Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 199 Dance Partner

"The Yule Ball is about to begin!"

At the end of a Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall announced solemnly.

The students seemed very excited. The boys couldn't help but sit up straight and comb their hair, while the girls were chattering away.

Professor McGonagall's expression did not change, and she continued: "This is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament, and it is also a great opportunity for us to socialize with foreign guests. The dance is only open to students in the fourth year and above - but you are willing If so, you can invite a junior student..."

The boys began to get excited, and several beautiful single girls were watched by many eyes. Daphne had lowered her head and her ears were red.

"Put on your formal robes," Professor McGonagall continued. "The ball will be held in the Great Hall at eight o'clock on Christmas Eve and will end at twelve midnight."

However, the students no longer had the intention to listen to what she was saying. The classroom was so noisy that it was hard to believe that this was a Transfiguration class.

When the bell rang, the students stuffed their books into their bags and hurriedly walked out of the classroom. Professor McGonagall waved to Brian and warned: "Foley, you must have a dance partner. According to tradition, the dance is danced by warriors and their partners... although there are a lot of warriors this year..."

"I understand, Professor." Brian nodded and left the classroom.

To be honest, he hadn't thought about who to invite, and Daphne... Brian sighed softly.

Of course he knew that Daphne had a special feeling for him. Daphne is a gentle, beautiful, elegant, considerate girl, like a real white swan and a bright pearl. Who can refuse such a girl?

But Brian also knew that he was not ready for a relationship.

When everything in the future is unclear, this is irresponsible to both parties, and this feeling will also become a burden to both parties.

He thought of that dream again, the figure that he was constantly chasing, and the door that represented death in reality.

In any case, Brian is increasingly understanding that he may not have that much time... Therefore, he will try every means to improve his strength as if he is being chased by something.

"Forget it, or just let it go?" Brian rubbed his forehead, "Or should I be more determined?"

He rushed towards the classroom where the next class would be held, and Luna's figure suddenly appeared in his mind. Thinking of her wearing a strange dress full of sequins, jingling weird jewelry, and her exaggerated and uninhibited dance steps at the death anniversary party... Brian shuddered and quickly dismissed the thought.

There are only a few days left until Christmas, and the atmosphere in the school is getting more and more exciting. Almost all the students in grade four and above chose to stay in school because they couldn't refuse the Christmas dance.

The three warriors of Hogwarts gathered again to discuss the three golden eggs.

Brian listened to it once in the water earlier and confirmed the contents. The terrifying screams turned into a weird chorus in the water, telling him to get back the stolen treasure within an hour.

The only difference is that there is a small map in the golden egg with a location circled on it.

Brian told the other two people the method, and this time they gathered again to discuss their results.

"The songs are all the same, but the locations marked on the map are different." Brian drew the map on a piece of parchment and marked three locations on it.

"Then, things are very clear. We need to find our treasures in three different locations, within an hour." Brian said, "Underwater, probably in the lake."

"One hour... Although there is a map, it is not enough. There may be traps and dangers on the road." Cedric pondered, "This requires us to make a choice..."

"Would you choose to work together to retrieve the treasures one by one, or spread out?" Brian continued with a smile. "It's better to be safe together, but it's easy to time out and it's not easy to get high scores; it's faster to separate, but the risk is higher. It’s so big, I don’t rule out that someone might miss it… There must be something in the lake that could hinder us.”

Harry moved unnaturally.

"However, there is no need to worry too much now. We still have two and a half months to think of countermeasures and training." Brian smiled, "Of course, we still need to learn the head soaking spell in advance or buy gilly bladder grass. Or brew a potion for underwater breathing..."

Harry nodded, knowing what to do, he was not afraid at all.

Next, the three of them relaxed and chatted and joked with each other. Over this period of time, the relationship between the three of them has improved a lot.

"Have you found a dance partner?" Harry's face turned red.

"I found it." Cedric also blushed, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he had the silly air of a big boy in love.

"Who is it?" Brian asked.

"Cho Zhang, a girl from Ravenclaw, one year below me..." Cedric smiled a little silly, not noticing that the smile on Harry's face disappeared.

Qiu Zhang is a very beautiful girl with an oriental charm. She is also the Seeker of the Ravenclaw team and is very popular.

"Harry, have you found it?" Cedric blushed and quickly changed the subject.

"No... not yet." Harry said in a low voice, his expression a little sluggish. Brian felt his tone was sour for some reason.

"I remember that you rejected invitations from many girls..." Cedric raised his eyebrows, "It's spread all over Hogwarts... and you, Brian, all the girls who want to invite you can't find you... …”

Brian shrugged, and Harry said dullly: "I don't know... there's not much choice."

"Hermione?" Brian suggested.

"Oh, I remembered, Hermione is also a woman..." Harry said expressionlessly. Maybe he always considered Hermione a good friend?

"Or Ginny Weasley?" Cedric thought for a moment and said. It was now well known to the students at Hogwarts that Ginny adored Harry Potter, as she was one of the few people who supported him throughout that time.

"Okay, don't talk about this..." Harry's eyes moved, but his mood was still a little low.

Brian shook his head. He was already heartbroken before the relationship even started. Poor guy...

They talked about other things, Quidditch, the Daily Prophet... and then said goodbye to each other.

Brian returned to the common room. As the Yule Ball approached, the common room was filled with excitement. Several girls looked at him and giggled, whispering to each other.

Draco was talking to his friends, with a bad expression on his face. Daphne sat with her sister, a little distant. Lately she seemed to be vaguely avoiding Brian.

Brian sat next to Draco and the others, listening to them discuss partners for the Yule Ball.

"Brace, did you really invite Treya Clark? She is the warrior of Durmstrang!" Draco's eyes widened in surprise.

"Of course, as long as I want to do it, there is nothing I can't do." Blais raised his chin proudly, with a very cold expression. From the outside, he was indeed a cold and arrogant handsome guy.

"Okay..." Draco muttered, "Brian, haven't you invited Daphne yet?"

"Invite her?" Brian paused.

"Yes, she has rejected a lot of people's invitations recently." Draco protracted, "Everyone knows what is on her mind..."

Brian looked over to Daphne.

Noticing Brian's gaze, Daphne's back straightened instantly, like a student who was called on by the teacher for deserting in class.

Brian sighed. He walked up to Daphne and saw that her cheeks were as red as if they were on fire and her head hung lower and lower.

"Daphne, are you willing to be my dance partner?" After a moment of silence, he said softly.

"I do." Daphne raised her head, her cheeks red and a bright smile on her face.

Draco followed, he clapped his hands and said casually to Astoria: "Astoria, let's go to the dance together?"

"No, she's only in the second grade!" Daphne's hair exploded like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and her blue eyes widened warily. The white cat Daisy also jumped up, looking around in horror.

"Just going to the ball to have fun," Draco said playfully, "Look, if I don't invite her, she can't go, right?"

Astoria covered her mouth and smiled, her pale cheeks turning rosy. She picked up Daisy and said cheerfully: "Okay, I agree."

Daphne exhaled, her cheeks puffing up slightly.

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