Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 194 Tactical Discussion

A few days before the game, the three warriors of Hogwarts once again had a gathering.

"I know what the first project is..." Harry said in a difficult tone, "It's the fire dragon!"

"How did you know?" Cedric frowned.

"Uh... I saw it with my own eyes. There were six fire dragons over there in the Forbidden Forest..." Harry said. He didn't tell Hagrid.

Cedric walked back and forth, looking a little nervous.

"I think we won't be asked to fight the fire dragon. Maybe we just need to pass the fire dragon." Brian's tone remained calm.

"Yes, I think so, but it's still difficult..." Harry said.

"However, we knew this in advance, which is our advantage..." Brian said thoughtfully.

"No, I think Beauxbatons and Durmstrang know it." Harry said, "Ms. Maxim was also present at the time, and Karkaroff also followed..."

"Okay, this confidentiality is a mess." Brian spread his hands.

"Six fire dragons, that is to say, we need to deal with two fire dragons?" Cedric guessed, "Perhaps through the door they guard, or to grab something from under their guard..."

"By the way, there should be three female fire dragons nesting in their nests and hatching eggs." Harry thought of this, "So, maybe we need to snatch their eggs?"

"This is really not good news," Cedric rubbed his brows, "Robbing a female dragon's eggs will definitely lead to no good results."

"However, if we are dealing with two fire dragons, it's not too difficult." Brian muttered, "There are three of us. If one person diverts a fire dragon, the remaining person can easily get the things... ...However, the problem is that the female dragon will not leave her eggs casually, so someone must deal with it."

"It's hard enough..." Harry spoke Cedric's heart. Isn't it difficult to deal with the fire dragon? Harry didn't think he would survive next Tuesday night.

"Then let's analyze it first." Brian showed a peaceful smile, which made the anxious Harry calm down.

"The two fire dragons, and what the female fire dragon is guarding..." Brian said, "We have to let the female fire dragon that is incubating the egg leave its egg. I think this requires a strong enough person to deal with it. I You can do this.”

Harry and Cedric both nodded without objection.

"Then, the other fire dragon is difficult to predict. It may be easily lured away, or it may stick to the female fire dragon... Therefore, facing it is risky." Brian said, "Cedric, you have Not sure about this one?"

Cedric frowned tightly, and then said: "I need to think about it, maybe there is some magic spell that can..."

"Then we can discuss it later," Brian nodded. "As for Harry, you can go grab the dragon egg."

Harry nodded, looking a little relaxed and a little more disappointed. Maybe he wants to fight the fire dragon more like a real warrior? He quickly put this thought aside.

Brian saw Harry's depression. He shook his head and said, "Harry, your work is actually the most important. It is related to whether we can win...and it is also very dangerous. After realizing your intentions, After that, the female dragon will definitely come back to attack you, and once we can't hold it back, your situation will become very dangerous."

Harry felt the heavy pressure, but he couldn't help but straighten his back, his eyes shining brightly.

The three of them continued to discuss various plans. For Harry, Brian planned to reflect his advantages as in the original work.

"Harry, you have overlooked one aspect that you are very good at." Brian smiled, "You are an excellent seeker."

Harry mused, and Cedric's eyes lit up.

"The Triwizard Tournament stipulates that we can only use the wands in our hands, but you can use the Flying Curse to summon anything..." Brian said.

"My Firebolt!" Harry became excited.

"That's right, so you have to master the flying spell." Brian said, "Of course, Cedric is also an excellent seeker. If you feel that it is difficult for you to control the fire dragon, you can try to fly on it. Provoke it from the air. Of course, that's also dangerous."

Cedric raised a confident smile and looked very handsome. He said cheerfully: "I think there are so many plans, and I can definitely do it well."

"I can do it too. I mastered the Flying Charm a few days ago." Harry's heart was pounding and he wanted to fly directly to the competition field.

"Your courage is commendable." Brian said in a gentle tone, "But what I'm more concerned about is, is it really that simple?"

"Is this easy?" Harry's eyes widened, "Do you think we really have to fight the fire dragon? That's something that requires seven or eight adult wizards to do!"

"No." Brian shook his head, his eyes slightly blank.

He knew the situation in the original work. The warrior needed to get the golden egg under the guard of a fire dragon... There was only one warrior! This means that the warrior has to face an angry fire dragon alone and find time to grab the egg.

But according to current speculation, if three people face two fire dragons, the difficulty will actually decrease.

Ludo Bagman has said that the difficulty of the game has increased a little bit...

Brian thought for a while and then said: "We have to make other preparations..."

He had little confidence in the game designers, but he had full confidence in their malicious intent.

The three of them discussed until midnight, each jotted down the spells they needed to master and become proficient in, and then hurried back to their respective common rooms.

Harry was walking in the dark corridor, his brows furrowed deeply, and his mood was very complicated.

He had talked with Sirius in the fireplace last night, and Sirius had warned him to be wary of Karkaroff because he was a Death Eater in the past. After being captured, he named many Death Eaters before he was released. After coming out, he has been teaching black magic to students.

Sirius also told him to be extremely wary of Brian!

He remembered what Sirius had said when they met him in the fireplace.

"Death Eaters have been more active than usual recently. Karkaroff may want to deal with you." Sirius said, "He has the ability to put your name into the Goblet of Fire..."

"And your teammate, Brian Foley, you should know that his father is also a complete Death Eater." Sirius looked a little sarcastic, "Of course, he is much smarter than Karkaroff, isn't he? ?”

"You mean, they might cooperate to harm me?" Harry said.

"It's possible." Sirius nodded solemnly, "What I know is that Albert Foley is very enthusiastic about this Triwizard Tournament, and even took the initiative to donate a thousand Galleons, to a certain extent. The right to intervene."

"As for your teammate... he is very strong, so strong that he doesn't look like a student at all. No one knows what he is thinking, but you should understand that he has enough reasons to kill you during the game... You know, he just needs to do a little bit of manipulation during the game, or a little bit of water, and you might die! And the audience will just think it's an accident!"

Harry felt cold in his hands and feet. He thought about everything Brian had done before. Could he really harm himself?

Yes, as long as Brian lets the fire dragon come back to attack him in the first project, he may directly lose his life... But, will Brian really do this?

Harry thought hard for reasons why Brian wouldn't harm him, but there was no doubt that they all seemed a bit pale.

It had to be said that he had never seen through Brian. Although he helped them defeat the Heir to the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk in his second year, he defeated Professor Lupin, captured Sirius, and allowed Peter Pettigrew to escape in his third year. Sirius failed to wash away his grievances, and Voldemort seemed to be making a comeback with Pettigrew's help.

Brian always seemed to do whatever he wanted, and Harry wanted to believe that he had good intentions towards him, but why?

Harry sighed deeply and couldn't help but think of Hermione and Ron. Maybe Hermione would help him analyze it, but Ron... he got angry just thinking about it.

'But maybe Sirius is just paranoid,' Harry thought. Brian asked him to use the Flying Charm to summon the Firebolt, which really suited his liking.

If he really wanted to harm himself, he would definitely not come up with such a good idea. Instead, he would just run over and grab the dragon egg, and then be burned to death by the flames sprayed by the fire dragon.

Thinking of this, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, he didn't want to doubt his special friend at this time.

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