Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 200 Blaise’s Surprise

With the eager anticipation of the students, the Christmas vacation has finally arrived.

Even though the teachers gave the fourth graders a lot of homework, they still couldn't dispel the cheerful atmosphere.

This holiday, a large group of students stay in school for the holidays, and this Christmas will be very lively. They gathered together in groups of two and three, playing and laughing, and had no intention of doing their homework.

However, recently, there are always students who accidentally fall into the trap. In full view of the public, their bodies are covered with feathers, or their tongues become swollen, or the wand in their hand suddenly screams and turns into a strange doll...

Apparently, Fred and George's Wizarding Wheezes business was doing well, with merchandise such as their canary biscuits, fat tongue toffees and fake wands selling well and many students "suffering from it".

Soon, all the little wizards became wary and would not eat anything handed to them...except Crabbe and Goyle.

The two big guys were heartless and dared to put candies picked up on the ground directly into their mouths. Therefore, they often fell into the trap and made big jokes in the common room and auditorium.

But even so, they didn't put any thought into it, or the food was better disguised later, and it was natural that they would have no disadvantages in fooling the two greedy guys.

"Don't tell anyone I know you when you go out in the future!" Draco said, covering his face when the two of them turned into big canaries again in front of a group of people.

The two Daphne sisters covered their mouths and laughed, then whispered softly.

Brian shook his head. He felt that the Weasley twins might have used Crabbe and Goyle as experimental subjects for commercial products?

Heavy snow fell on the castle and grounds. Beauxbatons' light blue carriage looked like a big pumpkin covered with frost. The sides of Durmstrang's ship were covered with ice and became smooth. It's so bright that one can't help but feel lucky to be in the lounge warmed by the fire in the fireplace.

Life during the holidays is relaxing and boring. Brian finished his holiday homework early. In addition to studying every day, he would occasionally relax and play a few games of wizard chess with Draco or Daphne, or go out for a walk.

Blaise had recently become close to Treya of Durmstrang, and as Blaise said, he could make himself as popular as his mother if he wanted to.

Fleur's attempt to ask Cedric to be her dance partner was met with failure, as she appeared to be in a bad mood, occasionally complaining that the food at Hogwarts had made her fat.

On Christmas Eve, a group of little wizards were sitting in the common room, talking about the Yule Ball and looking forward to their Christmas gifts.

It was rare that Blaise didn't spend time with Treya. He took out a small button and wiped it carefully.

"What is this, Blaise? You seem to have been taking care of this thing lately." Draco asked curiously.

Blaise said happily: "This is a rare thing I got during my summer vacation, an interesting firework! I think... well, let's set it off in the auditorium tomorrow to celebrate Christmas!"

A large group of people nearby pricked up their ears and looked at Blaise with wary expressions.

"What are you looking at? You have no confidence in me?" Blaise raised his head and touched the fireworks in his pocket.

"No, we have too much confidence in you." Brian spat out a sentence.

Be very confident in your destructive power. He added silently in his mind.

"Brace, you know you already have a girlfriend..." Theodore advised tactfully.

Crabbe and Goyle stuffed large pieces of cake into their mouths blankly, nodding their heads seriously.

"Of course, I think Treya will like this very much!" Blaise said proudly, continuing to check his buttons with an expression as if he was facing his girlfriend.

Brian shook his head and continued to look at the book in his hand: "The Life of Merlin".

Ofer, the Silver Linn Snake, lay lazily on the fireplace warming himself by the fire. It had grown very long now, and its shining silver scales reflected a brilliant shimmer. It was staring at Daphne's cat with evil intentions, hissing the snake tongue, as if it wanted to taste it.

There was a hissing sound from beside him, making Brian raise his eyelids.

Blaise held the button in his hand and said with a stiff and dull expression: "I accidentally pressed it..."

In an instant, a large space became vacant around him, and the little wizards hid aside with wary expressions.

A large amount of sparks burst out from Blaise's pocket, and then he went up to the sky...

Yes, after the fireworks burst out, Blaise flew straight into the sky, spinning constantly, and when he was about to hit the ceiling, he turned as if he was spiritual, and crashed into the crowd like a big windmill.

"Ah! What is this!"

"No! Let me go!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Woo, mom... I want to go home..."

No one was hit. Wherever the Blaise fireworks passed, everyone flew up together, spinning and dashing in the air, but they seemed to avoid all obstacles with intelligence and flew specifically towards the crowd.

Draco was sucked into the whirlpool of fireworks and howled loudly. Crabbe and Goyle followed suit, whimpering and still clutching cakes and candies in their hands. Theodore jumped out with great agility and ran into the bedroom first. The two sisters, Daphne, hid under the table and shivered.

Ofer was also sucked in and turned into a coil of mosquito coils. The white cat Daisy waved her claws feebly and howled in a way that made people cry. The screams of various pets and people merged into a strange chorus, and only Blaise was laughing.

Brian recited an iron armor spell to himself before the fireworks whirlpool arrived, so that he would not be sucked into it. At this time, he watched with relish as a large group of people whirled and danced, rising and falling along strange trajectories in the common room.

Ten minutes later, the whirlpool of fireworks slowly fell to the ground and gradually dissipated. A group of people had messy clothes, messy hair, and weak legs and feet. They were sitting or lying with shock on their faces, and some people had tears in their eyes.

Several people immediately vomited, and most people's eyes were lifeless, with tears in their eyes filled with joy of surviving the disaster.

Crabbe and Goyle stood up unsteadily and stuffed the cake into their mouths with only a little bit of cake left in their hands, their faces expressionless.

Blaise laughed loudly while lying on the ground. He smiled and said with a sad face: "The surprise I prepared for Treya... I will use it today..."

Immediately afterwards, he was overwhelmed by a large group of angry little wizards, and screams for mercy could be heard from the crowd.

After Brace finally got out of the crowd with a messy chicken coop on his head, people went back to their dormitories to rest in low spirits.

"Look away, Blaise." Brian glanced at Blaise's slightly blue eyes and felt that they had hit him lightly. "At least, you don't have to be dumped tomorrow."

He returned to the dormitory, and Draco kept mumbling: "I'm so stupid, really, I only thought about guarding against Blaise's Christmas gift, but I didn't expect that he himself was so dangerous... I didn't He should be allowed to hold that thing, but should just grab it..."

Brian laughed and gloated. He lay on his four-poster bed and quickly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Brian climbed out of bed. There were already piles of Christmas gifts at the foot of the bed.

Brian opened his gift with a quiet and gentle smile on his face.

However... they didn't dare to open Blaise's gifts, but put them aside carefully. Maybe they should find a time to dismantle it to avoid any terrible consequences and affect tonight's dance.

After breakfast, most of the little wizards stayed in their respective lounges, admiring their Christmas gifts and playing various games.

After a hearty lunch, the little wizards came to the snowy field outside. There was a heavy snowfall last night, and the snow at this time was completely white and almost untrodden.

Brian sat and watched a group of people having a snowball fight, and Daphne sat next to him, watching Astoria run and jump slowly, balling up snowballs and throwing them out.

At five o'clock, Daphne told Brian that she was going back to prepare for the dance. In fact, most of the little witches had already sneaked back to dress up for the eight o'clock dance.

Brian naturally knew how long they would go to dress themselves up. In fact, Mrs. Foley was the leader among them, which left a deep impression on him.

Brian also returned to the common room until seven o'clock, then he walked to the dormitory, planning to change into his clothes.

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