Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 288 The Book of Secrets

Brian sat on his four-poster bed, his head slightly lowered and his brows furrowed, as if he had encountered some difficult problem.

As he guessed and understood more about certain mysteries, he became less and less afraid to face Daphne.

Brian looked at the darkness outside the window and sighed softly.

Draco had been given the antidote to the love potion, and now he had woken up, burying himself under the covers in anger and embarrassment.

"I swear, I will kill Pansy Parkinson!" Draco said through gritted teeth.

"Then come on." Brian said perfunctorily.

February passed quickly, and the sky began to become gloomy, humid and rainy. The fog caused by the dementors added a chill to the rain.

Draco was still working hard to repair the disappearing cabinet. In response to some people's attempts to catch him, he came up with a good idea, which was to turn Crabbe and Goyle into other people to guard the door for him. To divert other people's attention when appropriate, he specifically stole Slughorn's pot of Polyjuice Potion.

It worked really well, except for Crabbe and Goyle who were unhappy because they had to turn into girls every so often. Of course, Slughorn was not very happy either. He lost a lot of potions and had to put away all the potions on display in the underground classroom.

Draco gloated about this, and he strongly suspected that Pansy's love potion was stolen from Slughorn.

I don't know what Draco did to Pansy. Recently, Pansy didn't dare to pester him anymore. When she saw Draco, she hurried past with her head lowered, looking a little scared.

Brian is still splitting time between Hogwarts and the Department of Mysteries, indulging in the charm of magic.

At this time, Brian was in the Silent Hall of the Department of Mysteries, combining Flamel's alchemy notes with relevant records in the Department of Mysteries, and was concentrating on carving runes in a thick notebook.

As the white light lit up, Brian felt gratified that this notebook had made a certain connection with the Hall of Silence and had the power to keep secrets here.

Brian put away his tools, picked up the black hard-shell notebook that had returned to normal, his expression became serious, and he slowly walked out of the Hall of Silence with it.

Success or failure depends on this. He must ensure that the notebook still has the power to keep secrets after leaving the Hall of Silence, otherwise he cannot bring people into the Hall of Silence to swear an oath.

Brian stood in the rotunda, ignoring the rumbling rotation of the wall, touching the cover of his notebook, feeling the connection that still existed, and smiled lightly.

"Successful." He breathed a sigh of relief.

For this, Brian spent more than half a year, countless designs and experiments, and scrapped hundreds of notebooks, and finally achieved his goal.

He opened the cover of the notebook, and on the first page there was an oath to keep secret:

Do not disclose information about the "leader" and members to the outside world;

Do not disclose the organization’s true purpose and confidential information to the outside world;

One after another, strict oaths written in beautiful cursive calligraphy filled the title page of the notebook, shimmering slightly and full of mysterious magic.

The notebook stipulated various confidentiality requirements in detail, contacted the Hall of Silence, borrowed its power, and obtained the same ability as the Oath of Silence. At the same time, it is more flexible and confidential. It does not need to be placed in the silent hall all the time and will not be seen by intruders.

"Let's call it the 'Book of Secrets'." Brian named the notebook nonchalantly.

"Now that the Book of Secrets has been formed, we can start doing a lot of things." Brian put it away thoughtfully. He knows that the most important thing he has to do is to keep it secret so that members cannot reveal secrets in any form.

As for those who are suspected of betrayal or have bad intentions, Brian's Legilimency is not a decoration.

The rotation of the wall stopped, and Brian paused for a moment before walking to a door, pushing it open and walking in.

Inside the door was a familiar room, surrounded by darkness. Only the stone platform below, the shaky-looking stone arch, was glowing slightly, and the tattered black curtains were gently swaying.

There seemed to be many familiar voices whispering inside the door, inviting him in as a guest, inviting him to fall into the eternal silence and darkness.

"It's enhanced again..." Brian frowned and sighed softly.

This door of death became more and more attractive to him. The slightly swaying curtains were full of mysterious beauty in Brian's eyes. It seemed that the most beautiful and peaceful place was hidden inside. Those soft calls were even more sad and sad. The urgency made him want to jump in immediately.

Brian looked at the door silently, his black eyes becoming dark and deep, like two deep ancient wells.

"According to relevant research from the Death Hall, people's perception of the door of death depends on each person's attitude towards the deceased around them and their own attitude towards death." Brian recalled the research materials he had read.

"If a person has relatives, lovers, friends, etc. who have passed away, as long as he still misses them, he will hear the familiar and friendly voice outside the door of death and be deeply attracted."

"If a person is afraid of death, then he will have a deep fear of the door of death. On the contrary, if a person is not so afraid of death, he will feel the beauty and attraction of the door."

"The most important thing is..." Brian's face became even more gloomy, "dying people are more attracted to the door of death than others...the closer they are to death, the more profound and irresistible this attraction becomes..."

"It's like a call from death..." Brian narrowed his eyes, with a look that no one could understand.

Brian stood at the door for a long time without going down. Then, he opened the door behind him and returned to the rotunda.

He found the door that could not be opened among the twelve doors, and thoughtfully covered it with his hand, feeling the vigorous and hot power inside the door.

"What Dumbledore called 'love'?" Brian murmured.

To be honest, he was very interested in this power, but it was too ethereal and difficult to carry and study, leaving countless knowledgeable researchers at a loss.

Brian guessed that the so-called "love" may be an extremely strong and rich emotion, burning through sacrifice, giving all the life force and magic of that person to the person he loves. With this kind of emotional sustenance as the center, these magical powers and vitality can evolve into any defensive spell, so they can help people resist the death curse.

"If we follow this hypothesis, the Death Curse may not be irresistible, but we haven't found a way yet." Brian thought. When Voldemort's death curse fell on Harry and bounced back, wasn't it like an iron armor curse? It's just that it's more advanced than the Iron Armor Curse and can resist the Death Curse.

"Or, this emotion itself is a powerful magic, an ancient, miraculous magic." Brian thought, "But no matter which possibility it is, it is worth studying..."

"Um...Harry..." Brian held his chin and left the door, thinking about the exit.

It was late at night and there was no one in the Ministry of Magic. Brian returned to Hogwarts through the fireplace.

Snape was reading an old book in the office. He raised his head when he heard the noise and said, "You're a little late."

"I was just conducting research and forgot about time." Brian smiled and waved his hand to clean away the ashes on his body.

"Slughorn has improved a potion formula to discuss with me. Do you have any ideas?" Snape pulled out a roll of parchment from under the desk.

"Can you really show it to me?" Brian took it.

"It's okay, just discussing." Snape said expressionlessly.

Brian browsed through it and put forward his own opinions based on the knowledge he had learned. This is a potion that heals damage caused by dark magic, and after improvements it is hoped that its effect will become stronger.

As he borrowed many books from the Hogwarts library and read a lot of research materials in the Department of Mysteries, Brian's level and experience increased to an incredible level.

Snape nodded thoughtfully, wrote down some ideas, and also raised objections to some opinions. The two argued for a long time, but neither could convince the other, so they decided to rely on subsequent verification.

Brian smiled and then walked out the door.

"By the way, sir, I have broken that curse." Brian said.

"...I know." Snape was silent for a long time, "Is it that day?"

Brian nodded slightly, opened the door and walked out.

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