Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 279 The Strongest Magic Wand

Brian was sitting behind the desk, playing with a sign that seemed to be made of brass. It had a black pattern carved on it. It was a skull with its mouth open and a snake spitting out from its throat.

Brian tossed the sign up and down with a slight smile on his lips.

"Finally got this Dark Mark." He said softly.

Before the start of the school year, Brian had planned to remove the Dark Mark from Mr. Foley's arm, as it was a hidden danger after all. Voldemort can summon Death Eaters through this mark, and can also use it to know the location of each Death Eater at any time.

However, because it takes time to study it, Brian just helped Mr. Foley seal it before returning to school, making it temporarily useless.

After half a year of research and thinking, Brian already had a way to remove it, but he instead chose another method, which was to find a way to transfer the Dark Mark to an object.

This is not difficult for Brian, after all, he once transferred his traces to a badge. He used similar means to transfer the Dark Mark to this brand.

In this way, Brian can use it to know the movements of Voldemort's gathering of Death Eaters.

"And, there's another way to use it..." Brian had a weird smile on his face.

He could use this sign to shoot the Dark Mark in the air, just like what the Death Eaters did after killing someone.

The way Death Eaters fire the Dark Mark is by using the Dark Mark on their arms, and Brian can use this brand to accomplish this.

"It's a good way to frame someone up..." Brian thought of this, shook his head again, and muttered, "Why do I always think of this? I don't need to do bad things."

He rubbed his forehead and then focused on the system. Currently, he has six more witness points, which is enough for him to upgrade his two abilities to the top level.

Currently, Brian only has a few abilities that are not at the top level, including Potions, Alchemy, Occlumency, Legilimency, and Wandless Spellcasting. Of course, he has never thought about improving the language runes, and there is no way to upgrade the prophecy.

Brian set his sights on alchemy. Three witness points were consumed in the blink of an eye, and alchemy was directly upgraded to the master level. Brian closed his eyes, and for the first time he clearly felt some kind of connection.

He opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and turned his attention to the wandless spell again.

This time, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

[Insufficient conditions and cannot be upgraded. 】

There is a second ability that cannot be upgraded!

Brian frowned in thought and tapped his fingertips on the table: "Prophecy may be because I lack some talent, but what about casting spells without a wand?"

He knew that once wandless spellcasting reached the top level, combined with spellless spellcasting, it would make him truly take a firm step towards the ultimate goal of magic: wishes coming true.

Think about it, a wizard who can perform all the magic spells without a wand or a spell is not far away from making his wishes come true.

"Is it because this is a qualitative change that I can't improve?" Brian shook his head, "It shouldn't be..."

"In other words, this is the limit of the system." Brian raised his head and looked at the high ceiling silently, his eyes deep and distant.

He was silent for a long time, then raised his hand and used his fingers as a wand to cast various magics without chanting a spell. Everything around him was dancing and changing on his fingertips. This scene was magical and strange.

"My current level of wandless spellcasting can only produce seven to eight percent of the power of a spell, and it will be much slower than when using a wand... Moreover, some spells cannot be cast without a wand." Brian put down his hand. , assessing one’s own level.

"The availability is much worse..."

Brian then thought that this might be his hope of improving again. If he could break through the level of wandless spellcasting, then he could be proud of Dumbledore and Voldemort.

This does not refer to combat power, but to flexibility. For example, when meeting and chatting with Voldemort, a sudden attack can be almost accurate, and the use of magic spells in battle will be much faster.

"But the system may not be reliable... I need to find a way out on my own." Brian looked at his slender fingers and suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart.

He focused his attention on the remaining witness points again, shook his head, and had no intention of improving further.

In the following time, Brian opened the alchemy notes of Nico Flamel, absorbing the deeper knowledge inside, and more sparks of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"It seems... it's not impossible to connect to the Hall of Silence..." Brian's eyes became brighter and brighter. Several ideas were quickly refined in his mind.

The sign engraved with the Dark Mark was placed beside the table, showing a deep color under the light.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost time to start school.

Brian packed his things, left the Ministry of Magic, and apparated to Diagon Alley.

Even during the Christmas holidays, the place seemed quite depressed. Most of the wizards coming and going were in a hurry and rarely stopped in front of the display window. Occasionally, there were a few children laughing and playing carefree. The store clerks yawned idly and looked at the passers-by.

Florin Fusco's Ice Cream Parlor, which used to be crowded with a crowd of little wizards, was closed, and the doors and windows were boarded up. It is said that he was kidnapped by the Death Eaters, and he was probably killed long ago.

Of course, this is not noticeable among the many victims. During the days when the Dark Lord returned, people were always being killed for various reasons, and several shops in Diagon Alley were closed.

Brian wandered around Diagon Alley for a while, glanced at the old sign in front of Ollivander's Wand Shop, then put on his hood and turned at the end of Diagon Alley into Knockturn Alley on the other side.

Compared to Diagon Alley, which has become much more depressed, there are indeed many more people in Knockturn Alley. Most of the wizards coming and going hid themselves behind black cloaks, and were wary and silent among themselves.

There are always a few people squatting in every dark doorway, looking maliciously at the passers-by. The old witches setting up stalls on the street were all gone, and dim lights shone from the dirty windows of the shops on both sides of the street, casting eerie shadows in the narrow and dirty alleys.

Brian walked through the alley, ignored the malicious looks, and found the Borgin-Bock store by a familiar route.

A shadow covered in a black quilt walked out of the store and passed Brian. A strong sour smell wafted from his body.

Brian was running Legilimency, feeling the various emotions and thoughts around him. Most of them contained deep malice and vigilance, as well as the hunger of some alien beings to devour flesh and blood, such as the ghoul that just walked past.

Of course, among these people, Brian found his target as he wished. Brian reached up and brushed the hood over his head, briefly exposing his cheeks, then quickly pulled the hood down and walked into the store.

Bo Jin was sitting behind the counter, wiping the strange black beads in his hand with a dirty cloth. After hearing the sound, he raised his eyelids and said lazily: "Welcome."

"You've been having a good time lately, Mr. Bogin." Brian said with a smile.

"Is that you?" Bo Jin stopped what he was doing and said cautiously in a smooth tone, "Do you need anything?"

"I heard that you maintain a good relationship with the Death Eaters?" Brian smiled and said softly.

"It's just a transaction, the money and goods are settled." Bo Jinpi said with a smile.

"Okay, I just came to ask you for some news." Brian said leisurely, "The whereabouts of the most powerful wand."

Borgin looked directly at Brian with his turbid eyes. He was silent for a long time and then said: "I don't know its whereabouts... In fact, their traces have disappeared long ago."

"But I don't believe you will give up investigating it... I know how attractive it is to you." Brian's eyes under the hood glanced intriguingly at the street outside the window, "After all, that is the most powerful wand in the world. , which has been passed from wizard to wizard through murder over the years..."

"Well, I just have a little guess, without any evidence..." Bo Jin sighed.

"In Dumbledore's hands now?" Brian said softly.

"...It seems that you have done a lot of research." Bo Jin said, "Indeed, this is also my guess, based on the little information I learned from Grigovitch..."

"Okay, I understand, thank you." Brian said calmly.

Under Borgin's ghostly gaze, Brian turned and walked out of the store.

He looked at the pedestrians walking in the alley, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

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