Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 280 Planning

Gagson covered himself in a black cloak and sat in the dark, smelly doorway, gloomily looking at the pedestrians coming and going.

Since the last time he followed the Dark Lord to ambush Potter in the Department of Mysteries and failed, he luckily escaped from the Ministry of Magic. However, he was angered by the Dark Lord because of his incompetence. He was eaten and scrapped, and was assigned to guard Knockturn Alley here. Document noteworthy situations.

Too bad, this kind of work used to be done by those dirty werewolves or their men.

Gagson crossed his arms tightly, shivering in the cold wind. He shrank down and moved to a position where the wind was less intense.

He glanced around casually, paying particular attention to the Borgin-Bock store, which was one of the stores they paid special attention to.

There was a gust of wind blowing in the alley, and a figure in front of the store seemed to raise his hand to lower his hood, but Gagson still saw the face that was briefly exposed.

He knew that this man was the son of the traitor Foley. There was a burst of anger and jealousy in Gagson's heart, as well as the joy of catching a big fish.

Gargson never knew what kind of connection this man had with the Dark Lord. The relationship between them didn't seem to be very good, but it didn't seem to be a completely hostile relationship. However, the Dark Lord had told everyone to pay close attention to him and must pay close attention to him. Be careful with him...

He stood up and moved slowly outside the doorway. Then, as if unable to stand due to numbness in his legs and feet, he suddenly sat down outside the window of Borgin and Burke's store, listening to the conversation inside.

The sound inside came through the window and seemed a little blurry, but Gagson could barely hear it clearly.

"...the whereabouts of the most powerful wand..."

"...passed through the hands of wizards through murder..."

"In Dumbledore's hands..."

"...Gregovich was its former owner..."

Gagson's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he grinned involuntarily, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth. He knew that he was about to make a great contribution. As long as he told the Dark Lord this news, he would be able to make a meritorious deed and even become the Dark Lord's most trusted and relied-upon servant!

At this time, the conversation in the store stopped. Gargson immediately stood up and blended into the crowd of people coming and going very naturally.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Brian hurriedly walking out of the alley, and Gargson walking back and forth, walking directly into a doorway and disapparating.

Gargson's figure appeared in a large mansion. He hesitated for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and walked directly towards the room where the Dark Lord was.

He knocked on the door.

"Come in." The cold and high-pitched voice made Gagson tremble.

Voldemort was sitting behind a tall armchair with his back to him. The big snake swam inseparably around Voldemort, spitting out snake letters coldly at Gargson.

"Gageson, I said, there is nothing important and I don't like to be disturbed." Voldemort said softly.

"Master, I heard very important news. In Knockturn Alley, I overheard the conversation between Brian Foley and Borgin..." Gargson said with a humble bow.

"What is it?" Voldemort turned his head, his red eyes staring at him coldly with a little urgency.

"Brian Foley is looking for the most powerful wand, which he says has been passed from powerful wizard to powerful wizard through murder over the years. He believes that the wand is now in Dumbledore's possession. There...Bogin seemed to know about this, and he also said that Grigovitch had been in charge of it..."

Gargson told the news exactly what he heard.

Voldemort stood up and paced in front of the fireplace, showing his inner unrest. He played with his wand between his pale fingers, his red eyes fixed on it.

"The most powerful wand... I have seen this record." Voldemort suddenly said, "The Elder Wand, it turns out that it is not a legend..."

He closed his eyes and thought about Blaine's intentions.

"Change the owner through murder? Is this his purpose of killing Dumbledore himself?" Voldemort's eyes flickered.

He paced, looking a little hesitant. Ever since the night in the Department of Mysteries when he discovered that Dumbledore was under his curse, he had not planned to invade Hogwarts this school year. He would not put himself in danger, and waiting for Dumbledore to die was the best option.

"But if Foley kills Dumbledore first and gets the most powerful wand..." Voldemort squeezed the wand in his hand, "then I will be at a disadvantage."

He walked a few more steps and thought: "No, I'm not sure yet. What if it's a trap? I have to confirm it myself..."

Voldemort glanced at Gargson, who was standing humbly aside with a respectful and flattering expression.

"Well done, Gargson." Voldemort said softly, "You will be rewarded for it."

With an ecstatic expression on his face, Gagson knelt down and thanked his master for the gift.

"You can't tell anyone about this." Voldemort turned to say coldly, making Gargson keep nodding.

Voldemort sent Gargson away and walked a few steps in the room, not intending to waste time. He planned to go directly to Grigovitch.

Brian returned to Foley Manor and watched Mrs. Foley busy packing his things for back to school.

"I customized some clothes for you at Madam Malkin's robe store, but they haven't been delivered yet." Mrs. Foley said in a gentle voice.

Brian smiled and nodded, squinting at the sky outside the window.

"You won't take the bait now, will you?" There was a faint smile on his face.

The battle in the Department of Mysteries happened beyond Brian's expectation, and the curse on Dumbledore was exposed.

Judging from Voldemort's fear of Dumbledore, he will definitely hide until Dumbledore's curse attacks and dies, and then come out to cause trouble.

In this case, the negotiations at Malfoy Manor would be empty talk. Voldemort will definitely not break into Hogwarts as he wishes, but will wait for Dumbledore's death before taking over the school.

This didn't fit into Brian's plan.

Therefore, Brian made an offer that Voldemort could never refuse, the most powerful wand...

As for Bogin and Gregovich, I can only wish them good luck.

"That old fox Borgin will definitely not put himself in a disadvantageous situation, but Grigovitch..." Brian thought, without any guilt for betraying several people, "He is in danger. Maybe it will be like the original Die like that..."

"But... I'm not familiar with him anyway." Brian said calmly, without any expression on his face.

But no matter what, Voldemort had to go to Hogwarts, and he couldn't let Brian get the wand.

"How can there be no protagonist on the stage?" Brian thought, rubbing his chin.

"What are you thinking about?" Mrs. Foley waved her palm in front of Brian's eyes, "You smile like a little fox... you must not be thinking of anything good."

"Why can't it be a good thing?" Brian said innocently.

"Huh, your dad always looks like this before he does something bad." Mrs. Foley patted Brian on the head and said with a smile.

"What bad things has he done?" Brian asked curiously.

"For example...stealing the professor's homework, replacing Lucius's drink with swelling potion or something..." Mrs. Foley said with a smile.

"I'm definitely not thinking about those childish things." Brian immediately shook his head, indicating that he had outgrown the vulgar taste.

"Really?" Mrs. Foley said with a half-smile.

She didn't delve into it and continued to pack her things. Even though house elves can do this very skillfully, Mrs. Foley still likes to help Brian prepare things by herself and enjoys it.

Soon, Mr. Foley emerged from his laboratory. When he has nothing to do recently, he always likes to study the magic items found in the family, and he almost blew up several rooms for this purpose.

The last night before returning to school passed quickly. The next day, Brian got up from bed early, said goodbye to his parents, and apparated to the train station.

After boarding the Hogwarts Express, Brian seemed a little dazed. What he has been doing is incompatible with school life.

Although life at school was relaxed and peaceful, Brian felt like he couldn't fit in anymore.

"It's time to graduate." He sighed lightly.

The train started moving slowly, and the sound of laughter and laughter came from the corridor. Outside the window, there was a peaceful snow scene.

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