Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 273 A sudden turn of events

Harry didn't know what he was doing. He jumped up the stone steps of the high platform, spells whizzing past his head. He shot a disarming spell at Bellatrix, who ducked, laughing maniacally.

"Get away, Harry!" Sirius became anxious for the first time. He dodged a stun spell and shouted at Harry, "Hide quickly! Leave this to me!"

"Do you love him, Sirius?" Bellatrix's left arm was bleeding, but she looked excited as hell. She shouted, "Cruciato!"

Harry flew towards the side and rolled awkwardly on the stone platform before dodging the Cruciatus Curse. A spell shot from an unknown source hit the ground beside him, sending gravel flying everywhere, and his head was burning with pain.

"Sirius, don't be there!" Harry climbed up and tried to pull Sirius away. But Sirius was being cornered by Bellatrix, and Harry distracted him.

Harry noticed that Sirius was getting closer and closer to the stone arch, and it seemed that he would fall in if he took a step back.

The door to the room opened again, and several more Death Eaters rushed in, shooting spells at the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Tonks was hit by a spell and fell to the ground unconscious. Moody fought against the two Death Eaters alone. There was a deep blood mark on his face, and the blood made his face look even more ferocious.

Lupine and Lucius were fighting fiercely on the edge of the room, the wands in their hands waving into a blur, but soon another Death Eater joined the battle group, and Lupine staggered back.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix seemed to be about to suffer a disastrous defeat. Fortunately, at this time, Kingsley led a group of people to break in and join the battle group. They included members of the Order of the Phoenix and Aurors from the Ministry of Magic.

For a moment, the room was filled with people coming and going and spells flying around. It seemed that no one had time to pay attention to what was happening on the high platform.

Harry didn't care to pay attention to the battle around him. He heard Ron and Luna calling him, but he turned a deaf ear and frantically cast spells on Bellatrix.

"Hahaha..." Bellatrix laughed crazily, waving the wand in her hand wantonly, casting spells that made Harry and Sirius unable to lift their heads.

To Harry's surprise, Sirius was slowly approaching him and gradually leaving the terrifying stone arch. He lay down on the ground and rolled around, and a green light flew past his head. Harry broke out in a cold sweat and quickly got up.

Now he was less than two meters away from Sirius.

"Armor for protection!" Harry deflected the spell thrown by Bellatrix, and the rebounded spell flew past Bellatrix's neck, adding a bloody wound on her neck. .

"Well done, Harry!" Sirius said, shooting a red light from his hand without stopping, still taunting Bellatrix, "Come on, see how you have weakened... …”

Sirius took a step to the side, and Harry's heart suddenly lifted because he turned to the front of the stone arch again.

Bellatrix bared her teeth angrily and shot a death curse. Sirius jumped away, still laughing loudly at her.

Harry was horrified to see a beam of red light coming from under the high platform. He didn't know who had cast the spell. Maybe someone accidentally hit it wrongly and the spell hit Sirius's chest.

"Sirius!" Harry's mind went blank. His body flew forward before his thoughts, and hit Sirius's body hard. Sirius was knocked to the side, and his eyes widened in horror.

The person facing the desperate situation seemed to have become Harry. He stood there blankly, his body losing all strength and unable to exert any strength. His side seemed to be suddenly hit hard, and he was knocked towards Sirius by the impact. The two of them rolled to the ground in a state of embarrassment, rolled to the edge of the stone platform, and then fell down together.

The two of them fell heavily to the ground. Sirius covered his head and groaned, his head bleeding. Harry was badly beaten, but looking at Sirius next to him, who was still alive and well, he felt as if a big stone had been lifted.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Sirius was angry at him for the first time, his voice trembling.

"Don't die, Sirius," Harry said.

Sirius cursed, pointed his wand at Bellatrix, who was chasing after him, and fired spells at her like he was venting his anger.

At this time, in the Hall of Silence, the black mist snake released by Voldemort was fighting with Brian's fierce fire dragon. Brian's incarnation of the starry sky and Voldemort's incarnation of the black mist were flexibly changing positions, sometimes flying to the top of the bookshelf. sometimes floating in the air, sometimes scattered on both sides of the room.

Silent spells leapt out from the tips of their dancing wands, and the flashes of various colors were strange and gorgeous, as if they were performing a silent mime.

The sound of fighting outside became clearer and clearer. After another exchange of blows with Voldemort, Brian appeared in front of the table on the other side of the Silent Hall and said with a smile: "It seems that the people from the Order of the Phoenix are here. Are you sure you want to fight again?" Are you going to fight me here?"

Voldemort looked at him sullenly, with murderous intent flashing in his red eyes, but he finally turned into a black mist and rushed out of the door. The big snake Nagini also swung his tail and followed.

Brian narrowed his eyes and waved his wand slightly. His figure seemed to have been erased by an eraser and disappeared silently.

Entering the rotunda in a familiar manner, pushing open a black door, Brian directly entered the Death Hall. At this time, Voldemort had already arrived, and the nearby members of the Order of the Phoenix shot curses at him like raindrops, but this resistance seemed so pale.

Voldemort's red eyes flashed with anger, and he waved his wand. Several wizards from the Order of the Phoenix seemed to be tied up by invisible ropes, and their bodies hung in the air, screaming in pain.

The people in the distance were still fighting and did not notice Voldemort coming. Harry held his head, the scar hurting as if it was being penetrated. Sirius and Bellatrix were still fighting and taunting each other.

Voldemort ignored the others and ignored the Death Eaters who apologized to him and begged for forgiveness. He quickly approached Harry Potter. He would not take it lightly anymore...

"Avada Kedavra!" A cold curse shouted from his mouth.

Harry forced himself to raise his head from the severe pain of the scar. Everything in front of him was blurry, as if he was looking through thick frosted lenses.

He heard a cold and cruel voice chanting a life-killing curse to him, and saw a figure standing in front of him, opening his arms to protect him behind him, and a strong green light illuminated everything around him. He collapsed, losing all his strength.

"Sirius!" Harry shouted hoarsely, tears blurring his eyes.

"It's okay, Harry, it's okay..." A familiar voice held him in his arms and pulled him aside.

"Sirius, are you okay?" Harry opened his eyes and clutched his shirt tightly.

"It's okay, Dumbledore is here!" Sirius grinned.

Only then did Harry see a raging flame rising in the air in front of them, and a crumpled little bird fell to the ground from the flames, chirping softly.

"Fox?" Harry picked up the little phoenix.

"It just swallowed the killing curse. It was so handsome." Sirius shook his hair and stood up holding the wand again.

Only then did Harry see that everyone around him was no longer fighting. They were silently divided into two sides, looking at the two figures in the middle in silence.

Dumbledore was facing off against Voldemort. His face was pale and angry, and his blue eyes were shining like gems.

Harry felt an electric current rush through every cell in his body, they were saved.

"You were foolish to come here tonight, Tom," Dumbledore said quietly.

Voldemort did not speak. He stared viciously at Dumbledore's withered hand, his eyes filled with anger, but hiding some fear. He said, "What have you done, Dumbledore?"

"I think you have guessed it, haven't you?" Dumbledore raised the injured hand, "You should feel familiar..."

"So what, you are going to die, and you will soon die in pain and helplessness." Voldemort's panic only lasted for a moment, and then he narrowed his blood-red eyes, his tone cruel and proud. So what if one of the Horcruxes was destroyed? There was nothing more cost-effective than Dumbledore's death.

"Death is not terrible, Tom." Dumbledore said calmly, without any fear or loss. He walked leisurely towards Voldemort. "In fact, your biggest weakness is that you cannot understand that some things are worse than death. many……"

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