Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 286 Lifting the Curse

After Brian walked out of the principal's office, he looked back. The stone monster jumped sideways, blocking the door he came out of.

He turned around and left. Wind blew at the end of the corridor, causing the firelight on both sides to sway and reflect the surrounding area in a warm yellow color.

Dumbledore suddenly revealed his plan, and to be honest, Brian was caught off guard. More importantly, Brian discovered that everything Dumbledore said was true, exactly the same as his arrangement in the original work.

The more this happened, the more vigilant Brian became. He didn't think Dumbledore would suddenly become so honest.

In fact, Brian, who once viewed the overall situation from God's perspective, was always wary of Dumbledore. Although Voldemort was not very smart, he was still a Dark Lord. As a result, he was stripped of his cocoon by Dumbledore, and his arrangements were made clear from beginning to end, and he was kept in the dark until his death.

Tonight, the sincere and calm Dumbledore was more like a wolf disguised as a white rabbit.

Therefore, Brian would rather judge a gentleman with a villain's heart than follow Dumbledore's instructions and arrangements.

He didn't know what Dumbledore was paying attention to, and he didn't want to worry about it. Regardless of whether he is sincere or fake, as long as Brian himself does not make mistakes, is not greedy, and does not reveal his desire for the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore cannot take advantage of him.

Brian didn't believe that Dumbledore would actually hand over the Elder Wand to him. He might as well follow the overall grasp of the plot, control the development of things remotely, and always get what he wanted in the end.

Brian turned around and walked toward the Room of Requirement. As the night gets darker, students are gradually prohibited from going out, and the surroundings are very quiet.

In the laboratory transformed from the Room of Requirement, under the bright lights, Brian looked at the castle model in front of him with a solemn expression, surrounded by a lot of things.

"It's not too difficult to get rid of this curse. What's difficult is the final backlash of the curse." Brian sorted out the solution and no longer had any doubts in his mind. "We must ensure that the cursed person will not be killed by the curse's backlash..."

In the castle model, the black and red mist looks evil and ominous in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The same goes for the little man who represents Snape.

"First, draw out the curse..." Brian set out the crucible and skillfully added medicinal ingredients to it, stirring gently occasionally.

After more than an hour, the potion in the crucible turned into a beautiful sky blue, and strings of bubbles exploded on the surface, like complex flowers blooming.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cauldron, and placed it next to the castle model.

He pointed at the magic potion with the wand in his hand, and then pointed at the black-red mist in the model. Wisps of sky-blue smoke floated out from the potion and into the exquisite little model, touching those ominous figures. fog.

The black-red mist was like a shark that had smelled the fishy smell. After rolling violently, it swung its teeth and claws toward the potion in the crucible along the sky-blue smoke, and gradually blended into it.

Soon, only a trace of smoke remained in the classroom and the little man in the castle model, but this part was unwilling to leave. The potion in the crucible was rolling rapidly, gradually turning into pitch black, and the sky blue was quickly disappearing.

"It's time." Brian stared at the crucible solemnly, and before the potion completely expired, he cast a fire spell on the crucible.

Lihuo is a powerful black magic that represents the ultimate destructive power. It can destroy Horcruxes and naturally destroy curses.

The crucible "soared" and was enveloped in the coquettish purple flames. The black mist rolled and struggled in the flames, transforming into ferocious and twisted human faces. The eyes were red vertical pupils, and they were roaring silently and fighting madly. Burning with fierce fire, I want to rush out.

Where could the fierce fire allow the food delivered to the mouth to escape, the purple fire transformed into greedy and vicious giant birds, salamanders, chimaeras and fire dragons, biting the curses crazily. Several fire beasts looked at Brian greedily, but under Brian's control, they could only vent all their power on the curse.

At this time, Brian no longer cared about the confrontation between Li Huo and the curse, and just maintained basic control over Li Huo. He turned his attention to the castle model, where the last traces of black and red smoke seemed to be about to explode.

Brian pointed his wand at the little man representing Snape and cast the Confusion Charm on the trace of curse on him. The smoke swayed, left the villain, and flew into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, blending with the mist inside.

Confusion spells, at the master level, can not only confuse people and objects, but also certain magics. Brian let this part of the curse think that Snape was not the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The curse lost its target and naturally flew back.

As the fierce fire from the outside world completely gained the upper hand, soon, the black-red mist representing the curse was completely swallowed up. One by one, the fire beasts gained great power and began to break free from Brian's control, extending their flame tentacles to everything around them.

In the castle model, the remaining black and red smoke seemed to have lost its support and exploded with a bang, blowing the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to pieces, and then there was no trace left.

Hogwarts seemed to shake violently, and there was a loud explosion-like sound in the castle, which seemed to make the whole castle jump.

Brian then looked away and looked at Li Huo, who was losing control.

"All curses end!"

A strong golden light exploded from the tip of Brian's wand and rushed towards the fierce fire that was spreading wantonly. Li Huo struggled violently and let out a silent howl, turning the laboratory into a torch.

As the golden light became stronger and stronger, the purple fire monster finally became smaller and smaller unwillingly, and then gradually extinguished, turning into a thin stream of smoke.

The Room of Requirement fell into darkness, and the surrounding area was in a mess caused by the fierce fire. Most of the room turned into a charred black, and the air was filled with a burning smell.

There was a commotion outside, a sound that could be heard even in the Room of Requirement. Some people were shouting, some were cursing, and there were panicked footsteps.

Brian glanced at the castle model and saw that the black-red mist had completely disappeared. The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was blown into a large hole that penetrated from top to bottom, left, and right, and the surrounding area was scorched black. If someone looked from outside the castle, they would definitely be able to clearly see that a large circular hole was blown out of the outer wall of the castle in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"So, this method is a bit rough." Brian shrugged and watched as the little people representing the professors gathered around and stood around outside the classroom.

If he hadn't transferred the curse on Snape to the classroom, Snape might have ended badly.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who had resigned, Brian discussed it with Dumbledore and the curse researchers from the Department of Mysteries, and confirmed that those people were carrying the aftermath of the curse, and the backlash would make them sick for a few days at most. That's why Brian directly forced the crack.

Brian looked at it and made sure there was no problem. Then he put the model away and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally solved." He stretched and walked out of the Room of Requirement leisurely.

As for the frightened professors, anxious students, and Hogwarts becoming nervous again...that's none of Brian's business.

Brian returned to the common room, ignoring the random thoughts of the students who gathered together with frightened faces, and went straight back to the dormitory.

Snape was sitting in his office grading students' homework. He frowned and gave the paper he was reading a "T" without mercy, then threw it aside like trash.

The castle suddenly shook, and the loud sound made him almost knock over the ink bottle.

"Something happened?" Snape raised his head, thinking for a moment that Draco had led the Death Eaters in.

However, he inexplicably felt a lot lighter all of a sudden, as if he could suddenly breathe after being suffocated for a long time.

"Strange..." He took out his wand and floated out of the office like a big black bat.

When he arrived at the door of his classroom, he fell into silence looking at the large ventilation holes in front of him.

"Obviously, it must have been Peeves who blew it up," Filch said.

"It's unjust -" Peeves yelled at the side and betrayed him mercilessly, "It must be the Weasley twins. They always like to sneak out at night recently, and they love doing this the most!"

"No..." A blurt murmured in the distance, and then seemed to be covered.

Professor McGonagall angrily pulled out the Weasley twins from another classroom. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, her nose was twitching, and her eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

"Unjust, Professor..." Fred and George said in unison, "It must have been Peeves!"

"I think, whoever it is, your confinement will be changed to five times a week until the end of this semester!" Professor McGonagall yelled.

Seeing Filch's malicious smile, the twins shrank.

"I think it was an explosion of some cursed power... It seemed to have existed a long time ago, but it just happened to explode at this time." Professor Flitwick recited a long list of spells and concluded.

"Okay, I guess we have to think about how to fix it..." Professor McGonagall finished teaching the twins and looked at the big hole in front of her with a headache that could see the scenery outside the castle.

Snape's eyes flickered, an unfathomable expression on his face.

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