Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 285 Entrustment

During lunch the next day, a junior Slytherin student ran over, handed Brian a roll of parchment, and said, "The professor asked me to give it to you..."

Brian took the parchment, thanked him gently, and then opened it and looked at it with a thoughtful expression.

"Slughorn's invitation letter?" Draco raised his eyes.

"No." Brian smiled and put the letter away.

Slughorn seemed to have forgotten to invite Draco to the last party he threw, which made Draco even more dissatisfied.

"Oh," Draco responded, piercing his steak with his fork.

Brian glanced around and saw Daphne looking at him. When Brian noticed her, Daphne showed a slight smile.

At night, Brian walked through the empty corridor and came to the principal's office again.

The circular office looked exactly the same as usual, with the portraits of the old principals still dozing in their respective frames. Fawkes the phoenix transformed into a fledgling, now with feathers and flapping its wings awkwardly in the ashes.

Dumbledore was wearing a blue and purple robe and looked energetic. He looked at Brian with a smile and said: "Good evening, Brian. Sit down."

"Thank you, sir." Brian sat down on the chair across the table and looked at Dumbledore quietly with his black eyes.

"Would you like some creamy lemon pie? I really like this lately." Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone as he pulled out a stack of desserts from the side.

Brian shook his head, his expression unchanged.

Dumbledore didn't speak anymore. He quietly ate a lemon pie with an afterthought expression on his face.

Brian watched silently, and then looked at the things in the office silently.

"I think you must be wondering why I came to you, right?" Dumbledore wiped the corners of his mouth with satisfaction and said seriously.

"Yes, sir." Brian nodded to show dignity, "I assume you didn't come to me specifically to watch you eat, right?"

"Of course, in fact, the cream lemon pie is really delicious. I highly recommend you try it." Dumbledore continued in a serious tone.

Brian had a faint smile on his face and didn't say anything.

"Ah, I mean, you already know my situation." Dumbledore said seriously.

"Yeah, I won't live long," Brian said.

"That's right," Dumbledore agreed, as if the two of them were discussing not that he was going to die, but what they had for dinner. "This means that my arrangements for Voldemort must be left to others to complete."

The smile on Brian's face did not change, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I think our cooperation counts, Brian?" Dumbledore said calmly.

"Do you think it still counts, sir?" Brian asked back.

"Of course, we will always be on the same side when it comes to dealing with Voldemort." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Brian didn't respond to this and said, "So?"

"So, Brian, if I entrust this matter to you, are you willing to accept it?" Dumbledore looked at him deeply.

"Leave it to me?" Brian raised his eyebrows and looked at Dumbledore suspiciously. He became wary, feeling that Dumbledore was going to dig a hole for himself.

"What do you want to do?" Brian said slowly.

"As you can imagine, first of all, we need to find Voldemort's Horcruxes." Dumbledore said softly. "At this point, we have made enough progress. However, I have every reason to think that Voldemort will His soul was divided into seven parts..."

"That is to say, in addition to the ruined diary, the locket, the ring in Gaunt's old house, and the crown in your hand, Voldemort himself and the snake beside him, there is another missing person." Dumbledore took stock.

Brian listened quietly without saying that he had already taken the gold cup into his hand.

"I will leave the task of finding Horcruxes to Harry and the others." Dumbledore said softly.

"But, what you and I both know is...Harry may be Voldemort's seventh Horcrux." Dumbledore's tone seemed to be sighing, "Or, in other words, half a Horcrux. In other words, as long as Harry If he is still alive and a fragment of Voldemort's soul is protected by him, Voldemort will never die."

"Fortunately, Voldemort created a glimmer of hope for Harry. He used Harry's blood to resurrect him, and also ensured that the guardian spell left by Harry's mother would always protect Harry when he faced Voldemort... "

"So, only by letting Voldemort kill Harry with his own hands can Harry truly get rid of Voldemort's soul fragments."

"But it's not safe enough... What if Harry dies too? I've been thinking about this." Dumbledore squeezed his strangely shaped wand with his good hand. "Fortunately, I learned not long ago that , Voldemort is looking for a powerful wand..."

"If you can give Voldemort a wand that does not belong to him and is never willing to kill its true owner..." Dumbledore's blue eyes were like deep lakes, "then this will not only ensure that Harry will not die. , and allows us to kill Voldemort easily."

Brian's black eyes were calm and deep, looking quietly at Dumbledore's blue eyes.

"I happen to have such a wand in my hand, Brian." Dumbledore said softly, "The legendary Elder Wand, Death Rod, Destiny Wand... the most powerful and ruthless wand."

Brian said calmly: "Is it really okay to just tell me this casually?"

"I said I was going to die, Brian," said Dumbledore. "I want you to know my plan."

"I think our goals are the same when it comes to dealing with Voldemort." Dumbledore smiled, "As you said, shouldn't it be appropriate for collaborators to know each other's plans? "

"Okay, now I understand, Mr. Dumbledore." Brian nodded expressionlessly.

"So, back to the original question... Are you willing to complete this plan for me after my death, Brian?" Dumbledore's eyes contained expectation, "It won't hurt your friends. The deceased is just Voldemort. plan of?"

"Even without me, you will find another person to implement this plan, right, sir?" Brian stared at Dumbledore, "There is no need for me to intervene. You can find someone you trust more..."

"I think you deserve my trust, Brian." Dumbledore said sincerely.

"Me? Are you sure?" Brian had a faint sarcasm on his lips, "What about Professor Snape?"

"Ah, you really know... I said you must have the gift of prophecy." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Yes, I trust Severus extremely, but he may not be the best person." After all, we can't put all our secrets in one basket, especially one that spends a lot of time hanging on Voldemort's arm."

"I don't think Professor Snape will like your decision." The sarcasm on Brian's lips became more intense.

"So, I hope to leave this matter to you... whatever Professor Snape needs to do depends on you." Dumbledore said.

"This won't do me any good, sir." Brian narrowed his eyes.

"It allows you to better implement your plans, display your ambitions, and protect your friends in time. Isn't this a benefit?"

"I didn't know you were thinking so carefully about me, sir." Brian said sarcastically with a flat smile.

"I am serious, Brian," said Dumbledore. "In fact, as you said before, your ideas may be easier for me to accept. There is no one more suitable for me than you."

"Voldemort is looking for this wand. I think, before he finds me here..." Dumbledore continued, "Here, as long as you defeat me first... cast a disarming spell on me."

Brian said calmly: "It's not a good idea to hand things over to someone Harry and the others don't trust, sir."

"On the contrary, you are the best candidate, Brian." Dumbledore said.

Brian curled his lips and said noncommittally: "You'd better find someone else, sir."

"Okay..." Dumbledore rubbed his eyebrows and said suddenly, "You really don't want a piece of lemon pie?"

Brian twitched the corners of his mouth, took a piece of lemon pie, and took a bite.

It's sour and sweet, just the right amount of sourness, and the right amount of sweetness.

After finally finishing eating, he said "good night", then turned and walked out the door.

"I also want to apologize for my distrust of you before," Dumbledore's voice came from behind him, "I always mess up something, and I also taste the consequences..."

"Let me say I'm sorry here, Brian."

"You don't need to apologize to me, that's human nature, sir." Brian said over his shoulder before walking out.

Dumbledore smiled and closed his eyes as if he couldn't bear the fatigue, his long beard trembling slightly.

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