Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 275 Conversation in the Principal’s Office

Harry felt his scar burst, maybe his head. The unimaginable pain swallowed him up, making him wish he could die on the spot.

He felt that he had left the main hall and was haunted by a red-eyed monster. He becomes one with the monster, painfully bound together with nowhere to escape.

In pain, Harry felt the wand in his hand being raised and pointed at Dumbledore in the crowd. He hated him so much, and at this time his heart was filled with cruel pleasure. He was going to kill him, right now...

"Kill him..." the monster said in his mind, or Harry himself said it.

"No...no..." Harry woke up from the pain and resisted instinctively.

"Kill him!" Harry felt his wand raised a little higher.

"No...get out!" Harry shouted crazily in his heart, "I can't kill Dumbledore!"

"Avada..." The monster was chanting a spell.

"Get out!" Harry shouted. He thought of all the people who trusted him and loved him. He couldn't do such a thing. At this moment, Harry felt himself free, the monster's grip loosened, and the pain disappeared.

Harry gasped and trembled as he felt someone pulling at him. He opened his eyes. Dumbledore's crooked nose was close at hand, and for the first time, his blue eyes were filled with some kind of fear.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Dumbledore's voice trembled slightly.

"It's okay," Harry replied vaguely, his body shaking violently. He looked around and realized that many people were surrounding him, with complex and worried expressions on their faces.

"You defeated him, Harry." Dumbledore smiled. "He is obviously not invincible."

Only then did Harry realize belatedly that Voldemort had just entered his mind. He suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to bend over and vomit.

For the next time, he and Luna waited obediently, waiting for Dumbledore and the others to finish handling everything. Fudge arrived belatedly after the battle, and brought a group of people over to deal with funeral arrangements, receive prisoners, and argue with Dumbledore.

After the war, the place was full of solemnity and sadness. Harry heard Moody tell Dumbledore gruffly that Doge was dead and the Order of the Phoenix lost another member. Three Aurors were dead, and their colleagues were collecting the bodies sadly.

The Death Eaters left two corpses behind, and the remaining six were captured, including Lucius Malfoy, who was knocked unconscious by Kingsley's spell.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Sirius sat next to him, his head still bleeding, "We won, although the price was a bit painful... It's a pity that Bellatrix ran away..."

Harry didn't speak, he was deep in self-blame. All because of him...

Next, Harry followed Dumbledore back to school in a trance, and Sirius also followed. They returned to the principal's office via the portkey.

"Miss Lovegood, I hope you go back and rest first. The security in the castle has been lifted." Dumbledore said kindly to Luna.

Luna nodded and floated out as lightly as a ghost.

Harry was pinned down on the chair by Dumbledore, looking exhausted and in a daze.

"Fortunately, I was not late. When I received the news from Severus, I was absolutely terrified." Dumbledore said, placing the young Fawkes in the plate of soft ashes under the golden perch. In the portraits on the wall, the old principals were peeking at them and listening with their ears pricked up.

"Snape?" Harry looked up.

"Yes, after hearing the news you said, he immediately ran to Grimmauld Place to confirm the news. After he was sure that Arthur had not arrived, he informed me immediately." Dumbledore poured a glass for Harry Wen Shui, "I was still stuck on the Muggle side at the time, and I didn't realize that the Voldemort there was fake... He really put some thought into his disguise."

"But Kreacher told us that there is no one in Grimmauld Place..." Harry looked at Sirius reluctantly and said, "I think Snape must not have told you Dumbledore's request..."

"Although I don't like him, he did inform us." Sirius smiled weakly, "We were all gathered at No. 12 Grimmauld Place at that time, preparing to deal with the sudden crisis. We all felt that tonight Things could be traps.”

"But, I shouted through the fireplace for a long time, but you didn't show up." Harry said.

"We all gathered in another room to wait for instructions, and of course, to discuss the current situation. Of course, Arthur is not here, and tonight it is his turn to guard the door of the Department of Mysteries..." Sirius said angrily, " We asked Mundungus to tell him to come back, but apparently he didn't do it in time...probably he thought his cauldrons were more important than the Order's mission."

Sirius cursed angrily, then looked at Harry, gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger and said: "Obviously, Kreacher has rebelled. We didn't hear your shouting in the fireplace. I know that nasty bedbug every day They are all thinking about how to kill everyone..."

"In fact, if you could treat Kreacher with kindness and respect, then he might not be used by Death Eaters, Sirius." Dumbledore said seriously.

"It is hopeless, Dumbledore." Sirius grinned.

Harry slumped in his chair and covered his face with his hands. He couldn't believe that he had led everyone into a trap tonight and so many people had died...

"You don't have to blame yourself, Harry." Sirius comforted, "If it weren't for you, Arthur would definitely have died tonight, and Kreacher, the traitor, wouldn't have been exposed. We would have been kept in the dark..."

"Harry, although I know it's hard for you, can you tell me everything about tonight?" Dumbledore handed Harry a glass of water.

Harry held the water glass and told everything he had seen and heard tonight. Dumbledore's expression looked unreadable.

"Brian Foley?" Sirius touched his chin, "He's still a student here, right? I remember his father was a Death Eater... But he actually helped you. Maybe he was planning something... But His attitude towards Voldemort is also wrong..."

"Tell me, could he be disguised as someone using polyjuice potion?" Sirius said.

Dumbledore blinked, looked at his blackened hand, and said nothing. Harry shook his head. He didn't think Brian was fake tonight.

"What I'm more concerned about is, Harry, that hallucination you had tonight...did you see Sirius falling through the door?" Dumbledore looked at him deeply.

Harry nodded with difficulty. Sirius sighed, patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so impulsive in the future. I was scared at the time..."

"You almost died tonight!" Harry said, "I almost killed you..."

Dumbledore watched the two people arguing with each other, his eyes lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Okay, what about Kreacher?" Sirius was the first to change the subject.

"You can call him over first," Dumbledore said.

Following Sirius's call, the old and skinny house elf appeared next to him with a snap. He bowed deeply and his huge nose was flattened on the ground.

Kreacher muttered: "The annoying old loser and the hateful little brat are still alive. If Kreacher's mistress finds out about this, she will cry so sadly..."

"You can stop nagging about this, I will kill you tonight..." Sirius glared at Kreacher angrily.

Kreacher looked at Sirius with eyes full of unforgettable hatred, and he was still muttering in a low voice: "How rude, the young master is a disgusting, ungrateful and dirty man, who broke his mother's heart, not at all." Like the noble Master Regulus..."

"Regulus is a coward. He is afraid of Voldemort's orders and wants to quit. That's such a good thing..." Sirius said sarcastically.

"You are not allowed to insult Master Regulus, he is much braver than you!" Kreacher shouted in a bullfrog-like voice, and then muttered, "It would be great if Master is still alive, he will definitely not hurt his mother. The heart is not like his stinking big brother who has accomplished nothing..."

"What happened to him? Was he killed like a dog by Voldemort?" Sirius said coldly.

Kreacher glared at Sirius fiercely, as if he wanted to eat him alive on the spot, and shouted: "Master Regulus died because he defeated the Dark Lord. He did something that the old prodigal could never do in his life. …”

"What did you say?" Sirius glared at Kreacher fiercely, "Do you know how he died?"

Kreacher yelled and banged his head against the corner of the table, punishing himself for saying something he shouldn't have said.

"Stop, Kreacher, stop!" Sirius shouted, "I order you to tell me about Regulus!"

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