Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 274 The End

"There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore," Voldemort said viciously.

He glanced sideways at the stone arch on the stone platform, with an unprecedented look of fear in his eyes, as if he wished he could have more legs and get away from it immediately.

Voldemort backed away slowly, raised his wand towards Dumbledore, and a green light flew towards him. Dumbledore suddenly spun around and disappeared. Then he appeared behind Voldemort and struck Voldemort with a powerful spell.

Voldemort conjured up a shining silver shield to block it. At the same time, he said indifferently "Retreat" to the Death Eaters, and then fought with Dumbledore.

They fought and retreated, gradually exiting the door and leaving the room. They could only faintly hear the rumbling sounds of fighting coming from outside, as well as the oppressive force brought by the terrifying and huge magic power.

The Death Eaters paused and fired spells again, but now their purpose was no longer to capture people, but to find a way to escape from here.

In the blink of an eye, the battle broke out again in the Death Hall, but now the Death Eaters didn't have much fighting spirit and were busy jumping up the steps to run out. The Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors were full of fighting spirit and burst out with more powerful fighting power.

Sirius told Harry to stay behind the stone platform, and then joined the battle group with high fighting spirit. He seemed determined to keep Bellatrix tonight. However, Rodolphus soon joined their fight, and fortunately Sirius also received support from Moody.

Harry held Fawkes, who had turned into a baby bird, and leaned blankly behind the stone platform. One sentence kept echoing in his head: Voldemort said that Dumbledore was going to die...

"There are many obstacles!" A Obstruction Curse hit Harry, pushing him far away, and a Crushing Curse hit where he was just now, making a big hole in the stone wall. Fawkes chirped weakly in Harry's arms.

"Be careful, Harry." Luna pulled Harry's robes aside. The obstacle spell just now was recited by her.

A Death Eater with a gloomy face was looking at them maliciously, as if he was planning to accomplish something before escaping, leaving an unforgettable mark on Harry.

"There's no need to fight him, Harry." Luna nimbly dodged the spells that whizzed past their ears, and led him closer to Ron and the others.

Harry stopped thinking about Dumbledore and began to worry about Hermione. He saw Ron guarding Hermione, and to his delight and relief, Cedric was there too.

"Harry..." Seeing Harry running over, Ron was visibly relieved.

"Get away!" Harry shouted at them. He saw a spell directed at them.

Fortunately, the spell didn't hit them. It was ejected just as it was about to hit Hermione lying on the ground. Brian's figure suddenly appeared next to them, with an inquiring expression on his face, which startled the people next to him.

"Brian, you're finally out." Cedric grinned. His face was incredibly pale.

"I don't know how you came here?" Brian said lightly.

"People from the Order of the Phoenix found me and gave me a bottle of antidote... Although it was not very useful, it was still suppressed." Cedric recited a coma spell at a Death Eater, "A wizard Wanted to take me out, but we got lost...and ended up here.”

Harry and Luna came closer. Brian glanced at them and recited a powerful iron spell around them.

Luna smiled brightly at Brian, and Harry avoided Brian's gaze and rushed to Hermione's side.

"You scared me to death, Harry... I thought you..." Ron looked even weaker, his eyes swollen as big as his fists.

"You jumped out suddenly, and we were very worried about you." Luna said to Harry, "You were trying to save Sirius Black, right? He must be very important to you."

"So, you saved him like this?" Brian's eyes looked very curious.

"No, Harry almost died." Luna said. "If Cedric hadn't cast a barrier spell on Harry and pushed him away, he would have been hit by the spell and fell into the door... …I think this is definitely not an ordinary stone arch, right?”

"Thank you for saving me, Cedric." Only then did Harry feel scared.

Cedric shook his head and leaned weakly against the stone wall.

Brian looked at Cedric thoughtfully, then at Harry, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and murmured to himself: "It's interesting."

Cedric, who was supposed to die, survived and now plays an important role in helping Harry save Sirius...

"Could it be that this means escaping from destiny?" Brian frowned, and then shook his head, "But maybe it's because this fate is not as stubborn and difficult to change as the prophecy... At least Harry is still carrying it. What about the mission in the prophecy?”

"Cedric, my father..." Ron said with deep fear in his voice.

"He's still alive. Brian gave your father emergency treatment." Cedric smiled reassuringly, "He will be fine."

Ron then breathed a sigh of relief. He fell down against the wall exhausted, and his consciousness began to blur.

The battle in the room was basically over. The Death Eaters exited the Death Hall and began to evacuate the Ministry of Magic. The Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors chased them out, hoping to expand their victory and leave a few more people behind.

In the blink of an eye, only a few young wizards, unconscious figures lying on the ground, and captured prisoners were left in the Death Hall.

Brian ignored the battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. He squatted next to the unconscious Hermione and checked her condition.

"How's Hermione?" Harry didn't care to think about possible problems with Brian.

"A powerful black magic..." Brian said thoughtfully. He pointed his wand at Hermione's chest and muttered "All curses end." Hermione's body trembled, but she didn't wake up.

"Can't you?" Harry said in a trembling tone.

"I can only alleviate, but cannot reverse, the damage she suffered." Brian said softly, "She needs special magic treatment... She will probably stay in St. Mungo's Hospital for a while."

Brian explained, then continued to press his wand against Hermione's chest, chanting a long list of undoing spells. Harry looked on helplessly. His arm was bruised and swollen, and it looked like it was severely sprained.

"Sorry, if I hadn't impulsively brought you here tonight..." Harry opened his mouth.

"Then Mr. Weasley may be dead." Luna continued calmly. Among the five people, she was the only one who was not injured. She just hit her head on the shelf and had a bulge.

"Actually, it's beyond my expectation that you would come here Luna." Brian took back his wand and said, "Why didn't the Sorting Hat sort you into Gryffindor?"

"Actually, I'm just helping a friend." Luna's cheeks turned red for the first time.

Brian nodded helplessly, he might know what Luna was thinking. She doesn't seem to care about anything, but in fact she cares a lot about her few friends and is willing to trust them without reservation, so she does extremely reckless things for this reason.

"But in fact, you should use your intelligence instead of following their nonsense." Brian shrugged and joked, "There are already a few reckless people here, and they need someone with a brain."

Luna blinked thoughtfully. Harry blushed but was speechless.

"Okay, they're done fighting..." Brian stood up and said, "I'm leaving first."

"Are you leaving now?" Luna asked.

"I don't want to break up with Dumbledore." Brian said calmly, already starting to walk up the stone steps.

"Bye." Luna waved her hand, as if saying goodbye to relatives who came to visit.

After Brian's figure disappeared behind the door, Dumbledore returned to the room with a group of people after a while.

The Aurors were busy treating the injured, collecting the wands of the prisoners and tying them up.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix ran to Harry's side. After a battle, they were more or less defeated, but they had a fierce aura about them. They rushed Hermione, Ron and Cedric to the hospital and greeted Harry.

Dumbledore looked a little out of breath, and it was obvious that this battle was not easy for him. His age and curse were holding him back.

Harry looked at Dumbledore, his scar burning again.

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