Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 191 Harry the Endeavor

Next, Brian looked at Harry again. He pondered for a moment and said, "Harry, you can demonstrate the spells you are good at, the ones that may be useful in battle."

Harry nodded, took a deep breath, and demonstrated the Disarming Charm, the Patronus Charm, and some evil spells, and finally stopped out of breath.

"You are very good at Defense Against the Dark Arts." Brian said gently.

"It's really amazing." Cedric looked very surprised. It was obvious that he had always underestimated Harry. He himself hasn't mastered the Patronus Charm yet.

"Really?" Harry blushed a little. Obviously, he felt that he was incomparable to the two people in front of him.

"Although your age is your weakness, at least you have proven your amazing talent in defense against black magic." Brian said in a soft and authentic tone, "Perhaps, you can continue to strengthen your training in this area and learn some magic skills in a targeted manner. Curse. Trust me, you will not be weaker than other warriors."

Harry's gloomy heart seemed to have finally seen the sunshine. He felt that Brian was now like a shining golden angel with snow-white wings, which gave him strength in his heart again.

"Then, you have to be prepared to go through hellish training, Harry." Brian said with a genuine smile.

"Of course, I never give up halfway." Harry said firmly with fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Very good." Brian nodded and smiled meaningfully. The warriors have ignited their fighting spirit and are about to experience growth and adventure.

"There are still more than twenty days left before the first project. This period of time is enough for us to learn more spells." Brian said seriously, "First, we can discuss what spells are needed and fill in the gaps each time."

"Okay!" Cedric and Harry nodded.

Brian took out a piece of parchment and said: "First of all, Defense Against the Dark Arts...Expelliarmus, there are many obstacles, the strength is loose, and the armor protects you - Harry, you must learn the Iron Armor Charm as soon as possible."

"I understand." Harry said solemnly.

"Next, I don't think you need the Patronus Charm... It's best to learn the Coma Charm... There are also a few special spells, such as the Eye Disease Charm..."

"Will the resuscitation spell and the curse stop immediately?" Brian looked at Cedric.

"Yes, but I'm not very good at Cursing Stop." Cedric said.

"Practice as much as you can and you may be able to use it." Brian nodded, "I also know these two spells, and the Curse of All Curses, which I think should be enough... Harry, you mainly learned the Iron Armor Charm and a few Attack spells, such as petrification spells and binding spells, and if you have time, practice stun spells."

"Then, next are some practical spells... The first is the Flying Charm. I think it is necessary for you, Harry, to learn it..." Brian suggested.

Harry nodded seriously.

"Next, it is necessary to master the Fire Curse and the Clear Water Curse. Then, there is the Bubble Curse in the water, the Fire Avoidance Curse in the fire, and the Warming Curse in the ice... Of course, the importance of these spells can be ranked later, yes. People can recite spells for those who don't know how to do it..." Brian continued.

"I have no objection." Cedric nodded, "There are also basic spells such as the unlocking spell, the floating spell and the lighting spell. We all know it... Well, Harry, you can use those evil spells flexibly in your attacks. Sometimes it can have unexpected results.”

Harry nodded thoughtfully and Brian wrote it down.

"Actually, these are the commonly used spells." Brian concluded. "You don't need to master all the side spells, but if you have time, you should learn more, just in case. As for Harry, You need to practice the most spells, but try to learn the Flying Charm and the Iron Armor Charm first, which should be of great use."

"Why do I suddenly feel that... we have a high probability of winning the championship?" Cedric suddenly laughed.

"Of course, it's not just the champions who have problems." Brian said with a smile.

"Although everyone dislikes us..." Harry grinned. He felt very hopeful.

"Then wait and surprise everyone." Cedric said with a bright smile on his face.

The three people continued to discuss for a while, and when the time was almost nine o'clock, they hurriedly said goodbye and rushed to their respective common rooms.

Harry's fighting spirit ignited and he seemed to be in much better spirits. He silently recited the spells he needed to practice and couldn't wait to go back to study. He could guarantee that he had never wanted to learn so urgently.

On the way back, Brian glanced at the system. This time the incident of the Goblet of Fire selecting a warrior still brought him a witness point. It seemed that this was recognized by the system.

"Well, that would be fun," he exclaimed.

"I wonder if the first project will be a fire dragon?"

A few days passed. Although people's discussion about the selection of the Warriors has not stopped, it is obvious that the three Warriors don't care much anymore.

Even Harry, who has been in a bad situation, can no longer worry about those things. He has been busy practicing spells recently, and even chants various spells in his sleep.

To his relief, Hermione had always stood firmly by his side and practiced with him, guiding him on the Flying Charm and other magic spells. Although Ron has always avoided him, fortunately Ginny has always supported him, and even fell out with several friends because of it. The two brothers Colin Creevey have always admired him, which made him feel touched and ashamed.

In this way, he became more motivated and stimulated all his potential. He made obvious progress on several magic spells in just a few days, which made him very excited.

As for other people's disapproval, Snape's targeting, and Malfoy's cynicism? Harry didn't have the time to care right now.

The fact is that in the eyes of many people, Harry's eyes have been dull these days and he is mumbling something all the time, as if he is in a daze, making people fear that he has gone crazy.

Draco provoked several times in front of Harry, but Harry turned a blind eye to him every time as if he was invisible. After a long time, Draco gave up looking for trouble, because Harry was like a wooden block and didn't even respond, which made him feel very boring.

Harry devoted himself entirely to practicing charms and caused a lot of trouble during class.

In Herbology class, he almost transplanted a jumping bulb into Hermione's arm. Finally, the jumping bulb broke out of his hand and hit Ron hard in the nose, which made Harry feel relieved.

In the divination class, when Trelawney asked him what he saw on the planet map, he said in a trance that he saw a huge insect buzzing and screaming in front of his eyes, which made Trelawney burst into tears. , the after-school homework given to him was super doubled.

While learning the Flying Charm in Charms class, Harry was inspired and summoned Professor Flitwick. Professor Flitwick screamed and straddled his neck, but he laughed, thinking he had finally figured out the trick to the Flying Curse.

Harry's behavior made the professors worried. Professor McGonagall always wanted to send him to the school hospital for a good check-up, but Harry always ran away after class.

Several people in the same dormitory with him also expressed concern about this, and Ron also expressed his concern tactfully, but the sinister tone almost made him angry.

Harry's behavior made Snape seem a little helpless. The solitary confinement he punished Harry had been scheduled until the end of the semester. But when facing Harry who looked calm, he felt for the first time that he had no idea what to do. He was so angry that he wanted to slap the familiar and calm face in front of him.

As Harry blew up the second cauldron in Potions, a sharp knock on the door interrupted Snape's homework and the threat of confinement. Colin Creevey flashed into the classroom, glanced at Harry eagerly, and then said to Snape: "Sorry, sir, I have to bring Harry Potter and Brian Foley. Go upstairs."

Snape's livid face became even more gloomy, and he said coldly: "They have to go to class, and they will go upstairs after class."

"But, sir, Mr. Bagman asked them to go up..." Colin's face turned red and he said uneasily, "All the warriors are going. I think they want to take pictures..."

Snape's chest heaved with anger, his lips wriggled, and finally he let him go, but the cold look he looked at Harry was chilling.

Fortunately, Harry had no fear at this time, otherwise he might have been so frightened that he had nightmares.

"Sorry, I'll go over first, sir." Brian said, took his things and walked out of the classroom.

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