Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 186 Registration

It was late at night, but the little wizards of Slytherin were not sleepy. They were excitedly discussing the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Tournament in the common room, and the two schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Viktor Krum and the pretty girl who looked like a Veela.

Only a few boys are talking about how to get around Dumbledore's age line. In fact, the vast majority of Slytherin wizards are very self-aware and know that they cannot stand out in the competition with senior students. , so the mentality is very correct.

Draco had a troubled expression on his face, and then he sighed lonelyly and said: "The magic set by Dumbledore is very scary. Let's wait and see tomorrow. If we really can't get around it, there is no way around it."

Brian said playfully: "I will give it a try. If I succeed, do you want to help you invest?"

Draco choked up instantly. He glanced at Brian with tears in his eyes. His pale cheeks were slightly red, and he waved his hand and said, "Okay... I can't ask for anything more!"

Brian laughed and shook his head, knowing that he was just being tough. I was obviously very timid, but I pretended not to care, and it was quite fun to tease her.

Daphne blinked her blue eyes at Brian and clenched her fist to make a cheering gesture.

When it was almost midnight, the students finally yawned and went back to their dormitories to rest. Brian sat in the common room for a while, reading a potion book to pass the time.

After Brian's Potions level reached the expert level, Professor Snape's individual lessons had ended. The promotion from expert level to master level can only rely on Brian himself, and he has nothing to teach Brian.

Brian still remembered that night, Snape gave Brian a rare high compliment on his performance.

At half past midnight, Brian put away his books, turned around and walked out of the stone wall, heading towards the auditorium.

After knowing that Moody's attitude towards him was not very good and even very defensive, Brian was not going to discuss it with him for the time being. If Moody had known he wanted to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, Brian is sure he would have stood in his way.

It's better for him to do it himself.

He arrived at the foyer smoothly, but he almost bumped into a hurried figure.

"Oh, you scared me to death!" The man was wearing a loose nightgown, his round blue eyes were rolling, and he looked a little guilty.

"Mr. Bagman?" Brian looked at the man in front of him.

"Oh, it's you. Are you Foley? Brian Foley?" Ludo breathed a sigh of relief. He rubbed his hands gently with a strange smile on his face. "Ah, your father told me about it." You are an excellent child..."

Brian looked at him suspiciously and showed a humble and polite smile: "My father also mentioned you to me, Mr. Bagman."

Ludo's smile froze slightly on his face. He coughed slightly and changed the subject: "Do you want to see the Goblet of Fire? Or do you want to participate?"

He gave Brian a thumbs up, smiled brightly and said, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

As he said that, he touched his head and laughed dryly as he walked up the stone steps, and the sound of deliberately lowered footsteps hurried away.

"Looking like a guilty thief, I hope it won't affect my plan." Brian frowned, not knowing what Bagman was up to.

He walked towards the wooden goblet that was burning with blue-white flames. This cup looked very inconspicuous, with a rough wooden surface, as if it had been carved casually by an unskilled carpenter apprentice. The flame inside is not hot, but has a faint cool feeling.

Brian looked at the thin circle of golden thread on the ground and squinted his eyes.


He pulled out his wand and pointed at the circle of golden thread. An invisible spell engulfed the thread, confusing it with Brian's age.

With Brian's current level of confusion spell at the master level, it should be enough to cast the spell directly on this circle of age lines.

After looking at the age line that seemed to have remained unchanged, Brian cast a few protective spells on himself and stepped inside.

He stepped in with his right foot, no problem, and then stepped in with his left foot. Brian successfully stood inside the golden thread, with the Goblet of Fire right in front of him.

"It seems that as long as you reach the master level, you will always have magical power." Brian sighed, "You will also be more flexible in the use of magic spells."

He took out the note he had written in advance and threw it into the Goblet of Fire. Then he watched the blue-white flames quickly turn red, bursting out sparks and engulfing the note.

"So, how to deceive the Goblet of Fire?" Brian looked thoughtfully at the goblet in front of him.

As a tool for selecting warriors in the Triwizard Tournament, the deepest rule engraved in the Goblet of Fire should be "fairness and justice", so at this time, the Confusion Curse is not omnipotent. It is impossible for the Goblet of Fire to directly choose someone, because that violates the principle of fairness and may cause some bad changes.

Even in the original book, Crouch Jr. used a confusion spell to make the Goblet of Fire mistakenly believe that there were four schools, and Harry Potter was the only person to sign up for the fourth school, which ensured that Harry would be selected. Become a warrior.

However, Brian didn't know whether Moody was trying to trick him or what Ludo Bagman had done. He had to ensure that the Goblet of Fire would definitely choose him and would not interfere with Harry becoming a warrior.

"Then, confuse the situation." Brian pointed his wand at the Goblet of Fire and slowly recited the spell.

Let the Goblet of Fire, when selecting warriors, give priority to the magic power and combat prowess of students from each school, while ignoring other aspects.

"Almost." Brian crossed the age line and returned to the dormitory easily.

The next day, Saturday, the students all got up early. They gathered around the Goblet of Fire, looking very excited.

The Weasley twins looked at the Goblet of Fire triumphantly, each drank a drop of the age-increasing potion, and then tried to step into the age limit.

The little wizards in the auditorium were watching them curiously, wondering if their approach would work.

The twins jumped into the golden wire. Just when they thought they had succeeded, the two were violently thrown out and fell to the stone floor ten feet away. With a loud crack, the two An identical white beard sprouted on his chin.

Everyone burst into laughter, even the twins who got up from the ground pointed at each other and laughed.

"I reminded you." Dumbledore's voice came. He seemed to be amused and said with a smile, "I suggest you go to Madam Pomfrey. She is already taking care of Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw. And Mr. Summers of Hufflepuff. I have to say, their beards are far less beautiful than yours."

The little wizards giggled and entered the auditorium, and the decoration inside changed again. A swarm of live bats flew around the enchanted ceiling, and hundreds of pumpkin-carved figures lurked around every corner.

Brian was eating breakfast and listening to a group of young wizards discussing who was most likely to become a warrior.

The Beauxbatons students came in under the leadership of Madam Maxime, and they lined up one by one to throw the parchment slips into the Goblet of Fire. Several young wizards around stared at the girl who looked like a Veela, their cheeks flushed.

Brian stayed in the library all day, reading a lot of Legilimency information, and waited until it got dark before going to the auditorium to attend the Halloween banquet.

The food at this banquet was still sumptuous, but the little wizards obviously didn't have much appetite. They were all anxiously waiting for the banquet to end, hoping to quickly know who would be chosen as the warrior.

Brian was very relaxed and tasted the food calmly, but Daphne seemed more nervous than him. She kept looking in the direction of the teacher's chair and only took a few bites of the roast chicken on the plate.

"What are you nervous about?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Didn't you say you successfully put in?" Daphne's eyes widened and she said, "I hope you will be selected."

Brian couldn't laugh or cry and said, "You see, I'm not nervous at all."

At this time, the plate in front of him became spotless, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium instantly became silent.

"Okay, it's time to make a decision on the Goblet." Dumbledore said, "After the name of the warrior is announced, please go to the top of the auditorium, walk along the staff table, and enter the next room..."

The firelight in the auditorium dimmed, and only the Goblet of Fire shone with dazzling light, blue and white flames surging.

Everyone held their breath, watched, and waited...

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