Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 187 Crazy Goblet of Fire

Under the nervous gaze of many eyes, the blue-white flames of the Goblet of Fire instantly turned red, and crackling sparks spattered out.

A tongue of fire jumped into the air, a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it, and the flame in the goblet returned to blue-white color again.

Dumbledore took the piece of parchment and read the words on it by the firelight.

"Durmstrang's champion—" he said in a clear and forceful tone, "Victor Krum!"

Applause and cheers swept the entire auditorium, and someone shouted: "This is not surprising at all! Only he has this ability!"

Krum stood up from the Slytherin table, walked towards Dumbledore listlessly, and then followed the staff table into the next room.

"Awesome, Viktor!" Karkaroff shouted, "You are destined to be a warrior!"

The professors on the faculty bench also smiled and applauded. Moody was expressionless, Mr. Crouch was serious, and Ludo Bagman had a strange expression.

When the applause gradually subsided, the flames turned red again, and another note popped out.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons," Dumbledore announced, "is Fleur Delacour!"

The beautiful girl who looked like a Veela stood up gracefully, shook her long silver hair, walked over with light steps, and entered the small door.

The other Beauxbatons students hung their heads in disappointment, and two girls burst into tears, burying their heads in their arms and sobbing.

Then, the auditorium became quiet again, and everyone held their breath.

Daphne clenched her fists tightly and leaned forward, staring at the flames in the goblet. Her fingers turned white from the pinch.

Finally, the Goblet of Fire turned red again, and Dumbledore took out the third piece of parchment from the flames.

"The Champion of Hogwarts—" he shouted, "Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuff students jumped up and down cheering, everyone was screaming and stamping their feet, the sound was deafening.

Cedric stood up from the Hufflepuff table and walked into the next room. This is a very handsome boy with a bright smile on his face.

Daphne sighed deeply and opened her mouth to Brian, but she didn't know what to say.

Brian frowned and looked at the staff table. The professors all laughed and clapped naturally. Moody and Crouch couldn't see anything on their faces. However, the expression on Ludo's face seemed unpleasant?

"How could this happen?" Brian asked himself. "My confusion spell failed?"

At this time, the flame in the goblet turned red again, sparks crackled, and another note spurted out.

Dumbledore subconsciously reached out and grabbed the parchment, his expression frozen.

Then he cleared his throat and read aloud: "Durmstrang, Berisha Beasley!"

A Durmstrang boy who was lazily leaning on a chair jumped up as if he had been electrocuted. He opened his mouth in astonishment and stared blankly at Dumbledore.

There was no applause, and there was buzzing discussion in the auditorium, like the chirping of countless angry bees.

Dumbledore frowned slightly and looked at Karkaroff, but at this time Karkaroff's mouth was wide enough to fit an egg.

"The fourth warrior? Karkaroff, I didn't know there could be two warriors in one school!" Mrs. Maxim's chest heaved violently, and she looked down at Karkaroff angrily.

Professor McGonagall also said angrily: "This is cheating!"

Karkaroff said blankly: "It's not me! I don't know about this! Durmstrang's warrior is Viktor Krum!"

Dumbledore paused and continued to shout: "Belisha Beasley, please come up here and go to that door!"

Belisha walked over with a grimace on his face, looking a little downcast, which was somewhat similar to Krum's expression. He walked into the room.

However, things are not over yet.

While several professors were denouncing Karkaroff, the flame of the Goblet of Fire turned red again, and another note was sprayed out.

Dumbledore took it, paused, and said loudly again: "Beauxbatons, Christie Brand!"

A girl with red eyes raised her head in surprise and looked at Dumbledore with tearful eyes, obviously not yet reacting.

Finally, she walked into the room belonging to the warrior with a confused look. Ms. Maxim, who was denouncing Karkaroff, closed her mouth, while the Goblet of Fire was still churning.

Another tongue of fire spurted out. Dumbledore stared at the name on the note for a long time and read: "Hogwarts, Harry Potter."

Harry looked at Dumbledore in confusion, completely bewildered by the news one after another. The auditorium was buzzing with discussion again.

"I didn't put my name in," Harry said blankly.

Ron and Hermione opened their mouths as if looking at some prehistoric monster.

"Go ahead, Harry," Hermione urged quietly, nudging him slightly.

Harry stood up as if awakening from a dream, stumbled towards the door, and finally disappeared through the door.

Draco took the hat off his head and set it aside with an expression of gritted teeth.

Daphne and Astoria opened their mouths slightly in a daze and widened their eyes. The expressions of the two sisters were exactly the same.

Brian touched his nose, smiled and whispered: "Things are getting interesting..."

Before the surprise faded away, the Goblet of Fire spat out a note again.

There was a dead silence in the auditorium, everyone looked at the Goblet of Fire blankly, and the atmosphere was as heavy as a funeral.

"Durmstrang, Treya Clark!"

Next to the long Slytherin table, in Durmstrang's seat, a girl with black hair and brown skin stood up and silently walked towards the door.

At the faculty bench, the professors looked serious and pursed their lips tightly.

Another note.

"Beauxbatons, Cecilia Lopez."

Next to the Ravenclaw table, another girl who was still crying in despair stood up with her lips pursed and hurried into the room.

Next, another note was sprayed out high, and Brian narrowed his eyes.

Dumbledore looked into the firelight and shouted: "Hogwarts, Brian Foley!"

Draco stared at Brian blankly, his expression a mixture of envy and horror. Crabbe and Goyle dropped the sweets they had secretly hidden in their hands.

Daphne clapped, the applause seemed lonely in the auditorium, and then Astoria and Blaise also clapped their hands a few times.

Brian smiled at Daphne, stood up, glanced at the expressions of everyone on the staff table, and passed by the serious-looking Dumbledore and the professors who were staring at him closely. All the little wizards' eyes were fixed on him, as if their eyes were burning through him.

The blue and white flames of the Goblet of Fire were completely extinguished before Brian entered the room.

He entered a small room hung with portraits of wizards, and a fire was burning brightly in the fireplace. All the warriors gathered around the fire, divided into three groups based on their respective schools, each whispering.

Harry and Cedric looked at each other, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

When Brian walked in, Harry breathed a sigh of relief and looked as if he had seen a savior. After all, he is not the most special one.

"Have you finished choosing the warrior?" Fleur Delacour asked with a somewhat sarcastic expression.

"Probably so. When I came in, the Goblet of Fire had just been extinguished." Brian said with a playful smile.

"So, nine warriors?" the Durmstrang girl said.

Brian leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, looking quite interested.

No matter what, this Triwizard Tournament is going to be quite interesting.

There was a rush of footsteps behind the door, and Ludo Bagman muttered: "It's so bizarre! Nine warriors, this is impossible!"

"Perhaps, we should select the warriors from the first round to participate in the Triwizard Tournament." Karkaroff suggested angrily, "What did that crazy cup do?"

"No, once you are chosen by the Goblet of Fire, you must stick to it. This is a magical contract that must be observed." Dumbledore said.

"Did you throw your names into the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore looked at Harry and Brian.

"I didn't, Professor!" Harry shouted.

"I do, Professor." Brian said innocently.

He seemed to feel Dumbledore glare at him, while Harry looked at him blankly.

"How this situation came about, I don't know." Dumbledore was silent for a moment and said, "But in my opinion, we have no choice but to accept it."

"But..." The expression on Karkaroff's face was not very good.

"Actually, this is not difficult to accept, at least it is barely fair." Dumbledore said slowly, "And the most unfair thing should be Hogwarts, because we have two warriors who are under age, Karkaroff ."

Karkaroff stopped talking, and Ms. Maxim's eyes flickered.

"Very good, then..." Ludo Bagman said, "Our nine warriors, maybe the rules of the game can be changed..."

"There is no doubt that this will be a unique Triwizard Tournament!" He said excitedly.

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