Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 192 Detection of the Magic Wand

"That's amazing, Harry!" Colin Creevey walked in front and kept saying, "You have become a warrior, that's great!"

"Ah, yes, it's amazing..." Harry seemed to have just come back to his senses and said in a daze.

They went up the stairs and finally stopped outside a room, and Colin said, "Good luck!"

Two people entered the room. This is a small classroom. The desks have been pushed to the back of the classroom, leaving an open space. Three desks were placed side by side in front of the blackboard. Next to them sat Ludo Bagman and a woman wearing a magenta robe. A man stood to the side holding a large black camera.

Viktor Krum stood in a corner of the classroom with a sullen face, not talking to anyone. Durmstrang's remaining two warriors, Berisha Beasley and Treya Clark, hugged each other and leaned against each other. On the wall, the expression on the face is lazy.

Fleur and Cedric were talking, and Fleur seemed very happy, occasionally tossing her long, bright silver hair. The other two Beauxbatons warriors were whispering to each other.

When Bagman saw the two people coming in, he quickly stood up and jumped forward.

"Ah, our two youngest warriors are here!" he said eagerly, "Come in, there is nothing to worry about, it is just the wand testing ceremony. The other judges will arrive soon... and then take a few photos."

Brian nodded and leaned against the wall. The woman sitting at the table lit up after seeing the two of them.

"This is Rita Skeeter. She is writing a short article about the Triwizard Tournament for the Daily Prophet." Bagman introduced.

Rita Skeeter showed a smile and said: "Ludo, can you let me talk to them for a few words first? In order to add some color to the article..."

"No problem!" Bagman said loudly, "It's just... I wonder if the two warriors object?"

Brian nodded indifferently. Harry was thinking about the spell, and his reaction was a little slow and he said, "Huh?"

"Great!" Rita Skeeter said eagerly, "So, Brian, let's talk first? Just one or two words." She showed a sweet smile.

The two came to a small storage room where brooms were kept. Rita Skeeter closed the door and took out a long green quill pen and a roll of parchment from the crocodile leather handbag in her hand. She popped the tip of the quill into her mouth, sucked on it for a moment, and then set the quill upright on the parchment.

The quill began to write on the parchment: "The charming blonde Rita Skeeter is thirty-four years old. Her unruly quill has exposed many flashy false names..."

"I sincerely warn you not to use this sensational quill, because the consequences will not be very good..." Brian said lazily.

Rita Skeeter paused, then forced a smile and said: "How could it be? I have always sought truth from facts. Uh... So, can you tell me, what prompted you to decide to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament? "

"Because it's fun." Brian said with a smile.

The quill scrawled on the parchment and wrote: "Brian Foley, comes from the long-standing Foley family. This origin also gave birth to his arrogance and arrogance. He proudly and proudly told reporters : All warriors except me are rubbish..."

Brian narrowed his eyes dangerously when he saw this. Rita Skeeter grabbed the quill she was writing with, laughed dryly, and hastily crossed out the above paragraph.

"Oh, um, well, how did you throw your name into the Goblet of Fire and have it choose you?" Rita Skeeter sucked on the pen tip again and let it write automatically.

"I broke through the age limit set by Dumbledore and put my name in. It's that simple." Brian said.

The quill started writing again: "When the reporter asked Brian Foley how he made himself a warrior, Brian seemed vague and hemmed and hawed, saying that Dumbledore's age line couldn't trouble him at all. …”

"Oh? Please forgive me, is it really that simple?" Rita Skeeter leaned forward and said with burning eyes.

Brian looked at the words compiled by the quill with interest, and said playfully: "Then what do you want me to say? My father secretly bribed the Ministry of Magic, took control of Hogwarts, and hired Dumbledore to become our Bodyguards and thugs?”

"Brian Foley revealed a shocking secret to reporters during the interview. Shocked! The Foley family actually..." the quill wrote as if the wind was twitching.

Rita Skeeter hurriedly grabbed the quill again and scratched out the content on it. She raised her head haggardly and said dryly: "Okay, oh, I guess I don't have anything to ask. That’s right…well, could you please help me call Harry Potter over?”

"Okay, but..." Brian glanced at the messy writing on the parchment and said slowly, "I hope you can really seek truth from facts."

"Of course, I am the most professional reporter." Rita Skeeter forced a smile.

"That's good." Brian walked out of the utility room, returned to the original room, and let Harry pass.

After a while, the judges came in one after another and sat down. Ollivander, the wand maker, also came in and stood quietly by the window. Dumbledore came back with Harry, who was still a little confused, and Rita Skeeter also followed, with a very satisfied expression on her face.

"Miss Delacour, you come first, okay?" Ollivander walked to the open space and said softly.

Fleur stepped forward lightly and handed him the wand.

Ollivander twirled the wand, causing it to spray out many pink and gold sparks, and said: "Yes, nine and a half inches, very elastic... made of maple... contains... oh, my God... "

"The hair containing a Veela is my grandma's hair." Fleur said calmly.

"Yes, I have never used Veela hair myself. They are too sensitive and willful..." Ollivander said, "Orchids are blooming." A bouquet of flowers bloomed on the head of the wand.

"Very good, in good condition." Ollivander handed the wand back to Fleur, and then began to test the wand of the next Beauxbatons girl.

Brian watched quietly from the sidelines as Ollivander professionally tested the wand's condition. After the three Beauxbatons warriors, it was Cedric's turn, and then Brian.

"Oh, I remember you. You lost your wand after the first grade." Ollivander looked at Brian seriously with his light eyes, took the wand and said, "Ah, I hope you can treat your wand well." …”

Ollivander inspected the appearance of the wand and said softly: "Yes, my product is thirteen inches long, made of ebony wood, and inside is a phoenix tail feather...a violent phoenix, I remember it very clearly, I’m very proud that I still have scars from its pecks on my head..."

As he spoke, he let the tip of the wand emit bunches of beautiful golden sparks, and said with satisfaction: "It's in good condition, very good..." He returned the wand to Brian.

Next came Harry, then the Durmstrang warriors.

"Well, another Grigovitch work... black walnut, snake nerves, a strange combination... We never use snake nerves, they are cold and powerful, but not loyal enough... In excellent condition..."

Ollivander said, and after returning the wand to Berisha of Durmstrang, the wand test came to an end.

"Thank you everyone," Dumbledore stood up and said, "Now you can go back to class... Maybe it would be more appropriate to go directly to eat, because get out of class is almost over..."

"Take a picture, Dumbledore, take a picture!" Bagman shouted excitedly, "How about a photo of the referee and the warrior, Rita?"

"Okay, let's take a group photo first." Rita Skeeter's eyes fell on Harry and said, "Maybe I'll take some single photos later."

The photo session took a long time, with Madame Maxime sitting in the middle and others standing around her. Karkaroff kept curling his goatee, Krum was hiding at the back, and Brian felt that the child was a little autistic. The cameraman actively suggested that Fleur should be at the front, but Rita Skeeter kept pushing Harry to a more prominent position. Brian was pushed to the side.

After the group photo was taken, Rita Skeeter insisted on taking individual photos of each person before letting them go.

Thank you Yundong for the 500 starting coins~

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