Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 289 Untitled

Harry sat in the soft armchair in the common room, staring absently at his Transfiguration homework, unable to concentrate due to the emotions swirling inside him.

He was thinking about the memory of what he saw in Snape's office not long ago, placed in the Pensieve by Snape... Harry knew that his Occlumency lessons were over, after seeing that scene.

Harry was a little distraught and at a loss. He had always felt proud when others said that he was like his father, but he would never do that... hang someone upside down for fun, and neither Sirius nor Lupine stopped him.

'I'll ask Sirius,' Harry thought. But then he remembered that he was going to see Dumbledore again tonight.

Harry raised his head and saw Ginny sitting in the front row. Her long, fiery red hair was smooth and bright. Why hadn't he found Ginny so beautiful before? And always supporting him.

But Ginny was still unhappy about what happened that night in the Department of Mysteries. She stayed at Hogwarts with Cho Chang that night, but it was of no use. By the time they found Slughorn and walked outside the castle, the Inferi and Dementors had already retreated. The Order of the Phoenix has received Snape's notification.

Although Harry still felt that leaving Ginny at Hogwarts was the right thing to do, it was clear that Ginny didn't think so.

Harry reluctantly suppressed his upset emotions, rolled up the Transfiguration homework without writing a single word, and came to the principal's office again.

Dumbledore was leaning on a chair and taking a nap. In fact, Dumbledore seemed to be getting worse and worse recently. He was no longer as energetic as before and looked like an old man. Thinking of Dumbledore's injured hand and Voldemort's words at that time, Harry had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Including these days of private lessons, Harry felt as if Dumbledore was explaining his funeral arrangements.

Harry shook his head, trying to get rid of these messy thoughts.

"Ah, good evening, Harry." Dumbledore opened his eyes and said, "Oops, I accidentally fell asleep."

Harry looked at his toes and said, "I'm a little early, sir."

"So, tonight, let's look at another memory, from Professor Slughorn." Dumbledore smiled and poured the pearl-colored memory in the crystal bottle into the pensieve. "I think tonight I will reveal Voldemort's deepest secrets to you..."

They watched the memories in the pensieve, and when Harry's feet fell back on the carpet, he said blankly: "That's it?"

"This memory has been tampered with," Dumbledore sat back behind the desk. "Slughorn himself tampered with it to make himself look more respectable... Of course, you also saw that the tampering was very clumsy."

"But what is revealed is most important," Dumbledore said.

"Horcruxes?" Harry asked confused.

"Yes, although this memory has been tampered with, making it impossible for us to know what they actually said." Dumbledore crossed his hands and said, "However, I have reason to believe that Slughorn told Voldemort about Horcruxes. The content... and there is evidence that Voldemort created Horcruxes."

"what is that?"

"That's something very evil, Harry..."

Dumbledore told Harry about the Horcrux information, and slowly revealed his guesses about Voldemort's six Horcruxes.

"In other words, we only need to find the gold cup and kill the snake to completely kill Voldemort?" Harry said excitedly.

"Yes, you can trust Brian on this matter, Harry." Dumbledore looked at Harry deeply.

"Believe him?" Harry hesitated and expressed his doubts all along, "But... he seems to have some kind of connection with Voldemort..."

"But you can't deny that he made outstanding contributions in finding and destroying Voldemort's Horcruxes, even more than me." Dumbledore said seriously.

"You can completely believe that Brian has the same purpose as us in wanting to defeat Voldemort." Dumbledore continued, "If you encounter difficulties in this matter, I also hope that you will Go ask him."

Harry resisted inexplicably, but was relieved inexplicably.

"Harry, you can always trust your friend." Dumbledore said slowly, "Even if he is mysterious and difficult for you to understand, you should know..."

"When you create a barrier between friends, it is equivalent to erecting a barrier between two people. If you don't choose to break the barrier when it becomes deeper and deeper, the distance between the two people will only become wider and wider. Far."

Harry nodded thoughtfully.

"Everyone has secrets, it's understandable, Harry." Dumbledore smiled, "I hope that in the near future, when you doubt whether you can trust him, you can recall that he The help he has given you, and whether he has done anything detrimental to you..."

"I also hope you can talk to Miss Granger about this," Dumbledore said. "I hope she can also understand that she is actually much more important in Brian's heart than she thinks."

"Similarly, I also hope that...as friends, while being tolerant and understanding, you can also...try your best to prevent the mistakes your friends will make." Dumbledore seemed to have some difficulty in spitting out these words, "Be able to forgive your friends. Mistakes are excellent qualities, but stopping your friends before they make them is the most correct and courageous act."

"I think, at this point, Miss Granger has been doing a good job." Dumbledore smiled.

"I'll tell her," Harry said.

"Well, finally, I heard that you had a little conflict with Professor Snape?" Dumbledore looked at Harry sternly with his blue eyes.

Harry felt his stomach churn, thinking of that memory again, and he nodded randomly.

"That's not a contradiction, but hatred..." Harry thought to himself. The problem was that he understood why Snape hated him so much.

Dumbledore's eyes became sharp and he said softly: "I hope you can continue to learn Occlumency from him, Harry."

"That's impossible," Harry said. "I don't think Snape would be willing to do it either."

In the past two days, Snape seemed to treat him as a transparent person and treated him indifferently. In fact, this attitude made Harry feel much better than before.

"Yes, he told me that he is not willing to teach you Occlumency anymore..." Dumbledore said distressedly.

"I wish I could. It's much better to practice on my own than to learn from Snape." Harry said bravely. He avoided Dumbledore's gaze, not wanting to see the reproach in his eyes.

"It's Professor Snape, Harry," Dumbledore corrected.

"Okay, Professor." Harry said perfunctorily.

"Okay, okay, maybe I made a wrong choice by asking him to teach you." Dumbledore said helplessly.

"So far, it seems that you already know the basics of Occlumency. Next, I hope you can practice it on your own... You know how important this is, Harry."

Harry nodded, feeling inexplicably relieved. He finally didn't have to face Snape.

"But you have to understand that Professor Snape is always someone you can trust and rely on." Dumbledore looked at him seriously.

Harry twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded more perfunctorily. He already wanted to leave.

Dumbledore sighed tiredly and said, "Then, let's stop here today."

Harry turned around and walked out, looking at Dumbledore's old and tired face, feeling inexplicably guilty and conflicted.

Brian sat on the edge of the top of the astronomy tower, the parchment in his hand fluttering in the wind.

Brian looked at the Marauder's Map in his hand, paying special attention to the principal's office and the utility room where Draco was, and shook his legs in boredom.

He took out the ancient book left by Slytherin, which recorded many research results and theories on the Death Rune. Although Brian has not yet started to study the Death Rune, it is very beneficial to understand it first, which can save a lot of time in future research.

The last page of the book contains the methods for opening the four relics, which must be opened at specific times and must use the knowledge of astrology.

Brian had already solved the mystery and determined that if he wanted to get the Death Rune inside this year, he would need to use the astrology of that day to open it on the night of May 15th.

"I'll be able to get the Sorting Hat by then." Brian thought boredly, "I hope I can complete the runes by then."

He had a feeling that the Death Rune and the Deathly Hallows were very necessary things for him.

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