Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 284 Dumbledore’s Instructions

"What are your plans?" Snape stared at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not answer directly, but asked softly: "What has the Malfoy boy done these days?"

"In fact, he doesn't like me very much recently... He is very wary, but I have reason to believe that he is trying to open a door for the Dark Lord in Hogwarts." Snape said indifferently, "But I want to , the Dark Lord did not expect him to complete this task."

"Yeah, originally this was just a cover to divert someone's attention, but it's different now." Dumbledore looked at the gadget on the table that was puffing out streams of smoke, and said calmly, " Voldemort will soon find that he has to count on this to enable him to break into Hogwarts at the right moment."

"You mean, the Dark Lord would want to break into the school? While you are still alive?" Snape said slowly.

"Yes," Dumbledore smiled, "and I should die at the right time..."

Snape said nothing, he looked at Dumbledore quietly.

"How is Brian?" Dumbledore did not continue, changed the subject, and asked seemingly casually.

"Still the same." Snape frowned slightly, "Can't see clearly."

"At least there is one thing that is gratifying. He has been running for the curse of this position... you have successfully entered the small circle in his heart." Dumbledore smiled.

Snape fell silent.

"I just hope, Severus, you can trust him more." Dumbledore said seriously, "Don't make the same mistake as me..."

He glanced at his charred and withered hand and smiled bitterly: "I admit that I made a mistake, not only because of the injury, but also because I didn't really trust him at that time..."

"In fact, I should have thought that when he told me the dangers of going to get the ring, gave me advice, and offered to wait for my invitation to come with me, he was already ready to open his heart to me. …”

"But I messed up, again..." Dumbledore sighed, "Maybe it's because of my arrogance, but these days, I understand more and more that it's because I didn't really choose to believe him... I don't know how dangerous it is there. Voldemort will definitely be operating there for a long time. Even I dare not say that I can really safely break through all the means that Voldemort has tried his best to lay out..."

"Actually, I know that it is very important to have someone to help." Dumbledore said, "But as I said, I didn't go to him... I didn't really trust him, and I even forgot his advice... …”

"I broke my promise..." Dumbledore sighed, "I said I would trust him, but it turned out that everything I said was a lie..."

"The truth is, I pushed him away with my own hands." Dumbledore's blue eyes were deep and vicissitudes of life.

Snape squinted his eyes, unable to see clearly the look in his eyes.

"Severus, I hope you won't make the same mistake as me... As I said, Brian is a person who attaches great importance to emotions, but not many people can be put into his heart..."

"But again, the estrangement is from both sides. When you create estrangement between people, the distance between the two people has already begun to grow apart." Dumbledore said, "I think that that night in the Department of Mysteries, he did not take any direct action. Isn’t it because I feel the gap?”

Snape nodded and said: "I understand, you don't need to say that. I think what we need to discuss most now is the issue of the Dark Lord, and you have to..."

"The question of dying." Snape said with a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "In the near future, Voldemort will enter Hogwarts and want to kill me with his own hands."

"Severis, I hope... if Brian wants to deal with me at that time, you can make an effort to let me..." Dumbledore said softly, "Let me not die in Brian's hands... …”

"Wait, Brian, he wants to kill you?" Snape said.

Dumbledore looked deeply and nodded: "That is a possibility... If that really happens, I hope you will try your best to stop him and let me die in the hands of Voldemort or Death Eaters... Even if necessary, Severus, please kill me with your own hands."

"Then why not do it now?" Snape's tone was full of sarcasm, "Or do you need some time to come up with a tombstone?"

"Oh, no need for now." Dumbledore looked at his withered hands with a smile, "That moment will come, and it will definitely happen within this six months."

"Since you don't care about death, why don't you let Brian do it?" Snape said rudely.

"That's different. Once he takes this step, he will never be able to look back." Dumbledore said softly, "Once he breaks through that bottom line, there will be no way back... He shouldn't Going down that road, I was trying to redeem myself from my mistakes.”

"What about me, Dumbledore?"

"I think if that day goes as I wish... Brian will arrange your affairs next." Dumbledore smiled, "I said, you can trust him and follow him."

"Then what if your plan fails?" Snape said coldly.

"Then, I'm afraid you will usher in an era that is not so satisfactory." Dumbledore sighed, "Then, I just hope that you can still follow him and do your best to protect the students of Hogwarts, West Fleurs.”

Snape was silent for a long time and nodded stiffly.

"Thank you, Severus." Dumbledore seemed satisfied.

Snape walked out of the office. Before leaving, he asked: "So, there is no need for me to teach that idiot Potter how to learn Occlumency?"

"No, I hope you can continue, Severus." Dumbledore smiled tiredly, "Just in case."

"Okay." Snape muttered a word unsatisfied, and then left without looking back.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. The portraits of the old principals who were stunned by the conversation just started chattering again.

Dumbledore thought for a while, pulled out a piece of parchment, and wrote on it: "Dear Brian, if you have time, I hope you can come to my office at eight o'clock tonight. I hope you will Have fun - yours truly, Albus Dumbledore."

"Also: I like sour popcorn."

Dumbledore rolled up the parchment and sighed softly.

Brian put down the carving pen, put the surrounding tools into his small bag, then stood up and stretched his muscles.

The moon hung high in the sky, the starlight seemed much dimmer, and several wolf howls could be heard from time to time in the Forbidden Forest.

Brian sat on the edge of the astronomy tower, looking down at the entire castle. From here you can see the entire site, the deep lake, Hagrid's hut and the vast Forbidden Forest.

There were footsteps behind him, and Brian waved his wand and turned to look at the stairs.

Peeves grinned and flew up, randomly throwing mud bombs he snatched from some little wizard. Mud bombs exploded all around with a loud noise, and yellow-brown mud splashed everywhere, clinging tightly to the surrounding open space.

Peeves laughed loudly, and the administrator Filch panted and climbed to the top of the tower, angrily yelling at Peeves. However, he stepped on the mud on the ground and slipped and fell down in the mud.

Peeves slapped Filch's butt and made a face proudly, then threw the remaining mud bombs at Filch. In the blink of an eye, Filch turned into a clay figure.

Mrs. Norris was jumping flexibly next to her, her whole body was covered with hair, and she made a threatening sound of "hissing" at Peeves, but was affected by the mud bomb, as if she had just crawled out of the mud.

Brian watched this scene from the side, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he tapped Peeves with his wand.

Peeves screamed, his head buried in his bent knees, his hands pressed against the soles of his feet, turning into a big ball floating in the air, bouncing feebly in the air.

Filch grinned happily and kicked the ball that Peeves had turned into. His foot passed through Peeves' body, and he lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground again.

Peeves screamed and bounced away. Filch looked around suspiciously, then chased after him with his cat.

Brian smiled slightly and jumped down from the tower, slowly falling like a feather.

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