Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 293 An unexpected battle

"We have to go back, Daphne." Draco was anxious, "They broke in and it's very dangerous here. I didn't expect... I have to tell Brian."

"He already knows, Draco," Daphne said. "He has the model of the castle, you know."

"That's good..." Draco breathed a sigh of relief and managed to calm down, "Then what are you doing here?"

"As you said, I want to help Brian." Daphne said. She looked up at the top of the astronomical tower and became a little confused again. The urge to chase after her just now seemed to be gone.

"But I was seen by Draco..." Daphne dealt with Draco a little upset, trying to persuade him to go back.

She felt that the elixir made her even more unlucky. "Is it expired?" Daphne thought, "But I think I should stay away from here..."

"Brian must have his plans..." Draco said, winking at Crabbe and Goyle.

"I...you!" Just as Daphne was about to speak, she found that her arm was grabbed by Draco, and the three of them began to drag her away from the astronomy tower.

"It's dangerous here, I told you." Draco said.

They walked for a while, and then Daphne said angrily: "Okay, I get it." She finally understood that the elixir wanted her to stay away from there, and maybe Brian meant the same.

Daphne held her wand angrily. When she walked to the entrance of the castle, she raised her head and looked at the top of the astronomy tower, where the high-hanging green mark was extremely conspicuous under the night sky.

Daphne felt her body tremble a little, and she crossed her hands tightly, praying that Brian would be okay.

Brian flew lightly to the top of the astronomy tower, where the moonlight covered the place with a layer of silvery gauze.

He sighed softly, trying not to think about what just happened. He took a few steps down the stairs and recited a magic spell at the top of the stairs. The invisible wall blocked the upward path.

Brian took out the sign with the Dark Mark engraved on it, which had been peeled off Mr. Foley's arm. Brian held the sign, closed his eyes slightly, raised his right arm high and pointed the tip of his wand at the sky, and said lightly: "The bones reappear."

The Dark Mark on the sign flashed slightly, and a green light rushed out from the tip of the wand, flew into the sky, exploded like a firework, and exploded into the shape of an ugly skull. A python came out of the skull's mouth. It swayed slightly like a snake.

It hangs high under the dark night, shining with dots of green light, reflecting the top of the tower in a faint green.

Several screams and exclamations came from the tower, mixed with anxiety and panic, and a group of people rushed towards this side of the field.

Brian took back his wand and smiled coldly, which added to the fire. The Death Eaters' sneaky intrusion was brought to light.

Just when Brian was about to turn into starlight and leave temporarily, a ball of fire suddenly appeared in front of Brian. Dumbledore's figure walked out of the fire, and his old body seemed to contain volcanic power.

"Good evening, Mr. Dumbledore." Brian greeted calmly, "You came unexpectedly quickly."

"Did you release the Dark Mark?" Dumbledore looked up at the sky, his expression serious and cold.

"Yeah, isn't this a reminder for you?" Brian tilted his head slightly and said with a smile, "After all, the Death Eaters have broken in..."

"I want to know, you pushed for this, right?" Dumbledore said slowly, "You know how much danger this will bring to the school."

"A righteous excuse, Mr. Dumbledore." Brian showed a sarcastic smile, "Don't tell me you don't know. Isn't this exactly what you want?"

"Compared to you just standing by and watching, my approach is even more responsible... After all, I chose the battlefield in the astronomy tower without students, not in the castle." Brian said.

"Yes, yes, people tend to be careless when they get older." Dumbledore sighed, "So, what is your plan?"

"I'm just taking advantage of the situation." Brian put a hand on his chest and bowed slightly, "Please allow me to leave temporarily."

"I'm afraid that won't work, Brian." Dumbledore said softly, "Let me weigh your abilities."

The two people faced each other, and a group of people under the astronomy tower rushed into the astronomy tower. Soon, the sound of fierce fighting came from the tower, and even the bottom of the tower was involved in the battle.

"Sir, are you sure you want to waste your energy on dealing with me?" Brian suppressed his worry about Daphne and looked at Dumbledore with burning eyes, "Under the circumstances that Voldemort may appear at any time."

"He doesn't dare to enter Hogwarts now. At least he will wait until his subordinates report the specific situation to him before coming." Dumbledore said, "I think what he is most worried about is that you will set up a trap with me. A trap was set against him.”

"This is a good idea." Brian said calmly, pointing the wand in his hand at the ground. "It's a pity, this is not in my interests."

A ray of red light came over, and Brian quickly waved his wand, narrowly blocking the spell.

Dumbledore launched the attack first.

"You can't stop me leaving, Dumbledore," said Brian. He waved his wand without chanting a spell, and an invisible shock wave pushed past, forcing Dumbledore to turn into fire and avoid it.

At this time, Brian, who didn't want to get entangled with Dumbledore, turned into a bright starry sky and was about to fly towards the astronomy tower.

A sweet song sounded, and the phoenix Fox emerged from the firelight. He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of blazing fire. The high temperature roasted the surrounding air. Brian had to return to his original position. An iron armor spell condensed into a small buckler blocked all the fire, but Brian was still forced to fall back to the top of the tower.

"Does Dumbledore want to kill me tonight?" Brian's mind turned and he thought of this possibility. It has to be said that after he rejected Dumbledore's entrustment, Brian admitted that he had indeed become the biggest uncertain factor in Dumbledore's plan.

"You want to kill me?" Brian silently released the spell and said coldly, "It's unlikely in your current state... and irritating me is not a wise choice."

"I just want to tell you that not everything can develop according to your plan." Dumbledore's fire appeared behind Brian, and he shot a powerful spell with his backhand and said, "The good swimmer dies. Water, don’t be clever but you will be misled by your cleverness.”

"Then you are sure that your plan can succeed?" Brian's tone was full of sarcasm, "This sentence can also be said to you in turn... It's not that I don't dare to kill you, Dumbledore, I just don't want to cause trouble. ."

With that said, he blocked a powerful spell, transformed into a starry sky and flew away in an instant, avoiding Fox's fire, but his expression became solemn.

Perhaps because of the blessing of the Elder Wand, Dumbledore's spell was unexpectedly powerful, coupled with Fox's occasional disturbances, which annoyed Brian.

He almost wanted to cast a death curse.

Brian waved his wand, and a golden light net covered Fox, and invisible ropes entangled its wings. Then he dodged Dumbledore's curse, and the ground at his feet was scorched black.

Dumbledore's figure appeared next to Brian again, and the accompanying curse blasted Brian out of the top of the tower, followed by a swift red light. A ball of blazing fire exploded from Fox's body, burning up the light network. He spit out the fire from the other side and attacked Brian with the red light.

For a moment, Brian was in danger. He held his breath and concentrated, pointing the red light from Dumbledore with his wand. A white light flew out from the tip of the wand, and was extinguished with the red light. At the same time, Brian activated the alchemy items on his body, and the glimmer of the Iron Armor Curse appeared around him, slightly blocking Fox's flames.

In just a moment, the flames broke through the barrier. By this time, Brian had already freed his hand, and the small buckler appeared again, blocking the flames.

Brian's figure turned into starlight and landed on the edge of the astronomy tower.

"You can't be so strong..." Brian frowned, and then he saw Dumbledore's left hand, where the curse was spreading rapidly, burning his entire left arm to black.

"You no longer suppress the curse?" Brian asked, "Or, do you use some kind of life-burning magic spell or potion to temporarily increase your combat power?"

"No need for that, this curse itself is that kind of thing." A smile appeared on Dumbledore's old face, and the pressure on his body was stronger than ever before, as if he was burning with his whole life as firewood, "When I no longer When I suppress it, that’s when I’m at my strongest.”

"To kill me? Is it worth it?" Brian tried his best to deflect a spell and appeared behind Dumbledore.

"I think it's worth it." Dumbledore, who was too flexible to look like an old man, jumped sideways to avoid Brian's curse and said with a smile.

The sound of fierce fighting came from the stairs leading to the top of the tower. Someone was shouting, "The Ministry of Magic's support will arrive soon, you are finished." But the two people on the top of the tower didn't pay attention.

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