Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 196 Battle against the Fire Dragon

After discussing tactics, a deathly silence fell in the room.

Cedric kept pacing, and Harry muttered the spell in his mouth, as if he was performing a mysterious ritual.

There was no sound from outside, and they didn't even know how far it was going.

Brian looked at the time. The game should have started fifteen minutes ago. He wondered how the Beauxbatons team was doing.

At this time, the door creaked open, and a strange wizard said in a hoarse voice: "It's time for you to come on stage." He was probably a dragon trainer.

The three people walked out of the room, Harry's steps seemed unsteady, and Cedric squeezed the wand in his hand so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

They followed the wizard out of the tent, and cheers and applause came from outside. Bagman's voice said loudly: "Now we invite the Hogwarts Warriors to appear!"

They walked past the trees and through a gap in the field fence. In front of them was a huge paddock, with hundreds of spectators sitting in the stands above watching them. Facing their appearance, the audience burst into overwhelming cheers.

There are two huge fire dragons standing in the large paddock. They have scarlet scales, a lion's nose on their face, a circle of golden tassel-like spikes around the nose, and protruding eyes.

A fire dragon crouched low, protecting the eggs under its body, and roared lowly at the three people who walked in. Another fire dragon held its head high, its mouth fifty feet above the ground, and its golden vertical pupils were staring at them furiously.

The three of them exchanged glances and nodded.

Harry raised his wand and shouted, "Incoming Firebolt!"

Cedric pointed his wand at the ground in front of the male fire dragon, and used transfiguration to turn a rock into a giant dog. The giant dog barked and ran towards the other side.

The fire dragon stretched out its claws lazily and patted it, but did not leave here.

"Who said the fire dragon is stupid?" Cedric muttered helplessly, pointed his wand at its head and said, "Fire with ten thousand bullets!"

A group of golden birds flew in front of the fire dragon and pecked and bumped its nose. The fire dragon sneezed, roared angrily, and chased after Cedric who dared to provoke it. Cedric had already He ran away in one direction.

At this time, there was a whooshing sound behind him, and Harry's Firebolt flew rapidly through the air. Harry took hold of the Firebolt, stepped on it, and flew into the air like an arrow from a string.

"Oh, Cedric Diggory cast a spell and angered a fire dragon, and he successfully lured it away! I hope Cedric can handle it..." Bagman's voice came from far away, "Oops , Harry Potter, he flew!"

Brian stepped closer to the female Fireball Dragon. She was lowering her huge body in an attack posture. Her eyes were looking at Brian, and she was also wary of Harry flying in the air, but her body was still tense. Protect the eggs on the ground tightly.

"Come on, big lizard!" Brian said with a smile, waved his wand and cast a spell, hitting it hard on the nose.

The Fireball Dragon roared in pain, sweeping its huge tail on the ground, causing dirt and stones to fly everywhere. It still didn't leave its egg, but opened its mouth, trying to release its extremely powerful mushroom-shaped fireball.

When the fire dragon's mouth flashed with fiery red fire, Brian cast a spell on its chin. The fire dragon's lower jaw suddenly closed upwards, and the fire ball was stuffed into its mouth, causing it to shake its huge head in a daze.

"This way! Clear water like a spring!" Another stream of water spurted on the fire dragon's nose, making it completely angry. It opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar.

At this time, the fireball dragon finally stood up, revealing several dragon eggs under its body. Three golden eggs were shining inside.

"Brian Foley succeeded in irritating it. That spell was really good..." Bagman's voice came from afar, "He is so bold. No one dares to irritate an adult fire dragon like this!"

"Opportunity!" Harry flew around the fire dragon in circles and circles in the air. At this time, the fire dragon finally revealed the golden egg under it.

Harry lowered his body and flew quickly between the two front legs of the fire dragon. He let go of the firebolt and grabbed a golden egg.

"Look, Harry Potter has caught a golden egg! He is so good. This move is as difficult as Wronsky's fake move..." Bagman explained, "Oh, no! Fire Dragon Reacted! Can he escape?"

The fire dragon let out an angry roar, clawed at Harry with its huge front paws, and swung its tail wildly behind it.

Harry spun dangerously to avoid the fire dragon's claws, and flew under the fire dragon's huge body almost close to the ground. After dodging the sweeping tail, Harry successfully flew to a high altitude where the fire dragon could not reach.

"It's wonderful, Harry Potter shows us what the art of flight is!" Bagman shouted. There was a burst of crazy screams and applause in the stands.

"Roar--" The female fire dragon was completely irritated. It roared, its two front paws firmly protecting the remaining eggs, and once again condensed a very high-temperature fireball in its mouth and aimed it at Harry in the sky, making Harry Leigh felt horrified.

"Over here!" Brian repeated his same trick, making the unsent fireball of the fire dragon stay in his mouth again.

"Then, let's have a big scene." Brian recited the fire spell, and raging fire spurted out, which was no worse than the breath of a fire dragon! Immediately afterwards, Brian used the transformation spell on his flame, turning it into a small fire dragon!

Transfiguration can be used not only on physical objects, but also on magic spells, allowing it to exert even more magical effects!

The small fire dragon rushed towards the fire ball dragon, and then the small water dragon created by Brian followed closely. They hit the fire dragon's head together, and then exploded. The violent impact made the fire dragon raise its neck high, and then directly It tipped over, exposing all the eggs.

There was a scream from the stands, and Bagman shouted so loud that he almost broke his voice: "Oh my God, what did Brian Foley do? He knocked down the dragon with the water spell and the fire spell! Maybe he can get a The title of Dragon Slayer!”

Harry took this opportunity to swoop down again and snatched another dragon egg!

At this time, a huge fireball hit Brian, hitting the various protective spells he had blessed earlier, and exploded into mushroom-shaped smoke.

"Oh, no - Cedric's dragon is going crazy over there!" Bagman screamed, "Dragon tamer, where's the dragon tamer? Oh, no, my God, Brian is still alive, he's unharmed! "

After the smoke and flames dispersed, Brian stood there intact, with all the defensive spells on his body blown away.

"It's quite powerful..." Brian assessed. He caught the fireball on purpose, wanting to gauge the power of his spell, otherwise he would have dodged it with his reflexes.

He looked at the burned corners of his clothes and sighed: "However, I did almost overturn... My magic level has not reached its peak yet." If he hadn't blessed himself with several magic spells in advance, coupled with the impact, Finally, I used a cushioning charm to cushion it, otherwise it would really hurt.

The fire dragon on Cedric's side began to frantically want to come back here, spitting fireballs randomly and waving its tail wildly, causing a lot of screams in the stands.

Cedric didn't care about paying attention to the situation on the other side. He gritted his teeth and used the Flying Curse to summon his broomstick. He flew directly into the sky and continued to provoke the fire dragon.

Countless mushroom-shaped fireballs exploded around the completely enraged fire dragon, making Cedric somewhat exhausted.

Brian took out his wand and recited a forgetting spell at the female fire dragon that was knocked to the ground and was furiously trying to fly up... Although the fire dragon was highly resistant to the spell, it could stun it for a moment and forget what it was going to do next. What you can do is still possible.

The female fire dragon was stunned, and immediately reacted and was about to raise its head to the sky and roar, but as soon as it raised its neck, another Forgetting Curse hit it, causing it to raise its head and stay in a daze.

Brian got close to the fire dragon and kept casting forgetting spells, hypnotic spells, psychedelic spells, etc. on it, making the fire dragon completely lose its temper, as if the cassette had become a slide. Brian himself was paying attention to Cedric.

Harry had already placed the second golden egg, searching for the gaps between the fireballs in the sky, and swooped towards the last golden egg. The exploding fireballs were like fireworks blooming around him.

At this time, Bagman said with a trembling voice: "Oh my God, what did Cedric do!"

Cedric was seen flying high in the sky. His broomstick was affected by the fireball and ignited a fire. He jumped off the almost destroyed broomstick and landed directly on the back of the fire dragon!

"Cedric...he's riding on a fire dragon!" Bagman's shout broke, and the audience let out high-pitched screams again.

Cedric looked a little embarrassed on the dragon's back. He clutched the spikes on the dragon's back tightly and suffered several burns on his body.

The fire dragon was moving frantically trying to throw off the person on its back, completely giving up on protecting the dragon egg.

Brian glanced at the loaded fire dragon next to him. This stupid dragon could definitely be ridden, but it would definitely not be that shocking.

Harry flew over and grabbed the last golden egg, and the game was over.

A team of dragon trainers rushed onto the field and subdued Cedric's fire dragon. Cedric, who was struggling, slipped off the dragon's back and collapsed directly on the ground.

The three people were picked up by a team of professors and headed towards the first aid tent.

"It's wonderful, warriors of Hogwarts!" Bagman shouted, his voice hoarse, and his voice was drowned by the huge cheers.

No matter who it is, everyone should now accept this brave warrior group.

Thank you, thank you Xiaojia for the 200 points~

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