Felixir for a long time." Ginny said enthusiastically.

The battle circle under the tower was getting closer and closer. The three of them shared the elixir, and then hid it together in Harry's invisibility cloak. They bent down and walked through the fighting crowd, and entered the tower without any danger.

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