Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 197 The game is over

"Fire dragon!" Madam Pomfrey said in disgust. She kept talking angrily as she carefully inspected Cedric's injuries.

Cedric was the most seriously injured, with several burns on his body and a large gash on his arm. Harry also had burn marks on his body.

"Last year it was dementors, this year it's fire dragons, what else are they going to bring into this school next?" Madam Pomfrey muttered dissatisfied, smearing ointment on the burned areas of the two of them, and pointed them with her wand. After tapping the wound location, those wounds were almost healed.

"Let me look at you." Madam Pomfrey took Brian's arm and began to check it with her wand. After confirming that there was no injury, she let him go.

"Okay, sit quietly for a minute! Then you can look at your scores." Madam Pomfrey said in a bad mood.

The three people exchanged glances with each other, their eyes shining with excitement.

Brian smiled and said: "Cedric, how does it feel to ride a dragon?"

Cedric grinned and said, "It's terrible. I never want to do this kind of thing again in my life!"

"If you do this once in your life, it will become a legend!" Harry said excitedly.

"You flew so well, Harry!" Cedric exclaimed, "I almost got knocked down."

Harry rubbed his head and smiled, feeling a bit silly for doing so.

They stood up, picked up the golden eggs and walked out of the tent to the edge of the paddock.

Here you can see five referees sitting on golden chairs. The first referee, Ms. Maxim, raised her wand into the air, and a long silver ribbon-like thing twisted to form a big "8".

"It's okay, probably because we were injured," Cedric said.

Mr. Crouch and Dumbledore scored 9 points, and the audience applauded and cheered.

Ludo Bagman gave 10 points, and the audience applauded even more enthusiastically.

At this time, Karkaroff raised his wand, and a big number "6" floated in the air.

There was a roar from the crowd, mixed with boos, as the audience was clearly not happy with Karkaroff's score.

The three people didn't say anything, they just smiled. After experiencing the fierce duel, the scores seemed not so important. They walked slowly back to the tent and entered their small cubicle, where a window was opened from which they could see what was going on on the field.

At this time, Durmstrang's warriors also came on stage.

They seemed to be using similar tactics. Viktor Krum used the Eye Spell on the male dragon, hitting it hard in the eye, and was then chased away by the angry fire dragon.

Cedric looked at this scene with a very emotional expression. He felt that he was actually like this just now...

"However, Krum didn't expect to fly. He is one of the best seekers." Cedric said.

At this time, the remaining two warriors began to use the Eye Spell to deal with the female fire dragon. The fire dragon was hit, roared in pain and stood up, spitting out long flames.

"Oh, Treya Clark successfully grabbed a golden egg. She was chanting a magic spell on the golden egg and wanted to take it all away at once... Oh, no! The fire dragon noticed it! It breathed fire!" Bagman said in Explaining loudly, "Can Treya escape?"

The flames breathed by the fire dragon covered the place where the female warrior stood, ignoring the spell of the other warrior. The sky full of flames and smoke obscured the view, making it difficult for the audience to see what was happening.

When the smoke cleared, Treya and Belisha gathered together and escaped from the dragon's mouth. Treya's body was covered in black ash, her clothes became tattered, and her brown skin was exposed. She held a golden egg in her arms. Apparently her attempt failed and she only managed to grab one.

"Oh, the fire dragon is angry! Another fire dragon is back! Viktor Krum failed to entangle it..." Bagman shouted, "They are about to be surrounded by two fire dragons, can they still get it?" Got the remaining golden eggs?"

"Oh, Viktor cast the Eye Spell on the Fire Dragon again! Oops, it missed...it hit this time..." Bagman continued, "Oh, no! No! He was hit by the Fire Dragon's tail. Hit! Where is the dragon tamer?"

On the field, Krum struggled to stand up. He recited the Iron Armor Curse to himself in advance, but he was still seriously injured. He raised his hands to indicate that he could continue playing.

But the two fire dragons will join together to guard the egg, and it will be difficult for them to find another chance to grab the golden egg!

"Oh! Belisha Beasley released the mist at the female dragon, trying to block its sight?" Bagman said, "But the fire dragon breathed fire again! Oops, what is he doing?"

Belisha cast a spell on Treya, causing her to fall straight next to the dragon egg. The female warrior twisted out like a vigorous leopard, dodged the fire dragon's claws, and got directly into the fire dragon's lair.

She picked up a golden egg, twisted her waist, jumped up, and kicked another golden egg diagonally. After she landed on the ground, she spread her long legs and ran out. She nimbly avoided the attacks of dragon claws and flames, like a wild deer jumping nimbly in the forest.

The kicked golden egg swirled and landed on the other side of the playing field. Belisha avoided the flames sprayed by another fire dragon and held the golden egg in his arms. But he was also affected by the flames, his clothes and hair were on fire, and he was jumping around desperately to avoid the attack and trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

The two fire dragons angrily attacked the two villains who seemed to be playing with them, but at this time a large group of dragon trainers had already rushed up with their wands and suppressed them.

"Tsk, tsk, they cooperated well. But Krum was excluded by them..." Brian sighed.

"Yes, it's too dangerous. If they make a mistake, they will be shot to death by the fire dragon." Harry felt numb all over, and then he became a little scared.

"Although there is an element of luck, they are really brave." Cedric agreed.

"How dare you ride a dragon!" Harry joked, "Maybe you can get the title of Dragon Knight!"

Cedric's face turned red and he changed the topic: "Look, it's about to be graded."

Ms. Maxim and Bagman gave it 7 points, Mr. Crouch gave it 6 points, Dumbledore gave it 8 points, and Karkaroff gave it 10 points.

"Blatant favoritism..." Harry said, then raised a smile and said, "I don't know how many points Beauxbatons has, but we are better than Durmstrang."

"Happy cooperation!" The three people relaxed.

Soon, Bagman walked into the tent, and the warriors gathered together again. The Beauxbatons warriors were uninjured, and Fleur smiled at them. But the three people in Durmstrang were a little miserable. Krum was bandaged, Treya had one leg fixed with a wooden board and was using a cane, and Belisha's hair was burnt black, and half of her eyebrows were burned off. .

"You've done a good job!" Bagman looked delighted. "Well, I only have a few words to say. The second project will start at 9:30 am on February 24th next year... You must During this time, unlock the clues of the golden eggs in your hands, which will tell you what the second project is. Of course, there are different clues in each golden egg..."

The warriors nodded, and the three Beauxbatons frowned and discussed something, their expressions looking a little worried.

Immediately afterwards, they left the tent and walked back around the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Hermione and Ron found Harry, and they were talking about something. Soon, all three of them smiled, and Ron gestured happily. Apparently, they had successfully reconciled at this time.

"Brian, you guys are great!" Daphne's voice was a little hoarse, and her eyes seemed to be filled with tears. She seemed to want to rush over and hug him, but stopped abruptly.

"Thank you, Daphne." Brian reached out and hugged her, saying softly.

Daphne's face turned red as she lowered her head and kicked the stones at her feet. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle snickered on the side, waved their hands and walked away.

Daphne glared at Draco and spoke quickly about the situation of the game: "The Beauxbatons warriors used a hypnotic spell together, almost making the fire dragon fall asleep, but they woke up quickly... Fleur seemed to be What kind of psychedelic spell was used to make the two fire dragons fight. However, the dragons crushed many eggs during the fight, and even crushed one of the golden eggs, which deducted a lot of points..."

"You are number one, Brian!" Daphne said excitedly.

Brian nodded and saw his parents waving to him from the other side of the auditorium, then slowly walked over.

"What a good game!" Mr. Foley winked at him mischievously. Mrs. Foley clutched her chest, her lips turning white.

"Why are you here?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, after all, I sponsored a thousand galleons." Mr. Foley laughed, and Mrs. Foley gave him a sharp look.

Blaine resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

The two adults looked at Brian and Daphne with meaningful expressions on their faces.

Daphne's cheeks became increasingly red. She introduced herself politely and soon started chatting happily with Mrs. Foley.

After everyone here dispersed, Mrs. Foley gave Brian some gentle words and then went home.

Brian and Daphne slowly returned to the castle while talking and laughing.

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