Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 195 The First Project

On November 24th, the weather turned cold and the first project was about to begin.

This morning, the school was filled with tension and excitement. The little wizards had no intention of studying and were whispering in the Transfiguration class. Professor McGonagall didn't have the time to discipline the students. She made them practice the Transformation Spell uneasily, and even forgot to assign homework after class.

Fortunately, classes were suspended at noon. After lunch, all the students in the school went down to the paddock to wait.

Everyone around Brian was wishing him good luck. Draco also wanted to give Brian some magic tricks. He thought these gadgets might be useful in the competition, but Brian told him that these gadgets would be useful in the competition. It cannot be used in .

Daphne's cheeks were as pale as her sister's. She gave Brian her blessings with worry, and then followed the students to the other side of the field.

Professor Snape took Brian away. He didn't say anything. To be honest, his mood was obviously very bad this semester, and his face was always gloomy. Uh... Although he's usually quite gloomy. He led Brian around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and came to a tall tent.

"You can go in." Snape said in a low voice, "Are you sure?"

"It's quite a sure thing, sir." Brian said easily.

Snape nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the other side.

Brian entered the tent, and the atmosphere inside was quiet and depressing. The three female warriors of Beauxbatons were crowded together on a long wooden stool, with the same pale expressions. It seemed that only by being close to each other could they feel a sense of security. That fiery competitive spirit has long gone.

Krum looked more gloomy than usual, standing alone. Durmstrang's other two warriors, Berisha and Treya, were whispering something, with expressions on their faces that were nervous but eager to try. But Klum clearly felt isolated.

Cedric was pacing back and forth. When he saw Brian coming in, he smiled faintly, and his smile was not as hearty as before.

Not long after, Harry also walked in. He looked very nervous and walked a little erratically.

The tent was remodeled into a large tent, and there were three small rooms next to it, with the school badges of three schools hanging on the doors.

Ludo Bagman walked in, wearing his old Hornets uniform and a big smile on his face, like a burly cartoon character.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, it's time to introduce the situation to you!" He said happily, "There are about thirty minutes until the audience gathers. You have to take turns choosing your... opponent from this bag! "He shook a purple silk bag in his hand.

"There are three small models inside, and they have different... um, types! Ah, by the way, your task is to pick up the golden eggs!" Bagman was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

The warriors nodded expressionlessly, appearing very indifferent, but their pale faces reflected their inner panic.

"Ladies first," Bagman said, handing the bag to the three Furongs. The three female warriors nodded. Fleur tremblingly put her hand into the bag and took out a small model of a fire dragon. It was a Swedish Brachysaurus with a number tied around its neck: No. 1.

Fleur didn't show any surprise, but her face turned even paler after seeing the number.

Krum got the Welsh Green Dragon with the number three on it. He didn't even blink, he just sat down and looked at the ground.

Finally, Cedric took out a small model representing the Fireball Dragon, number two. He showed the model to Brian and Harry, then bowed his head slightly.

"Okay, you have all chosen your destined opponents!" Bagman said happily, "Then, I will explain the rules of the game to you. You..." He looked at the time and said: "You will have You will have twenty minutes to discuss tactics. When the audience over there arrives, you will follow the order of numbers to deal with the fire dragon..."

"So, the first project requires you to deal with two fire dragons..." Bagman said excitedly, "Yes, the model you drew is the type of fire dragon you will face, two of the same type, One male and one female..."

"You need to pass the guard of the fire dragon and grab the golden egg from under the female dragon!" Bagman gestured at the size of the egg, "Three warriors... so there are three golden eggs!"

The expressions of the warriors changed for the first time. They looked straight at Bagman, as if hoping he was joking. Brian blinked slightly.

"That's right, you need to grab three golden eggs!" Bagman said with a smile, satisfied that the warriors finally responded.

Krum closed his eyes, his face turned a little blue, and Fleur and the other three slumped their shoulders, as if they had lost all their strength. Cedric gritted his teeth and let out a long breath. Harry stared at Bagman blankly, his face expressionless.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about dying. We have more than twenty dragon trainers standing ready to rescue you at any time! Of course, there is also Dumbledore, you can trust that he will not let you die!" Bagman winked. Blinking his eyes, "Of course, if an accident occurs, injuries are inevitable... So, protect yourself!"

"Okay, you can go to your respective rooms to discuss tactics. Someone will call you when it's your turn." Bagman pointed to the three rooms with school badges on the doors, "These three The room is under a spell so you can’t hear the sounds outside... I have to say Mr. Foley’s idea is great!”

Brian curled his lips and walked into the room belonging to the Hogwarts warriors first.

Once inside the room, all the sounds outside could no longer be heard. The room was quiet, with a round table in the middle, an oil lamp on it, a few quills and rolls of parchment, and three armchairs beside it. Brian sat down at the round table, and the atmosphere seemed very heavy.

"Why is there still parchment? Are you leaving it for us to write a suicide note?" Harry twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly.

"It's not a bad idea to write about it if you want." Brian shrugged, playfully.

"Let's talk about what should be done in the end..." Cedric groaned, placed the fireball dragon model with its wings spread and its claws on the table, and paced around.

"It's a bit troublesome. Taking away one dragon egg is enough to anger the female dragon, but we have to take it three times." Brian sighed.

"The golden eggs are so big..." Harry compared, "I can only take one at a time, and I have to find a place to put it before I grab another one..."

"The first time should be the easiest, and the second time is better too. As long as you move faster, Harry, Brian and I will delay a little longer..." Cedric's face turned pale again when he said this, "But For the third time, we will face the final wrath of the fire dragon. Maybe the dragon I diverted will come back..."

Brian and Harry nodded.

Without a doubt, the first project turned into a nightmare difficulty.

If the first golden egg can be easily obtained when the fire dragon is not angered and does not know their purpose, the second and third eggs are like pulling teeth from the tiger's mouth. The enraged fire dragon will definitely go crazy.

But one can do two, but not three, but they have to provoke the fire dragon three times...

Brian shook his head slightly. He didn't expect the competition team to be so crazy. You know, even experienced dragon trainers will need several people to dare to face an angry fire dragon.

"Otherwise, how can we not anger the fire dragon?" Cedric frowned, "Use some kind of psychedelic spell?"

"The fire dragon's spell resistance is very high, I'm afraid it will wake up soon." Brian muttered. He could give it a try, but with his current level of magic power, he probably wouldn't be able to confuse him for long. The most important thing is...that would be too boring.

"Then, let's follow the method we discussed before." Cedric seemed to be brave, "There is nothing to hesitate..."

Brian showed a bright smile and said, "Are you sure you can trap that dragon?"

Cedric nodded sharply.

"Very good, I'm sure of it too." Brian said with a smile.

Harry clenched his fist and said, "It's okay with me!"

Thank you to the budding baldhead for the 2,000 starting coins, I am grateful~

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