Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 278 Christmas

Christmas is approaching, and the castle has been decorated. There is a tall Christmas tree in the auditorium, holly and mistletoe branches hanging on the walls, and sparkling Christmas lights.

Brian boarded the train home with a small crowd. To be honest, many students planned to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday this holiday because the current situation in the Ministry of Magic was not safe. Many people thought that Dumbledore Hogwarts is the safest place.

This was indeed the case. There was a thick gray fog floating in the early morning sky, making the cold wind even colder and biting. It was the fog formed by the Dementors, and it was now scattered in many places in the country.

Under the watchful eye of a team of Aurors, the students lined up to get on the bus. The Aurors held the wands in their hands and looked around warily, their eyes sharp but hiding their fatigue.

Brian glanced around and decided that not many people were going home. Daphne and Draco both stayed at Hogwarts, and Brian only saw a few acquaintances in the crowd, such as Harry, Ron who was discharged from the hospital, Luna, the Weasley twins, etc.

Hermione and Cedric were still recuperating at St. Mungo's Hospital since that night in the Department of Mysteries, and it was conceivable that they might have to spend this Christmas in the ward.

Luna is still the same as before, with her long messy hair hanging casually, earrings like radish hanging on her ears, holding her black cat in one hand, and holding a copy of "The Quibbler" in the other.

She greeted Brian very naturally, as if Brian's presence that night in the Department of Mysteries had not given her any doubts.

Brian smiled and chatted with her, and the atmosphere was very relaxed and pleasant.

The seat on the train was empty. Brian and Luna occupied a carriage and looked out the window at the trees and hills passing by quickly.

Brian rested his chin on his hand, listening to Luna talk about the news published in "The Quibbler", such as Cornelius Fudge's conspiracy in the Department of Mysteries, trying to use trembling maggots to infiltrate the offices of all Ministry of Magic officials. Control them in his mind and turn the Ministry of Magic into his own.

The angle was strange and well-founded, and Brian was stunned when he heard it.

The sky outside the car window gradually became clearer, and the long-lost sunshine shone on the snow-covered land, making people's eyes filled with dazzling white.

"Aren't you curious about...what happened to me that night?" Brian asked softly.

"I'm curious," Luna said in a sleepy voice, "But I think this is your secret, a secret that you can't tell others casually..."

"Aren't you afraid that I will do something bad?" Brian smiled.

Luna looked at Brian seriously, her eyes widened, and she looked a little surprised: "How could that be? You wouldn't do that kind of thing."

"Why are you so sure?"

"My feeling." Luna said firmly, "You've been helping us, right?"

"But what if I have to part ways with them eventually, or even become enemies?" Brian said softly.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because of different beliefs and contradictory pursuits,..."

"That's not a problem." Luna said matter-of-factly, "I've always faced this kind of problem, so I understand... there's always a better solution."

"If you can't find it... what if you get to that point?" Brian looked at her.

"I don't know." Luna shook her head, "When that time comes, I don't know what I will do, and there is no need to worry about it now."

"That's just casual." Brian put his chin in his hand, "That's great."

Luna smiled at him and raised the Quibbler in her hand to her eyes.

When the train was about to pull into the station, Luna suddenly said: "By the way, Brian, you didn't come to my house during the summer vacation."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was too busy at that time." Brian patted his forehead, "If I have time in the future, I will go..."

Luna stared at him with her pale eyes for a long time, then blinked and said, "Liar."

Brian shrugged helplessly.

With a loud whistle, the train stopped at platform nine and three-quarters. The platform was already crowded with waiting parents. Their faces showed the joy of seeing their children, but also the hidden anxiety.

Brian got out of the car and watched as Luna smiled brightly and waved to him, then jumped up and ran to his father's side.

Xenophilius Lovegood looks very strange. He looks a bit like each other, with marshmallow-like white hair reaching his shoulders, and wearing a dazzling fluorescent yellow robe. He nodded to Brian, and father and daughter walked away together.

Brian saw no sign of his parents on the platform, and in fact, he didn't ask two people to pick him up. He slowly left the noisy crowd, walked out of the station, and apparated in an inconspicuous corner.

With a loud bang, Brian appeared inside the gate of the manor, and the fountain in front of the door was still spouting water.

Before he started school, he had used the Fidelity Charm to hide the location of Foley Manor in his soul. To outsiders, the location of Foley Manor was just a wasteland in the woods.

Brian opened the door and his parents were already waiting for him.

Christmas in the Foley family is still leisurely and peaceful. The inside of the mansion is beautifully decorated. On the tall chandeliers, there are real fairies flying around the white roses, blooming with a faint light.

On Christmas Day, Brian woke up early, opened a pile of presents piled at the foot of his bed, and slouched downstairs.

The food was rich and delicious. At Brian's suggestion, the house elves of the Foley family put a lot of thought into their cooking skills, came up with many seasonings, and learned some oriental dishes. Elves learn quickly, and they're always good at it.

The family in such a big house does not seem to lack popularity. The characters in the portraits are walking around each other, chatting and chattering, making the place very lively.

In one portrait, a wizard was singing at the top of his voice, causing the ladies in the surrounding frames to hurriedly grab their skirts and run away. Several male portraits squeezed into the wizard's frame, caught him, and gave him a good beating before he was quieted down.

In the afternoon, the family played in the snow on the field and compared who could use magic to turn the snow into the most exquisite shapes. As the afternoon passed, there were many more statues made of snow in the venue, including silly snowmen, fluttering owls, and human-shaped statues that looked like a family of three. At the end, there were also thrones and castles made of ice and snow. As well as the phoenix spreading its wings and about to fly, and the dragon seeming to breathe out flames.

The evening sun shines on them, as if covering them with a warm veil. Brian and the three got tired of playing, and then returned to the mansion.

After dinner, Mr. Foley cast a spell on the ceiling, and snowflakes fell from the ceiling, turning the surrounding area into snow-white. The couple danced to the music, which turned into a ski race.

Mrs. Foley angrily buried the cheating Mr. Foley in a snowdrift, and then bent over with laughter.

Brian sat on the sofa covered with snowflakes with a smile. He liked the current atmosphere very much. He was not troubled by the situation, and there was no anxiety or fear. It seemed that everyone had forgotten everything bad outside.

After Mr. Foley set off some fireworks given to him by his friends outside, he yawned and went back to rest.

Brian sat on the bed for a while, then lay down and closed his eyes.

The night is getting dark, and the night sky outside the window is shining with a few stars, mysterious and brilliant.

It was quiet and peaceful outside the window, and the moonlight covered the earth with a silvery glow.

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