Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 198 After the game

That night, all the teachers and students of the school held a banquet in the auditorium to celebrate the successful completion of the first project.

"To be honest, none of you lost your life, which is quite unexpected." Theodore said from the side, "I was shocked when I first saw the fire dragon."

"I didn't know you could defeat a fire dragon on your own!" Draco seemed surprised. "I thought you were at most a little stronger than us..." He gestured with his little finger.

"If you usually work hard, you won't be so surprised." Daphne said to Draco.

"No, if I tried hard, I would just die of shame." Draco said slowly.

Blaise was knocking Brian's golden egg, making a crisp sound. He said excitedly: "I think they must want you to smash it open! You know, there is a lottery form like this..."

"But, you have to know that one of Beauxbatons' golden eggs was stepped on by the fire dragon a few times, and it was just deflated..." Theodore said, "I hope their golden egg is useless. This will give us an advantage." It will be bigger.”

"By the way, today is really exciting!" Blaise said enthusiastically, "Brian, you defeated the fire dragon by yourself. Digory rode directly on the dragon's back. Although his ending was a bit tragic... Potter was also able to fly. Yes, but I think Fleur Delacour did a great job! She single-handedly charmed two fire dragons and made them fight among themselves. She must be a Veela, isn't she?"

"She is a Veela hybrid." Brian said.

"Oh, that's a shame." Draco raised his slender chin.

"I wonder who looks at her the most..." Blaise said briefly, causing Draco's cheeks to turn red and he reached out to cover his mouth.

Blaise said with a smile: "Okay, I won't say any more. In fact, the one I am most optimistic about is Treya Clark. She is really a wild girl, and she is good-looking... I mean, you can't find her at Hogwarts. To a girl like this, right?”

"Yeah, it's just a bit miserable." Draco retorted.

"They are obviously not united, otherwise they could have performed better." Theodore analyzed seriously, "However, this is also normal. Karkaroff has no one except Krum. Lum is gloomy and doesn't like to communicate with others, so no wonder others isolate him."

"I heard that they tried to sow discord among the Hogwarts Warriors before? That badge." Theodore smiled a little slyly, "If you want, you can use this aspect to make them fight among themselves..."

"I think they're about to explode right now." Brian raised his eyebrows and pointed to the other side with his eyes. At the table not far away, Krum's face was as gloomy as if it was dripping with water, and the other two warriors were expressionless. At the teacher's table, Karkaroff had a sullen face, occasionally glaring fiercely at Belisha and Treya.

"He is too partial." Theodore shook his head, "But I don't think you need this method with your strength..."

Brian took a bite of chips and Daphne pushed a plate of lemon cake over to her.

No matter what, the first project ended perfectly, and Brian successfully achieved his goal.

[Witness and participate in the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, witness points +1×2]

Yes, even though the rules of the game have changed, the rewards are still great because the most basic elements are met.

At this time, an extremely terrifying, high-pitched scream sounded from beside him, which made people's teeth go cold. Blaise hurriedly closed the golden egg with a very innocent expression.

It turned out that he accidentally opened the golden egg.

The auditorium fell into a brief silence, and then the noise continued.

"Well, what does this sound mean? Maybe you will have to fight a female ghost next time?" Draco curled his lips and said with a look of disgust.

Brian smiled and looked at the golden egg, trying to understand what kind of alchemy process it contained.

After the banquet, they returned to the warm common room. Thick and long tentacles passed through the lake outside the window, like a giant squid.

The atmosphere in the common room was lively, everyone was cheering and applauding Brian.

The days that followed returned to its usual calm. In a blink of an eye, it’s December.

The weather became extremely cold, with strong winds and sleet sweeping across the campus. The draft made every little wizard in class shiver.

Durmstrang's big ship tossed and swayed in the strong wind, its black sails billowing and dancing. It must be very uncomfortable for the people living there.

The first project brought confidence to everyone, and they were convinced of the three warriors of Hogwarts. Everyone has gained a group of little fans, and usually there will be people running over in the corridor eagerly asking for autographs.

Cedric gained a large group of little fans, who usually watched him in a daze, and the nickname Dragon Knight was passed down by someone, and now everyone knows it.

The three female warriors of Beauxbatons are sought after by many boys, especially Fleur. I don't know how many people are fascinated by her. Of course, most girls don't like her, because every time Fleur appears, their boyfriends seem to have changed their minds. In addition, the female warriors of Durmstrang have also been admired by more people, a large part of whom are girls.

Brian didn't like it too much and he was avoiding people more and more to avoid being surrounded by a group of people. But that group of young fans became even more enthusiastic about trying to block him.

These days, Brian wanders in the corridors less and less. He continues to practice Legilimency and spellless casting, each of which has improved to a higher level. At this time, he was able to draw inferences from one example and make his learning more efficient.

Expert-level spell-free casting allows him to cast spells faster and more powerfully without spells.

And the current proficiency-level Legilimency allows Brian to use it fluently enough to know what is thinking in other people's minds. However, you still need to recite the incantation, and maybe you can use it without the incantation at the next level.

Brian was not in a hurry, but began to improve his Marauder's Map, planning to add the principle of Legilimency to it so that it could display the real name.

We encountered many difficulties during the transformation, but fortunately, Brian patiently overcome them one by one.

At this time, he was sitting in the alchemy room of the Room of Requirement, drawing runes on the Marauder's Map.

The fire burning in the fireplace made the place warm, and Brian's expression was extremely focused. He had failed a Marauder's Map not long ago, so he had to remake it again, and added several newly discovered secret rooms.

He put the exquisite Hogwarts Castle model aside, and the stairs inside were moving at any time, like smart pinions.

Finally, Brian let out a breath and put down the tool in his hand. The map on the desktop moved slowly, converging all the runes.

He flattened the map and found Moody's office, where a small black dot was pacing back and forth.

"Alastor Moody..." Brian frowned, "Is he real? Or did I fail?"

He carefully studied the Marauder's Map, walked out of the Room of Requirement, activated Occlumency, and saw that the little black dot representing himself kept changing names.

"There's nothing wrong with the map..." Brian blinked, "So, Moody is indeed not Crouch Jr. pretending to be?"

He frowned and thought: "However, there must be something wrong with Moody. He recited the Imperius Curse on the students and threw Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire... Was it the Imperius Curse? Voldemort recited it himself? "

Probably only Voldemort can ensure that Moody, the top Auror, is controlled.

"So, where is Barty Crouch Jr.?" Brian's eyes wandered around the Marauder's Map, but he could not find any trace of him.

Brian narrowed his eyes and put the map away.

He returned to the common room, where the little wizards were warming themselves by the fire and doing their homework. After seeing him, several people greeted him with smiles.

Well, he did become quite popular.

Draco was scribbling his ancient runes homework while complaining about Care of Magical Creatures.

"Blast-tailed snails, there are fried-ended snails every day!" He said dissatisfiedly, "I really don't know what the use of raising such disgusting things is?"

"Today those Blast-Ended Skrewts destroyed the box and ran out," Draco said sarcastically. "Fortunately, I escaped quickly... Those who didn't have time to run away, and those who wanted to help subdue the Blast-Ended Skrewts... don't you You know, they were injured even more than when you dealt with the fire dragon!"

Daphne sighed deeply, and she seemed a little helpless.

"Are you hurt, Daphne?" Brian said.

"No." Daphne showed a demure and bright smile.

"That's good." Brian smiled slightly.

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