Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 193 The warrior circle is really chaotic

Rita Skeeter's report was quickly published in the Daily Prophet and became a new source of laughter for Draco.

In that article about the Triwizard Tournament, Rita Skeeter described Harry's personal life in such a vivid way that a large photo of Harry took up a large portion of the first page of the newspaper.

The description of the Warriors section became almost exclusive to Harry, with the Warriors of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons being squeezed into the last few lines of the article, Brian being lightly praised by Rita Skeeter for two lines, and Cedric said nothing.

Brian read this report with a bit of a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Fortunately, there is very little description of Brian. Rita Skeeter expressed her appreciation for Brian as a warrior, praising him for showing excellence and extraordinaryness at a young age, without any mention of other things...

Of course, if she really dared to make something up, she would probably have to pack up and go back to her hometown right then and there, or maybe even get an Azkaban residence permit or something.

Brian shook his head, threw the long copy of the Daily Prophet on the table, and listened to Draco reading the report about Harry aloud.

"Harry Potter has been remembered by everyone since he was born, together with that ugly scar... When the reporter asked about his parents, Harry's green eyes were filled with tears... Oh, it turns out that Harry Potter Do you still cry a lot?" Draco laughed and continued reading.

"Harry finally found his first love at Hogwarts. His friend Colin Creevey said that Harry and a girl named Hermione Granger were inseparable... What, Granger is beautiful Amazing? Why didn't I notice? Potter is a top student? He and Longbottom ran this school, right?"

"However, during the interview, the reporter found that this famous boy seemed to be slow to respond to all questions, with a dull tone and dull expression... This made the reporter think of those children with congenital IQ defects... The reporter couldn't help but think Questioning the educational level of Hogwarts, what we want is definitely not nerds, this is the persecution of children..."

"Pfft..." Brian almost spit out the pumpkin juice in his mouth. He wiped the corners of his mouth and coughed lightly.

Draco held his stomach and laughed, and said intermittently: "Oh, I can't stand it anymore... So Potter is mentally retarded? No wonder I always feel that something is wrong with him..."

Daphne wrinkled her nose and said, "Rita Skeeter is the best at arranging people behind the scenes. Only one tenth of the reports she writes can be believed, my mother told me."

"Oh, so I didn't take it seriously, but it's still pretty good as a joke, isn't it?" Draco spread his hands.

This report did not bring any changes to Brian's campus life. In fact, it was similar to others. Although the students had a worse impression of Harry, thinking that he was a show-off and a pushy person, Harry couldn't control any of this.

He was so preoccupied with learning spells that everything else took a back seat.

Harry's performance made more young wizards wonder if he really had an IQ problem...

More young wizards were very dissatisfied that Cedric was not in the report. Badges of "Support Cedric Diggory" began to circulate in the school, and many young wizards bought one and wore it on their chests.

Cedric was very dissatisfied with the badge, and he begged the young wizards not to wear it, as it would affect the unity of the Hogwarts warriors.

He secretly investigated the origin of the badge and found that it was actually made by Berisha, the warrior of Durmstrang. He heard that he came from a declining pure-blood wizard family, and his current situation was not much different from that of the Weasley family. . He made a fortune from these badges and began to pursue Fleur Delacour in a coquettish manner.

Fleur didn't pay much attention to him though, she was obviously more interested in Cedric.

Um, it seems Cedric likes Cho Chang? Harry Potter also has a crush on her. But Harry is currently having an affair with Hermione, and Krum has fallen in love with Hermione again... It seems that Beauxbatons' female warrior Christine is also interested in Krum...

"The warrior circle is so chaotic..." Brian sighed with emotion after understanding all these twists and turns.

Berisha was caught and was given a few harsh words by Karkaroff, but the badge had spread throughout Hogwarts, and there was no way to stop it now.

Cedric felt guilty about this, and both Brian and Harry said it was okay.

In the next two weeks, Brian devoted himself to improving his self-made spell and did not care about other things.

Through research on the theory of magic spells, he finally improved a flying magic spell based on the floating spell that could be applied to himself, but it was not mature enough and the flying speed was not fast.

In the Room of Requirement, Brian waved his wand and let himself fly up slowly, flying in the air like bubbles, but his expression looked a little helpless.

"No wonder there is no flying spell in the wizarding world. Firstly, it is difficult to improve, the speed is not fast, or the flight cannot be high. Secondly, it consumes a lot of money. You will be very tired after flying for a while..." After Brian landed slowly, he sighed helplessly. He said, "So, it's better to fly on a broomstick or apparate..."

"Then, a flying spell that can really be used flexibly, even in combat, to save lives in critical situations..." Brian mused, "Maybe it needs to be transformed into a shape while flying... In other words, it needs to be combined with dangerous black magic. Transformation can achieve the effect.”

"So, Voldemort's idea of ​​​​the flying curse is correct... He transformed himself into black mist, so he can fly freely."

"But... the black fog and all, it looks so evil at first glance..." Brian rubbed his brows in distress, "But he has to use black magic to transform himself, so no matter what form he takes, he should be quite evil, right? …”

"It seems that even if it is created, it cannot be used as a daily spell," Brian continued to write and draw on the parchment. "Otherwise, he will be arrested as a dark wizard in a minute..."

He flipped through several black magic books in his hand and began to study the black magic transformation technique.

After studying for a while, Brian stretched and left the Room of Requirement, planning to have dinner.

Outside the window was the setting sun that dyed the sky fiery red, and the little wizards who were resting and playing on the grounds were walking towards the castle.

Brian went down the stairs and found a black kitten in the doorway next to the stairs.

"Blake, why are you here?" Brian picked up the kitten with a smile.

"Meow..." The little black cat moved its four paws, and its golden eyes were full of arrogance and disgust, as if to say, put me down quickly.

Brian held the black cat in his arms and stroked it. The black cat stretched and purred.

He knew this cat. After Sirius Black left last semester, he might be grateful for Luna's kindness in feeding her, or to compensate her for losing a pet, so he sent this black cat.

Coincidentally, Luna named it Black, Proud Black, because it was black, or so Luna said.

Black is indeed proud, and if he is not an acquaintance, he will definitely greet people with his paws.

"Blake?" Luna's voice came from far away.

"Here it is." Brian said.

Luna came bouncing around the corner from the hallway, holding a copy of The Quibbler and wearing a green "Support Brian Foley" badge with gleaming writing on it.

"Brian, you found it." Luna said happily, "Lately, Blake always comes out to fight with Mrs. Norris, which is a bit nerve-wracking..."

"Tie it up?" Brian joked.

The black cat pricked up its ears, jumped down from Brian's arms, walked slowly to Luna with its tail raised, and meowed.

Luna knelt down and touched the cat, smiling and saying: "It wanted to vent its anger on me. That time Mrs. Norris jumped on my head and scared me."

She picked up the cat and said, "Blake is very powerful. He can always find my hidden things..."

"Or will someone hide your things?" Brian frowned.

"Yeah, it's quite interesting. Blake also likes this game very much." Luna looked very happy, shaking her head slightly and humming an unknown tune to herself.

"Your badge?" Brian said softly.

"I made it myself, I think it's quite beautiful, right? I gave it to several people." Luna suddenly stopped humming and said seriously, "The first event of the competition is coming soon, you have to work hard."

"Ah, we are all working hard." Brian showed a soft smile.

The two of them walked towards the auditorium together. Brian didn't pay attention to the looks of other students in the corridor, and Luna didn't care at all either. She was humming to herself and bouncing as she walked, as if she was carefree. A carefree little girl.

The first project was getting closer and Brian was... not nervous at all.

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