Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 282 Agreement

There were no lights on in the dormitory, and everything around him was hidden in hazy darkness. Only the exquisite castle model shone softly, slightly illuminating Brian's soft and calm cheeks.

Draco and the others hadn't come back yet, and the surroundings were very quiet. Brian looked at Harry in the castle model with a thoughtful expression.

"Did Harry see it? Has Voldemort started looking for the Elder Wand? Or is it something else?" Brian lowered his eyes in thought, and then shook his head indifferently.

He didn't care if Harry would tell Dumbledore about it and let Dumbledore prepare in advance, such as handing over the ownership of the Elder Wand to others.

In fact, Brian has no intention of taking the Elder Wand as his own now. Although Brian knew that in order to study the Death Rune and the Door of Death, he would probably have to collect all the Deathly Hallows, but he was not in a hurry.

As far as Brian knew, in order for Harry to win against Voldemort, two conditions were needed.

One is the protective spell left by her mother in Harry's body, which can protect Harry from being killed by Voldemort. Although Voldemort used Harry's blood when he was resurrected, and to some extent obtained some of the effectiveness of the protective spell, making himself a lot stronger, but when facing the real master, the protective spell will only go to hell. Protect the enemy...

The second is the Elder Wand in Voldemort's hand, but the actual ownership is Harry's, so as to ensure that the Elder Wand will not kill its owner, but will rebound the spell.

Therefore, no matter what Dumbledore arranges, the ownership of the Elder Wand will eventually be handed over to Harry, allowing him to complete the final showdown with Voldemort. After grasping this, Brian was no longer afraid of the Elder Wand flying.

Brian's eyes flickered and he focused on the curse in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Recently, he has perfected the solution more and more, but it still needs to be adjusted. He can talk to the guys in the Department of Mysteries who are studying curses.

Breaking this curse can be regarded as some kind of reward for Professor Snape.

Brian put the model away and then remembered the curse on Astoria. There was no doubt that the people in the Department of Mysteries were shocked by this curse, but they could not provide a solution.

But Brian felt that all spells should have counterspells, and they couldn't find them just because they were not good enough. Of course, the life-killing curse is probably very difficult. It can take away a person's life instantly. The person is already dead, and even if there is a counter-curse, it will be too late.

Brian thought of the curse on Dumbledore again, and his expression became colder. This curse is integrated into all magic and can only be suppressed for a short time and cannot be removed. Like the curse on Astoria, the simplest and most direct solution is to change the body.

But this is also the most difficult method. Voldemort can regain his body with a Horcrux, but it is completely stupid to create a Horcrux for this purpose.

Brian thought again about the departed soul caused by "death" in the second grade, but shook his head again. Leaving the soul does not mean completely leaving the body. The body is still alive, so the soul can exist in this world and cannot enter another body. This is fundamentally different.

While Brian was thinking wildly, the three Dracos came back. Draco turned on the light and was startled to see Brian sitting upright on the bed.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" Draco said angrily, "Are you pretending to be a ghost to scare people?"

"Where are you at with repairing the cabinet?" Brian looked at him quietly, "How long will it take?"

"What about repairing the cabinet?" Draco twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at him warily, "There's no progress at all. I'm just going to inspect... Well, I'm looking for a secret passage by the way." He flashed the light hanging on his chest. prefect badge.

Brian felt that Draco was running a crappy Occlumency technique. Of course, it was just a bit crappy in Brian's opinion. In fact, Draco was very talented in Occlumency, and his progress was not slow. He was probably proficient in it now. level.

"Don't act stupid. Even if you hide it well, you won't be able to hold it for so long... Even Daphne found out." Brian smiled.

Draco's face turned a little dark. He sat down on his bed and muttered in frustration: "Even that fool Daphne found out?"

Brian turned to look at the desk next to him and said, "In addition, you are actively learning alchemy for the first time and you even borrowed my alchemy notes..."

"Well, I am indeed repairing a damaged disappearing cabinet..." Draco said with a straight face and an adult tone, "Complete my mission... You know, something happened to my dad, and I have to do this well. Something to make up for the mistakes he made."

"How long will it take?" Brian asked, "You know, I can help you."

Draco hesitated for a while, then looked at Brian suspiciously and said, "You couldn't find a way to set your sights on me, right?"

"What?" Brian was a little confused.

"Don't hide it from me, you received the same mission from the Dark Lord... but you must have no idea, right?" Draco raised his slender chin proudly, "I know, if you can't complete the mission, you will Those who offend the Dark Lord...I can't include you."

Brian blinked his eyes dully and said with a dumbfounded expression, "Thank you then..."

Draco nodded reservedly, but held his head high. If he had a tail, it would be in the sky.

"Then how long do you need?" Brian continued his question.

Draco's proud face froze. He looked pale and said self-deprecatingly: "I don't know, I have no idea..."

Brian nodded understandingly. In the original book, Draco almost went crazy when he went to repair the vanishing cabinet in sixth grade, let alone now.

"In addition, Blaise has been thinking about bad things about me. I think he is trying to find evidence about me and then hand it over to the professor..." Draco gritted his teeth and said, "We have to change the place every time and put it to the professor." Move the disappearing cabinet around to prevent him from finding it.”

When mentioning this matter, Draco showed an expression of indignation and concern, and said slowly: "He actually wants to fight against the Dark Lord. What an unwise choice... I really don't understand what he is thinking. ."

Brian sighed and said: "You know, although Blaise seems heartless, he is actually a very proud and persistent person, with his own persistence. With his mother's impression in front of him, he may have always been I am closing myself off and longing for a lasting relationship..."

"He finally opened his heart to Treya Clark... Her death was a big blow to Blaise." Brian said softly.

"But the person who killed Clark is dead!" Draco said with a frown.

"But the person who ordered him to do this didn't." Brian said softly, "Besides, this school should be a place he deserves to cherish..."

Draco fell silent and said nothing.

"No matter what, your mission must be completed, otherwise your family may have to bear the wrath of the Dark Lord." Brian continued, seeing Draco's face become even paler.

Crabbe and Goyle sat on the bed with a creak, looking at them with innocent expressions.

"Of course, I will help you fix it within this semester." Brian smiled, took out a notebook from one side and handed it to Draco, "These are the notes I compiled about alchemical items such as the Vanishing Cabinet. , you can take it.”

Draco took it hesitantly and looked at Brian.

"Actually, I won't take your credit. I just hope that when you fix it, you can tell me in advance and do it at the time I choose." Brian said seriously, "This is very important, Della division."

"What are you going to do?" Draco stared at Brian.

"Give the Dark Lord a big gift." Brian said with a smile, "He will be happy to accept it."

Draco looked at the alchemy notes in his hand, then at Brian, and said slowly: "Is this... important?"

"It's very important. It affects the lives and future of many people," Brian said very seriously, "including us."

"Okay... I promise you." Draco nodded, turned to glare at Crabbe and Goyle, "Keep your mouth shut, do you understand?"

Crabbe and Goyle nodded blankly and gave up thinking. Anyway, they just had to work with Draco.

"Very good, it's settled," Brian said.

"It's a small thing." Draco raised his chin again, "Well, under normal circumstances, I won't regret it..."

Brian smiled and said to himself that I was watching if you regretted it.

They each packed up and lay down on the bed, falling into a deep sleep together with the castle under the night sky.

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