Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 281 Pursuit

The campus has returned to its usual calm after Christmas, but the fifth-grade students are facing greater pressure.

The professors once again emphasized the importance of the O.W.L. exam and tacitly increased the amount of homework in each subject. The students sighed and quickly walked away from the terror brought by the Dark Lord, facing the more terrifying homework and exams that were imminent for them.

In the common room at night, it was so quiet that the only sound was the rustling of quills across parchment. The lower grade students gradually yawned and went back to their dormitories to rest, leaving only some upper grade students still staying up late to write hard.

"Draco hasn't come back yet." Daphne scrawled on the paper with her pen tip, her expression a little worried, "I'm afraid he is doing something bad."

"Why do you think so?" Brian glanced at Daphne.

"Hiding everyone, secretly doing something with Crabbe and Goyle..." Daphne said matter-of-factly, "It's the same during Christmas, he seems to want to fix something, and he has been learning alchemy recently."

"Maybe that's his secret." Brian said without changing his expression.

Daphne glanced at Brian secretly, pursed her lips slightly and said, "You must know... you also lent him your alchemy notes to help him improve his alchemy skills..."

Brian smiled and said nothing.

Daphne held her chin with some worry, looked at the dark lake outside the window, and said softly: "I heard from my father that Draco's father was arrested. That night he followed the Dark Lord and attacked the Ministry of Magic...Dela Ko must be worried about this, but he didn't tell anyone, not even Astoria..."

"I think... did he take on some... secret mission?" Daphne said in confusion.

"You must be supporting him to complete this thing, otherwise you wouldn't help him..." Daphne continued without hearing Brian's reply, "You are always planning something, which makes it difficult for people to guess."

Brian blinked slightly. Daphne suddenly turned her head to look at Brian and said, "I mean...if there's anything I can do to help, you can tell me..."

Her cheeks turned slightly red, but her tone was very smooth and firm: "I will support you, you know, I said, I will always be on your side..."

"I know." Brian said softly, more like talking to himself.

The stone walls of the common room parted to both sides, and Blaise walked in from the outside, his expression looking a little gloomy. He didn't stop in the common room, but went straight back to his dormitory. Theodore Nott raised his eyelids slightly, then lowered his head again.

"Brace seemed to have been trying to figure out what Draco was doing," Daphne lowered her voice and said, "They had several quarrels, and they almost got into a fight on Christmas..."

When she said this, she frowned and lowered her eyes slightly, looking a little sad. Daphne was very reluctant to see two people who were friends with each other become estranged or even go their separate ways, but in this matter, she obviously couldn't get involved.

"Everyone has their own choice, you don't need to worry about it." Brian said calmly. He closed the book in his hand, drank the lemonade on the table, then said good night to Daphne and walked towards the bedroom.

During this time, Harry learned part of Voldemort's past from Dumbledore, and for the first time learned about Trelawney's prophecy from Dumbledore.

Harry stared at Dumbledore blankly, feeling cold all over. For the first time, he knew why Voldemort wanted to kill him, and he also knew that the candidate might not be him at all...

"Voldemort chose you, so you became the person most likely to defeat him and his fierce enemy." Dumbledore said slowly, as if he was struggling to say every word, "Two people can't both live... Only one will survive.”

Harry closed his eyes and fell silent. He felt a little stiff.

Harry didn't remember how he walked out of Dumbledore's office. He only remembered that before he left, Dumbledore said that he would explain the secret of Voldemort's immortality to him next time.

He almost couldn't wait to escape from the principal's office. He didn't dare to think... It turned out that that person might be Neville... Then he would be an ordinary boy with his parents still there...

Harry closed his eyes and seemed to see green lights flashing through him again, and a familiar scream seemed to ring in his ears. His scar burned again, and the corridor in front of him seemed to be elongating and deforming, gradually spinning and twisting.

In front of him is a figure with snow-white hair and a big fluffy beard, hanging in the air by an invisible rope, swinging back and forth, like a tied Santa Claus.

"Where is it, Grigovitch?" Harry found his voice becoming high and cold.

"I don't know! It was stolen many years ago!" the figure shouted, his face flushed with blood, his pupils dilated, and he was trembling slightly with fear.

Harry's perspective drifted in through the man's pupils, and he saw a handsome blond boy perched on the windowsill like a big bird under the light, his face full of joy and pride. The young man shot a stun spell with his wand and flew out of the window, leaving behind a string of laughter.

"Who is the thief, Grigovitch?" asked a high-pitched, cold voice, devoid of any human kindness.

"I don't know, a young man...please! Ah -" The shrill screams continued for a long time.

Finally, a green light flashed violently, and Harry opened his eyes suddenly, gasping for breath.

In front of him was still the corridor of Hogwarts, quiet and dark. The candlelight on both sides swayed slightly, casting the shadows of the sculptures on both sides of the corridor to sway.

Harry covered the scar on his forehead and panted for a while before he reluctantly stood up.

"Voldemort was looking for someone. He tortured and killed Grigovitch..." Harry thought, "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere... By the way, Mr. Ollivander said, a Foreign wand maker!”

He wondered again who the blond boy was, but alas, he didn't look familiar at all.

"What is Voldemort looking for?" Harry thought. "Perhaps it is a weapon to be used against me? Or more likely, it is to be used against Dumbledore..."

He raised his feet and wanted to walk to the principal's office, but he walked slower and slower, and finally stopped.

"Dumbledore wants me to learn Occlumency...I shouldn't see this." Harry hesitated, "I've been tricked once, what if this is a trap again?"

He walked around for a few steps, then gritted his teeth and walked back.

Harry thought he would ask Hermione and Ron for their opinions before next Monday. Next Monday night, Snape will teach him Occlumency again. He can't wait until then, he may see it again...

And in a distant place, where Gregorovitch died, Voldemort's pale fingers were playing with the wand in his hand.

He recalled the image of the blond boy, always feeling very familiar.

"That's Dumbledore? No way..." Voldemort's red eyes narrowed into a thin line, "But I should know that he... got the Elder Wand, he will not borrow it anonymously, and it is related to Dumbledore... …”

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the red light in his eyes seemed to pierce: "It's Gellert Grindelwald!"

Voldemort walked back and forth for a moment, ignoring the gradually stiffening corpse. He compared the image of the blond boy in his mind with the photo of Grindelwald he had known before, and finally confirmed it.

"So, Dumbledore defeated him in 1945, so he got the Elder Wand in his hand..." Voldemort raised the wand and wanted to go to Nurmengard to confirm, but stopped.

"That place must be under Dumbledore's surveillance at any time..." Voldemort thought about this, "If I go there, I will have to face Dumbledore again."

His eyes flickered for a long time before he made up his mind.

"It seems that I have to go to Hogwarts by then." He gently rubbed his wand in his hand, and thought of the two duels between him and Harry Potter, and the mysterious connection...

"Perhaps I need to change my wand." Voldemort thought, filled with anger and unwillingness to be played over and over again.

He made up his mind and flew out of the window lightly.

In the dormitory, Brian looked at the castle model in front of him, his eyes dark and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Where he looked, a little Harry Potter was struggling to get up from the ground, hesitating in the corridor, and then walking towards the other end of the corridor.

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