Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 292 Thoughts

"What?" Daphne also stopped and stared at Brian closely.

"Nothing, you go back to the common room first, Daphne." Brian gave her a gentle smile.

"Okay..." Daphne lowered her head and walked away to the other side.

Brian sighed, took out the Marauder's Map and took a look at it, and found Draco and the others at the location representing the Astronomy Tower.

He did some tricks on Draco's disappearing cabinet. Once Draco successfully repaired it and connected it to the cabinet in Borgin and Burke's store, he would be able to detect it immediately.

Brian quickened his pace, so fast that he almost flew up. The footsteps disappeared, and Brian's figure gradually disappeared into the air. The window opened out of thin air, as if the wind was blowing out gently, and the window was closed by the way.

Brian quickly arrived at the foot of the astronomy tower, then leaned against the stone wall in the corner, quietly looking at the Marauder's Map in his hand, waiting for the start.

The silver moonlight illuminated the calm venue, as if it were covered with a layer of silver frost. Silence gradually fell into the castle, and the students followed the school's safety regulations and returned to the common rooms of each college.

At this moment, a figure sneakily approached here, standing on tiptoes, looking cautiously, and approaching the direction of the astronomical tower.

It's Daphne.

Her figure danced nimbly between the pillars of the corridor, as if hiding from would-be peepers on the astronomy tower. She hid herself firmly behind the pillar, then quietly poked her head out to look around, then sprang out from behind the pillar like a deer in the forest, and quickly hid behind the pillar in front of her.

The moonlight gave her long golden hair a hint of silver. She clutched the wand tightly in her hand, as if she was alert to danger that might appear at any time.

Brian saw this scene in his eyes, he frowned, and suddenly felt a little angry.

He glanced at the Marauder's Map. The dots representing Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle disappeared for a few minutes, then returned to their original positions, circling anxiously around them.

When Daphne approached, Brian put down the Marauder's Map, grabbed her arm, and dragged her into the shadows of the corner.

"Ah!" Daphne screamed softly and struggled desperately.

"It's me." Brian said.

Daphne's struggle suddenly stopped, she turned to look at Brian's face, showing a bright smile.

"Why are you here?" Brian said in a bad tone.

"I was wondering if I could help you..." Daphne said seriously, "Before you leave school..."

"No, how did you know it was in the Astronomy Tower?"

"Stay away from the tower, right?" Daphne smiled playfully, "Trelawney is not just an old liar, right? And Astoria told me that Draco has been heading towards the Astronomy Tower in the past few days. Run, this is the position you were looking at before..."

"You are observing carefully, but you have to go back, Daphne." Brian suppressed his emotions, "This place will soon become very dangerous, and I can't protect you..."

"Draco brought the Death Eaters in, didn't he?" Daphne clasped her hands so tightly that her knuckles turned white. "You were also involved, right? For some purpose..."

"Yes." Brian replied concisely, "Yes, for some ulterior purpose!"

"Let me help you, Brian." Daphne's eyes were bright and her tone was firm.

"You don't even know what my purpose is!" Brian became even more angry.

"It's you I want to help, regardless of your purpose." Daphne said stubbornly, "It's you I believe in, and that's enough!"

Brian's anger suddenly disappeared. He looked at the girl in front of him weakly and said, "I don't deserve this, Daphne."

"You finally stopped hiding from me? Can you finally tell me what you think?" Daphne smiled arrogantly and seemed to be holding back tears.

"I have something that I have to face. It chases me all the time and makes me unable to stop..." Brian said softly, "Maybe one day I will disappear...I said, I don't want to be you. burden."

"You're a bastard, Brian!" Daphne gritted her teeth and said, "Do you think I will care about that? After I have understood what I mean..."

"Do you really understand, Daphne? You should calm down and think about it." Brian looked at her, "Are you really ready?"

"I've understood it a long time ago." Daphne smiled brightly. She suddenly raised her wand and said to the open space in front of her, "Calling the Guardians!"

A silver bird flew out from the tip of her wand, spread its wings and flew around them. Its eyes were bright and clear, gentle but firm, as if Daphne was looking at him through these eyes.

That's a raven.

"When did it happen?" Brian's voice was hoarse.

"By the time I realized it, it had already become like this." The smile on Daphne's face made Brian feel a little dazzling.

"Do you like me, Brian?" Daphne suddenly came close to him, her beautiful cheeks looked like a carefully carved goddess statue in the moonlight.

"I..." Brian opened his mouth, and his throat seemed to suddenly choke. He doesn't know either.

He looked at the girl in front of him and thought of all the past for a moment. The Daphne who was reserved and arrogant when they first met, the Daphne who would make Pansy cry, the Daphne who was considerate, elegant and reserved as a friend, the Daphne who gradually began to admire him and restrained his shine, the dazzling Daphne at the ball, and There is Daphne who is confident and bright, and Daphne who is tender and affectionate but heartbroken and sad on Valentine's Day...

And Daphne, who is now tough and stubborn, but seems to be so fragile that she can break at the touch of a touch.

Brian couldn't tell what his feelings were for her for a moment. Was he moved? Is it friendship? Or is it love?

"I like you, Brian." Daphne said softly but seriously, "That's why I came, I just don't want to get further and further away from you..."

Brian looked at Daphne, and Daphne looked at him. The sound of commotion footsteps gradually came from the astronomy tower, but they didn't pay attention.

"I made my choice, now it's your turn to tell me, Brian." Daphne looked at him with full eyes.

"You are much braver than me, Daphne." Brian smiled bitterly, "I promise, after tonight, I will tell you everything and tell you my choice..."

"Okay, I'll wait." Daphne raised the corners of her mouth.

"So, tonight, you..." Brian said, listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, "I don't ask you to go back. You can stay here and help me stop the students who want to break into the astronomy tower. .Remember, only students, be careful of the Death Eaters in the tower..."

Daphne nodded and tightened her grip on the wand in her hand.

Brian thought for a moment, took out two things from his bag, and handed them to Daphne.

"This is the Elixir of Fortune. Professor Snape gave it to me as a birthday gift when I was in third grade. Now I'm giving it to you." Brian warned, "Remember to take a sip later. It can make your luck better." a little."

Daphne squeezed the small crystal bottle of golden potion, smiling quietly and far away.

"This is the invisibility cloak. Once things go wrong, you have to use it to escape." Brian put the silver cloak into Daphne's hands. "Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know." Daphne said.

"Then... please." Brian thought for a moment, reached out and hugged Daphne, then transformed into the bright starry sky and flew towards the top of the astronomy tower.

Daphne looked up and reached out her hand involuntarily. She inexplicably wanted to keep Brian, as if he was about to fly away forever.

"Come on, Daphne!" She clenched her fists and encouraged herself.

Several figures rushed down from the astronomy tower. Daphne hurriedly hid herself and looked at the figures coming out.

It was Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

Daphne thought for a while, unscrewed the stopper of the elixir, took a sip, and then put the small bottle in her pocket.

Somehow, she suddenly wanted to go up to the astronomy tower and find Brian.

Daphne gritted her teeth and suppressed her distracted thoughts. She had to stay here.

"Daphne, why are you here?" Draco discovered that Daphne was not hiding in the confusion, "It will be very dangerous here later, go back quickly."

"You go back first, I have something to do here." Daphne said.

"Where's Brian?" Draco looked a little flustered and anxious.

"I don't know, Draco," Daphne blurted out.

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