Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 290 Nearing

In April, it was stormy.

The sky is always gray, and there is little sunshine throughout the month, which is as gloomy as the mood of the fifth graders.

Professors are constantly reminding them that the O.W.L. exam is getting closer and closer, and students are experiencing more and more homework pressure and psychological pressure. Madam Pomfrey specially made tranquilizers to prevent students from having psychological problems.

Under more pressure, students have a rebellious mentality, and various ways of asking for leave emerge in endlessly.

Of course, no one dared to ask for leave from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and some people joked that Snape had a face that would make students come to class obediently. What's more important is that Snape started teaching the Patronus Charm to the students at the end of the month, even though most of the students had not yet succeeded in casting the Iron Armor Curse.

He seemed to have made up his mind to cram the currently commonly used spells into all students within a year. According to Snape, no one would die foolishly when they were attacked by dementors and so on outside the school. As for those Those who cannot learn are either stupid or lazy. Such people should not go out and run around. It is more suitable for them to lie down at home.

This teaching method put more pressure on students. One girl suddenly burst into tears in class and whimpered that she was too stupid to go outside. Snape nodded in agreement.

"By the way, why didn't Professor Snape demonstrate the Patronus Charm?" Daphne said. Her attitude toward Brian seemed to be back to normal, and she spoke with a smile during class.

"Maybe he doesn't want others to see his patron saint," Brian said.

Snape had never used the Patronus Charm in front of students, and many students secretly speculated that he could not recite this spell at all, just like those dark wizards whose minds were corrupted by black magic. It is said that Harry Potter is a loyal supporter of this statement.

"I heard that you have seen Professor Snape's Patronus?" Daphne's blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Yes, a very beautiful patron saint." Brian smiled mysteriously.

Snape seemed to have heard the conversation between the two of them and glanced this way.

Brian stopped and Daphne pouted dissatisfied.

Seeing Snape praising Draco and the others for learning the Patronus Charm early, Brian asked, "Why don't you recite the spell?"

"I have learned. There is no need to show off like a peacock." Daphne glanced at Draco, whose nostrils were about to rise to the sky, and said calmly, "Besides, you haven't recited a spell, haven't you?"

Brian shrugged noncommittally.

After class, they climbed up the tall north tower and came to the sweltering divination classroom filled with strong fragrance.

Sybill Trelawney blinked like a giant humanoid insect as she watched the students enter the classroom one by one, her eyes widened by the thick lenses of her glasses.

When everyone entered the classroom, Trelawney nodded as if satisfied and took out a pile of cards from the table.

She motioned for everyone to work in pairs and take out the old playing cards from the cabinet next to them, and began to talk about the meaning of card divination.

This class was boring and boring. Brian interpreted the playing cards that Daphne pulled out according to what was written in the book. Harry and Ron started playing playing cards out of boredom.

"What are you doing?" After Harry slapped the three "K's" on the table, Trelawney floated behind the two people like a ghost and said in an inarticulate voice, which scared Harry so much that he almost fell off his chair. Jump up.

"Uh, we're doing divination, Professor. Well... three K's represent very... very anxious thoughts..." Ron put the cards in his hand on the table very naturally and reached out to shuffle the cards on the table.

Trelawney's eyes seemed to become watery, and she shouted nervously, saying in a low and trembling tone: "Oh, don't try to deceive the prophet's third eye, although I know that your eyes are always blinded by the world, Without much prophetic talent, one cannot see the truth..."

"Prophets always make people feared and ostracized. People only want to believe what they want to hear..." Trelawney seemed to be immersed in her own world, speaking in a crazy and fierce tone, "But prophets always need to make decisions. Remind...even if that person doesn't believe it."

"Disaster!" she suddenly shouted, startling the surrounding students, "Disaster, misfortune, getting closer and closer! The prophecy I just made not long ago, give it to Dumbledore!"

"Yes, he just like many ordinary people decided to ignore the warning of the cards, even Dumbledore is not immune..." Trelawney used her bony hands to pull the shawl on her body and muttered, " The tower that was struck by lightning is really not a good sign... I think we should change the classroom next time we have class, away from the tower, that's right..."

Ron burst out laughing, then covered his mouth tightly, and received a fierce look from Trelawney.

Then, Trelawney nodded kindly to Parvati next to her and said, "Ordinary people will never understand the world in the eyes of a prophet. This is the hardship that a prophet must go through."

Parvati nodded with encouragement.

"You have to know, Harry, her predictions must have been upgraded." Ron whispered to Harry in a low voice, "This may be a good sign, at least you are not the only one she predicts bad luck for..."

Harry hummed and began to draw cards meticulously.

"Stay away from the tower?" Daphne whispered, then looked at Brian who seemed to be in a daze and asked, "Brian, what are you thinking about?"

"Stay away from the tower." Brian said thoughtfully, "To a certain extent, she is indeed quite accurate."

"Ah?" Daphne was confused.

"Destiny is my shortcoming. You know, I don't have the talent for prophecy." Brian changed the subject with a smile.

"Me neither." Daphne whispered, "I'm a little suspicious that the so-called divination is a lie."

"Divination may be, but fate is not." Brian pondered.

After class, they rushed back to the auditorium. They needed to finish their dinner quickly because there was an astronomy class in the evening.

"It's a high tower again." Daphne sighed.

Brian finished the grilled fish in silence, and the group walked towards the astronomy tower.

"Brian." Draco leaned over and whispered, "I have something to tell you..."

Brian and Draco walked to the side, looked at him and said, "What's wrong?"

"I'm almost successful!" Draco clenched his fists excitedly, "It's only been a few days, and it's only a few steps away."

"Congratulations." Brian's eyes were a little deep.

"You said, when did you plan to do it?" Draco looked at Brian.

"We'll talk about it later." Brian smiled, "Where do you put the cabinet now?"

"It's in the Astronomy Tower. I decided to put it here in the next few days." Draco squinted his eyes.

"Nice place." Brian sighed.

They glanced at Daphne and the others, who were looking at them curiously, and quickened their pace to follow.

The starry sky tonight is extremely bright. It is an ideal night for observing celestial bodies. It is a rare good weather since April. The students came to the top of the tower, set up their telescopes, and observed today's stars.

From here, you can see the entire venue bathed in silver moonlight, and there is a chill in the air.

They observed the starry sky according to the professor's guidance, filled in the astrological charts, and listened to Professor Sinistra's lecture on astrology. His voice sounded empty at the top of the tower.

Brian marked the image map early, stretched out his hand to touch the ground, and squinted as if checking something.

After a long time, Brian withdrew his hand with satisfaction. At this time, Professor Sinister announced that get out of class was over.

The students returned noisily to their common rooms, where a notice about career guidance was posted on the bulletin board, requiring all fifth-year students to interview the dean about future employment.

"There is a brochure about wizard careers over the table," Daphne pointed. "In fact, this year's employment guidance is a bit late."

"It's two or three weeks later than in previous years." Theodore nodded, "It's understandable. After all, the situation is different this year."

Brian smiled and asked, "Daphne, what job do you want to do?"

"A therapist?" Daphne said, "Or going to work as a researcher at the Ministry of Magic... I want to see again."

As she spoke, she flipped through the booklet on the table.

Draco glanced at it, didn't take it to heart at all, and shuffled proudly past the notice board. Judging from the situation of the Malfoy family, he didn't need to think about these tasks at all.

Crabbe and Goyle followed. Their results were quite troublesome.

"If you don't want to compete with trolls for security positions in the future, you should spend more time studying!" A girl in the distance was teaching his friend, which made Brian laugh dumbly.

Only one chapter updated today. I found a bug in the later plot. I need to redesign it and change the outline. Sorry~

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