Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 188 Conversation

Although three warriors appeared in each school, everyone quickly reached a consensus and allowed the Triwizard Tournament to proceed normally.

However, Moody's face looked a little gloomy, and he roared in a low voice: "Potter is the only one who didn't throw his name into the Goblet of Fire! If he didn't lie, someone was going to kill him!"

"Oh, come on, who would refuse an opportunity to become a warrior?" Ludo Bagman spread his hands and said in a relaxed tone, "Isn't it our naughty Harry?"

"I didn't do it!" Harry's cheeks turned red, but his words seemed a little pale.

"Oh, okay, but I have to say you are really good!" Bagman winked at Harry and Brian, "Being able to bypass the age line set by Dumbledore, tsk tsk... I'm optimistic about you. Yo!"

The warriors looked at each other, seeming to assess each person's threat.

Moody had a sullen face, looking at everyone as if they were looking at the hidden criminal; Mr. Crouch still looked meticulous, with a serious expression on his face; Snape looked angry, and only Bugger Mann seemed very interested and very excited.

Bagman rubbed his hands and said: "Okay, let's continue... Ah, but because of a small change, our Triwizard Tournament rules seem to need to be slightly changed."

He winked mischievously: "Please allow me to be patient first. After all, this cannot be decided by me alone. So, we will work overtime tonight to hold a discussion..."

"How's it going, Barty? I hope you're free tonight?" He looked at Mr. Crouch, who had been silent, with a smile.

Crouch nodded, with a hint of his usual impatience in his tone: "Hurry up, I still have a lot of work in the ministry... It is a very busy and difficult time right now... I asked young Wei Sly was temporarily in charge, and he was very enthusiastic... To be honest, he was a bit too enthusiastic..."

"Very good, this will be a pleasant overtime! To be honest, I never imagined that such a thing would happen in my life..." Bagman said excitedly, "Then, the routine warrior guidance... I definitely can't do it tonight. Tomorrow In the evening, I think, at eight o'clock in the evening, you will come here again, in this house, okay? My dear warriors?"

The nine warriors nodded and followed their respective professors out of the room.

Brian walked out together with Harry and Cedric, and there was some silence between them.

The auditorium was now empty, and the flames of the candles had been extinguished, making the smiles of those jack-o-lanterns look eerie.

"So, how did you put your name in?" Cedric said.

"It's very simple, just use a few protective spells on yourself, I think." Brian said casually.

"I didn't," Harry was silent for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the two people, "I didn't vote, I told the truth."

"Okay, I believe you." Brian nodded, "After all, at this time, there is no need for you to deny it all the time."

Harry looked grateful and even temporarily forgot about the knot at the end of last term.

Cedric was silent for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "Then you have to be careful... If you really didn't put it in, then maybe someone wants to harm you and want you to die during the game... "

Harry nodded gravely.

The three of them walked to the foyer side by side, and then walked separately to their respective common rooms.

Brian slowly walked toward the underground of the castle, read the password, and passed through the slippery stone wall. The noise suddenly filled my ears, and a group of people looked at me with real eyes.

"How did you do that, Brian?" Blaise shouted, an excited look on his face.

"Great, I knew you could do it!" Daphne said with a smile.

Brian dealt with the inquiries and congratulations from one person after another, ignored the jealousy and displeasure of some people, and the gritted eyes of the senior students who were originally popular candidates for the Warriors, and returned to the dormitory calmly.

"No matter what, you have to defeat Potter." Draco whispered after returning.

Brian smiled slightly and said: "The rules of this Triwizard Tournament will definitely be changed, but it's not necessarily what will happen."

"Congratulations, you got what you wanted." Draco was silent for a moment and said in an awkward tone.

"Thank you." Brian smiled and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next day, Sunday, Brian's peaceful life was completely shattered. Wherever he goes, people will be whispering about him, but obviously, many young wizards believe that among the three, only Cedric is worthy of the title of warrior.

Brian ignored their looks and went about his own business, but Harry was not in a good mood.

It is true that Harry's situation now is much better than that in the original work, but he still faces doubts from his friends, and... Ron ignored him. Harry felt that Ron was complaining that he did not help him vote for his name. Into the Goblet of Fire.

The friendship of the three people was tested again. Hermione wanted to believe that someone was trying to harm him, but Ron did not stand by his side this time. They were angry with each other and avoided each other's eyes.

Brian was thinking about what happened to the Goblet of Fire, and after lunch, he knocked on the door of Moody's office.

There was the sound of "thumping" footsteps in the office, and Moody opened the door with a swipe. The round magic eye stared at him fiercely, as if looking at a dark wizard with heinous crimes.

"Can we talk, Professor Moody?" Brian smiled. He was toying with a wand in his hand and spoke in a humble and easy-going tone.

"Come in." Moody glared at him fiercely for a long time before letting the door open.

There are a lot of strange things in the office, and there is a looking glass on the desk, which is now quiet. On a small table sat an odd object that looked like a twisted golden television antenna that hummed incessantly. There was a small mirror hanging on the wall, with blurry shadows dangling inside.

"Professor Moody, I think we should talk straight to the point. You know, being vigilant and prepared for each other will only make things worse than expected in the end." Brian smiled quietly, "This time the Goblet of Fire has given us a It was a wake-up call.”

"How did you know it was me? How dare you come up to me and say it so carelessly?" Moody's blue magic eye stared at him.

"I think that the real Professor Moody should not cast the Imperius Curse on his students under any circumstances." The smile on Brian's face remained unchanged, "He has delusions of persecution, but he is not a dark wizard. , and not crazy."

"Well, tell me, what did you do to the Goblet of Fire?" Moody said gruffly.

"I didn't do anything, I just used a confusion spell on it so that it would definitely choose me." Brian said softly, "What I want to know is, what did you do to make that cup change like this? "

Moody fell silent, and then he said: "I put Harry Potter's name in, and then also used the confusion spell... However, I let it exclude you from all schools, if you sign up. , the Goblet of Fire will treat it as an invalid registration..."

Brian sighed and said, "It seems that you really tripped me up."

"You don't need to join in, as long as the Dark Lord has me! I can do a good job on my own!" Moody said viciously, with a crazy light flashing in his normal little eyes.

"Yeah, I know." Brian agreed, then said playfully, "But I just want to participate because it's fun."

Moody's chest heaved with anger, as if he was about to pull out his wand at any moment. Then, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Okay, I won't ruin your business anymore, but you have to help me and promote the success of the plan." Moody said.

"Tell me your plan first," Brian said.

"There is no chance for the first two projects, because they are all live broadcast," Moody said slowly, "Only the third project, the maze, the outside audience cannot see what is happening inside... I need to ensure that Harry Potter is the first to get the Goblet of Fire in the maze, and I will make it into a portkey."

"It's a good plan." Brian said with a smile, "I will help Potter well. Create a warrior fairy tale for him, and then usher in the destined ending... This is very interesting."

With that said, he opened the office door and walked out, saying in a very gentle tone: "Happy cooperation, professor."

Walking in the long corridor, Brian frowned. He still didn't understand what caused the changes in the Goblet of Fire.

He thought about the whole thing again and seemed to understand something.

"Ludo Bagman?" he murmured.

Thanks to the 4,000 starting coins from the thriving bald head, thank you boss!

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