Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 276 A long night

Under Sirius's strong orders, Kreacher could only reluctantly tell the story of Regulus, tears streaming from his sunken eye sockets.

Sirius fell silent, the expression on his face uncertain. Dumbledore crossed his hands with an intriguing expression.

"You mean, he died trying to get a locket?" Sirius stared at Kreacher fiercely.

"Master Regulus asked... let Kreacher destroy it... so that... the Dark Lord... could be... killed..." Kreacher said sobbing, tears flowing down his long nose. A set of gray teeth can be seen in the grinning mouth. As he spoke, he began to punish himself by hitting the corner of the table again, causing the table to shake.

"Stop, Kreacher!" shouted Sirius, "What is that locket? Did you destroy it?"

"Kreacher doesn't know what the locket is." The old house elf stopped bumping against the corner of the table and sat huddled up on the ground, shaking his head constantly, "Kreacher destroyed it...has destroyed it. …”

"Kreacher, can you tell me how you destroyed it?" Dumbledore asked gently.

"Kreacher..." the elf was confused for a moment, "Kreacher put it into the fire...cracked it with an ax...hit it with a spell..."

Kreacher said, shaking his head constantly and shaking away the tears on his face: "Kreacher...Kreacher forgot...forgot how to destroy it..."

He howled and fell to the ground, and began to bang his head on the floor desperately, shouting: "Forgot! Forgot... Kreacher failed to execute the order... Kreacher executed the order..."

"Stop! Stop!" shouted Sirius, and he roughly pulled Kreacher to his feet.

"I already know." Dumbledore said calmly, "Kreacher, you can rest assured, the locket has indeed been destroyed."

Kreacher fell silent, crying.

"Sirius, let Kreacher go back and rest." Dumbledore continued.

Sirius nodded and let Kreacher disapparate back.

"What is that locket, Dumbledore?" he asked. Harry also looked at Dumbledore curiously, he had not yet been told about the Horcruxes.

"That is a very evil thing, and it is Voldemort's support for immortality." Dumbledore looked up at the ceiling and said slowly, "However, I am thinking of ways to destroy them."

"Ah, it's getting very late, you should go back." Dumbledore blinked, "I think you are all very tired after this night."

Harry was startled, then stood up slowly. He still has many questions.

"Okay..." Sirius reluctantly walked outside.

"By the way, Sirius." Dumbledore looked at him deeply, "I think you should understand that only by treating the house elf well will you be rewarded... He is not a tool, but a real person with feelings and preferences. Creatures..."

Sirius was silent for a long time this time, and then nodded, obviously truly listening to his heart.

Seeing Sirius disappear behind the door, Harry stopped, looked at Dumbledore with burning eyes and said: "Sir, I want to know... what is the prophecy that Voldemort said..."

"Ah, I will tell you sooner or later... It's okay if you don't want to know." Dumbledore said with a bitter smile, "Including the secret of Voldemort's immortality... that is what you will eventually face."

"But again, you are very tired tonight." He said, "I hope you can spend a quiet Christmas, Harry... After you come back, I will put everything in order I’ll tell you everything.”

Dumbledore looked at Harry with his blue eyes, full of unbearable and helpless look.

"Of course, you should already know how important Occlumency is to you..." Dumbledore adjusted his mentality and continued, "I am very happy that you drove Voldemort out of your mind tonight... But Your studies with Professor Snape must continue."

Harry had an inexplicable urge to escape. He suppressed his emotions and asked softly: "Sir, your injury... Voldemort said..." that you will die soon. Harry kept the last part of his sentence to himself.

"That's not what you need to worry about." Dumbledore said in a lively tone, "In fact, this matter is all Severus's headache..."

"So..." Harry said.

"I think you need to rest more now. Go find Madam Pomfrey. Of course, there are also your friends...I am happy to tell you that none of them have been irreversibly damaged." Dumbledore said, "Of course, Hogwarts has also lifted the alert, and the Inferi and Dementors have retreated... No professor has been seriously injured."

"Okay, bye, sir." Harry walked out of the door slowly.

In the blink of an eye, only Dumbledore was left here, but the principal's office did not quiet down. The old principals in the portrait began to make noise.

"Did you hear that? My great-great-grandson, Regulus! He made outstanding contributions to the fight against the Dark Lord!" Phineas shouted, "He is an outstanding descendant of our Black family. What a pity. ...There are no cowards in the Black family!”

Everyone else tacitly ignored Phineas's words and discussed everything tonight in whispers.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, lost in thought.

"Did Brian get his locket from Kreacher?" he thought. "How did he know it was there and not in the cave?"

Combined with the hallucination Harry saw inexplicably tonight, he also looked at the Resurrection Stone ring on the long table next to him. He had received Brian's advice before, but he didn't take it to heart...

Dumbledore already had the answer in his mind: "A prophet?"

"It's really... difficult to handle." Dumbledore smiled bitterly and rubbed his brows, revealing the fatigue and vicissitudes of life that he had never seen in front of outsiders.

At this time, the prophecy master Brian has returned to Hogwarts. The statues and armors in the corridor were hurriedly returning to their original positions. From time to time, some statues could be seen falling off their feet, some armors were knocked apart, and there was a loud crashing sound in the corridor.

Brian returned to Slughorn's office. By this time, Slughorn had returned, and the off-campus participants at the party were hurriedly going back. Some were calling their companions, and some were hurriedly packing their things. The little wizards in the school are also preparing to go back to their dormitories.

Brian's arrival did not attract many people's attention, but Daphne, who had been paying attention to the door, hurried over and showed a relieved look.

"How are you, are you okay?" Daphne asked cautiously. Draco also pretended not to listen.

"I'm fine..." Brian nodded, "To be honest, I just watched for a while and didn't interfere much..."

"So, Potter went to the limelight again?" Draco asked in displeasure.

"In fact, tonight the Dark Lord and his men broke into the Ministry of Magic and set a trap to kill Harry Potter." Brian said calmly. He saw Daphne, Draco and Astoria's eyes widening, and Blaise, who was standing a little further away, also put his ears closer to this side.

"However, none of Harry and the others died, and several people were injured." Brian shrugged. "Later, the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors rushed over and had a battle at the Ministry of Magic. In the end, Dumbledore and Black There was a fight, and the Dark Lord retreated with his men. Several people died, and several Death Eaters were arrested."

Draco's heart skipped a beat and he stared at Brian.

"I don't know exactly who it is..." Brian blinked.

Daphne clutched her chest and said, "It's terrible. Fortunately, you're okay...I didn't know that so many things happened tonight."

"Yes, a good show." Brian sighed silently in his heart.

"But, does this count as my participation?" He glanced at his harvest and frowned.

[Witness and participate in the battle of the Department of Mysteries, witness points +2×2]

Is the current judgment a bit too lenient? Brian thought he was just watching the show on the edge. Although he helped Harry and the others halfway and escaped from a certain death situation, it was only once.

They walked out the door and toward the common room. Draco was clearly anxious, but trying to hide it. Daphne kept talking in her ears, and Brian listened in one ear and thought about his own things in his mind.

"Anyway, this long night is finally over." Brian thought, "We can start doing some things."

The Dark Lord's attack tonight was so violent that it was enough to break any chance of luck.

"However, I haven't been able to break out of this country yet...it's really useless." Brian frowned unsatisfied.

Voldemort wanted to hang Harry on a tree with a crooked neck, and Brian had no choice, or rather, he was happy to see it happen.

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