Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 287 Valentine’s Day

The night passed in the anxiety of many students. The next day, the castle was still peaceful and peaceful.

The professors calmed the students' emotions and sealed off the entire corridor in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and the incident was considered over.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class temporarily changed classrooms, and Snape began to teach the students the Iron Armor Charm without any explanation. As for some students who have not yet learned the coma spell, according to Snape, they are probably not suitable for studying magic, and studying trolls is more suitable for them.

The closed corridor attracted the curiosity of many students, and some people always sneaked over to explore. Soon, the situation in the classroom spread among the students, and the professors did not keep it secret. Obviously, as long as someone stood outside the castle and took a look, they could see the big black hole.

Some people speculated that Death Eaters rushed in and wanted to blow up Hogwarts, but were stopped by Dumbledore. Some people thought it was Snape who was conducting some magic experiment. Of course, more people thought it was the Weasley twins who had caused the problem, because they had been inventing and experimenting with their joke products this school year.

Even Harry and the others thought it was the twins who had done it, because the two happened to sneak out of the common room that night and were punished by Professor McGonagall. From this point of view, it makes sense that the Weasley twins blew a hole in the castle because of something they invented.

The twins couldn't argue with each other. The good thing is that their joke products are selling more hotly, and many students feel that they really have "two skills." This made Mr. Filch's job more difficult. He would always poke every student passing by with a long and thin detector in the corridor during class breaks. He confiscated a lot of joke products and also caused trouble. A lot of chaos.

After Professor McGonagall confiscated two large packages of merchandise from the twins with a straight face, life finally became a lot quieter.

Soon, the big hole in the castle was repaired, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was restored to use, and few people discussed the matter.

Before you know it, January has passed by in a hurry, and February has arrived with warmer and humid weather.

The magical world has become a lot quieter recently, and the Death Eaters seem to have restrained themselves a little, or perhaps a more terrifying storm is brewing. Attacks by dementors and werewolves still occurred from time to time, giants were operating maliciously on the border, and Muggles disappeared in the mountains from time to time.

In Hogwarts, fifth-year students face an even more staggering workload and have no time to worry about anything else.

Slughorn's parties became more frequent again, and these gatherings he missed Draco without exception, and Brian never went to such gatherings again.

The second trip to Hogsmeade this school year falls on Valentine's Day.

Even when faced with a crushing workload, the students were still excited. Even though Filch shakily poked them one by one with a detector, it did not affect their good mood.

Hogsmeade village once again ushered in excitement and hustle and bustle. Little wizards couldn't wait to rush into various shops, and there were many men and women holding hands among them.

Although warning posters were posted in front of every shop, there were photos of Death Eaters whose identities had been revealed, looking coldly at every little wizard who passed by, and Aurors patrolling both sides of the street with stern faces, but these had no impact. to the enthusiasm of the students.

Brian was walking on the streets of Hogsmeade, and Theodore said goodbye to them and went to wander around the magic equipment shop alone. Blaise stayed at Hogwarts, and Draco was dragged away by Astoria with a smile on the way. Followers Crabbe and Goyle naturally followed.

In the blink of an eye, only Brian and Daphne were left walking together. Brian turned his head and took a look. Daphne's long golden hair was fluttering in the wind, like shining gold in the sun. Her milky white and delicate cheeks were a beautiful pink color, and her blue eyes were bright and bright. clear.

There was a peaceful smile on her lips. She was quiet and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Uh...where do you want to go, Daphne?" Brian didn't know what to say.

"Well, where do you want to go?" Daphne said as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"Honeydukes, Three Broomsticks or Zuko's Joke Shop?" Brian said, "Actually, they're all pretty much the same..." He was just out to relax, and he could go anywhere.

Daphne looked around, seeming to realize that she and Brian were the only two left, and the pink on her cheeks became more intense.

"I don't have anything I want to go to... maybe Three Broomsticks." She looked towards the nearest store.

They walked into the Three Broomsticks bar. There were many people sitting inside and it looked messy. Brian ordered two drinks and the two sat at a table facing each other.

Valentine's Day is always filled with love, even in a crowded bar. There were couples walking back and forth holding hands everywhere, and several people even confessed their love to each other while drinking, and there was a lot of booing all around.

Brian and Daphne looked at each other and smiled, and they seemed to understand each other very well.

The two chatted, ranging from the summer concert to the Quidditch game, and from the new products of Zuko's Joke Shop to a certain entertainment magazine. They looked at the people around them. Some people they knew greeted them, and some they didn't know were making noises.

Luna hummed "Weasley is our king", came over to chat for a while and then left. Cedric and Qiu Zhang were walking around holding hands. Harry didn't look at them sourly this time. He talked absently to Hermione and Ron, his eyes always falling on the other side of Jin. Ni's expression was in a trance.

Brian and Daphne walked around Hogsmeade Village again and visited the Hog's Head Bar before returning to Hogwarts in the evening.

In the evening, students gathered in the common room, chatting excitedly. Some people were showing off their newly acquired gadgets, some were playing wizard chess, some were sharing candies, and some couples were talking sweetly.

Brian and Daphne were sitting in front of the fireplace. Draco and the others also came back, and the looks they looked at them were very intriguing.

Draco originally wanted to make a few jokes, but then he stopped talking under Brian's half-smiling gaze, and sat aside proudly with his face raised. Astoria put her chin in her hands and smiled sweetly.

Brian poured Daphne a glass of honey lemonade but hesitated to speak.



The two people said something in unison, then stopped talking and looked at each other.

"You speak first……"

"You speak first……"

Same words again.

Daphne chuckled, then covered the raised corners of her mouth with the back of her hand, and looked to the other side. Brian also shook his head in amusement.

"Brian, do you still remember what you said at the Christmas dance last year?" Daphne suddenly said softly, "You said, let me get to know you first, and then make a choice..."

"I..." Brian lowered his eyes and opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Daphne suddenly turned her head to look at him, reached out and pinched Brian's sleeve, as if she was afraid that he would escape, her blue eyes were serious and determined.

"Brian, I..."

Draco stood up with a whoosh, overturning his chair and interrupting Daphne's next words.

Draco shook Astoria's hand away, with a melancholy and deep expression on his face.

"No, I don't think I should be so close to you, Astoria." Draco said with a certain guilt on his face.

Astoria opened her mouth blankly, tilted her head, and said "Ah" in confusion.

"For the first time, I discovered that she is so charming... Although she is not beautiful enough, she is the most perfect goddess in my dreams." Draco was indescribably sentimental, "I actually had such a deep prejudice against her before. …”

He said regretfully and sadly: "I am really not a human being!"

Daphne looked at Draco in shock, and Brian raised his eyebrows and almost laughed. Astoria's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and her head was filled with questions.

"I'm going to ask her for forgiveness!" Draco looked around anxiously, "Where's Pansy? Where is Pansy?"

His eyes lit up and he was about to run towards the group of girls on the other side.

Brian waved to Draco, who yawned sleepily, shrank back in his chair and fell asleep.

"What's wrong with him?" Daphne said.

"Did he drink something?" Brian looked at Astoria.

Astoria pointed to the drink on Draco's table and said angrily and amusedly: "He drank this... I thought you put it here."

"Love potion?" Daphne came back to her senses, "But the effect of the love potion should be more natural..."

Brian dipped the drink in the cup and said helplessly: "The dosage is too much..."

Astoria glanced at Pansy, who was looking over anxiously, and then at Draco, who was sleeping soundly, with an expression that didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Send him back, I will get the antidote." Brian said to Crabbe and Goyle.

Seeing Crabbe and Goyle carrying Draco back, Astoria hugged her shoulders angrily and glared angrily at Pansy Parkinson.

Brian and Daphne looked at each other helplessly. Daphne opened her mouth and said, "Brian, I..."

"I'm going to check on Draco first." Brian said hurriedly, walking quickly towards the dormitory.

Daphne looked at Brian's back blankly, her eyes filled with water.

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