Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 185 Welcome Banquet

After spending a few days in the library, Hermione seemed to finally think about it and stopped pestering others to promote her S.P.E.W.

This was a relief to Harry and Ron, who, to be honest, were not at all keen on the 'vomiting' association.

"So, are you thinking about it, Hermione?" Ron said with a sigh of relief. He couldn't stand the little witch who kept nagging others and shaking the money jar under their noses.

Hermione was reading a large and thick book. Hearing this, she raised her furry head and said impatiently: "No, I will not give up fighting for the rights of house elves. However, I think what I did before is indeed It doesn’t solve the problem… There should be a better solution.”

"What method?" Harry twitched his lips, had a bad premonition, and asked curiously.

"Anyway, I decided to become the Minister of Magic!" Hermione said with high emotion, "This way many problems will no longer be a problem!" As she said that, she buried her head in the thick pages of the book again, leaving only the tangled mess exposed. s hair.

"Well, at least this goal is much better than 'vomiting', isn't it?" Ron muttered quietly.

"Maybe." Harry shrugged, feeling that the Gryffindor common room was finally a little cleaner.

As time passed slowly, it was the end of October in a blink of an eye.

Brian's Legilimency level increased to another level, and he was barely able to use it. In addition, he has filled in a lot of knowledge, and now he can barely reach the rating on the system.

Representatives of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at Hogwarts on the evening of October 30th. In order to welcome the representatives of the two schools, the castle has been thoroughly cleaned.

The dirty portrait had been scrubbed clean, and the person in the painting was sullenly touching the newly exposed pink flesh on his face, grimacing in pain. As soon as Filch, the administrator, saw that a student had forgotten to clean his shoes, he became furious and frightened several first-grade witches.

The troublemaker Peeves never tired of making the newly cleaned castle messy and dirty, and then it was boycotted by the professors. The ghosts of Hogwarts held a ghost meeting for this purpose, and finally decided to let the Bloody Baron take care of Peeves for a few months, which scared Peeves to tears and rarely calmed down.

Rumors spread rapidly among the students, and people debated who would become the Hogwarts Champion. There is no doubt that the seventh-year Head Boy and Girl, as well as the House Prefects, are strong candidates.

To this end, some senior students secretly opened a gambling game, and many students participated.

Of course, many young wizards who are not old enough are thinking about how to bypass the age limit. Among them, the young wizards of Gryffindor are the most enthusiastic, especially the boys headed by the Weasley twins.

On the evening of October 30th, they finished Potions class early and stood in a neat queue in front of the castle, waiting.

The little wizards worked hard to tidy up their robes and put on their hats. Under Professor McGonagall's aggressive gaze, Brian had to push his hair behind his ears. Daphne even snickered and wanted to hand Brian a hairpin with a bow.

Soon, a huge pink-blue carriage flew towards them. It was like a house flying in the air. Twelve runes pulled it into the sky, and finally landed quickly on the ground with a huge roar. sound.

A golden spiral staircase descended from the carriage, and a large woman stepped out of the carriage. She had a handsome face, bright black eyes, and her hair was pulled into a shiny bun. She was about the same height as Hagrid.

Dumbledore took the lead in applauding, and the little wizards also clapped their hands and stood on tiptoes to see more clearly.

"Oh, she's so big...I mean, it's definitely not easy for her to find a boyfriend like this, right?" Blaise complained with a cold and solemn expression.

"Well, she is about the same size as Professor Hagrid..." Daphne said in a low voice.

"Maybe Hagrid is a poor relative from her hometown or something." Draco frowned and said when he mentioned Hagrid.

The woman showed an elegant smile, stretched out a hand shining with luxurious opal and walked towards Dumbledore. Dumbledore kissed the hand without even bending down, and said with a smile: "Dear Ms. Maxim, welcome to Hogwarts."

"Dumbledore, I hope everything is well with you." Ms. Maxim said in a deep voice, then raised a huge hand and waved behind her, "My student."

Twelve or three men and women got off the carriage. They were all wearing exquisite silk robes and shivering in the cold wind. Only a few students had their heads wrapped with scarves.

Dumbledore said a few words to Madam Maxime, and then let them go into the castle to keep warm. The little wizards at Hogwarts were still waiting for Durmstrang's people in the cold wind.

Soon, there was a loud noise in the lake, huge waves rolled up on the water, a large whirlpool appeared in the center of the lake, and a mast slowly rose.

Gradually, an extraordinary large ship rose out of the water, shining in the moonlight. It looked like the remains of a sunken ship that had just been raised, shaped like a skeleton, and the misty light flickering in the portholes looked like ghostly eyes.

"Cool!" Draco raised his eyebrows and said enthusiastically, "That's ridiculous, the carriage just now looked like a little girl's toy!"

The people on the boat came ashore. They were all wearing thick fur cloaks. The leader was a man wearing a silver-white cloak. He had short white hair and a goatee with small curls at the end. The voice greeted Dumbledore warmly.

"Hello, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore responded.

Karkaroff was followed by a group of students, one of whom attracted special attention. The man had a striking hooked nose and two thick black eyebrows. He was Viktor Krum.

"Oh my god, it's Krum!" Pansy Parkinson said excitedly to her friends on the side of the team. "One of the best seekers in the world, he performed great in the World Cup! "

The young wizards at Hogwarts seemed a little commotion. While queuing up the stone steps, some young wizards kept jumping up and down on tiptoes and stepped on several people's feet. Several girls, with flushed cheeks, were rummaging in their pockets, trying to find a quill, parchment or something.

They sat down at their respective tables, the Beauxbatons students sat at the Ravenclaw table, while some seats were vacant at the Slytherin table for the Durmstrang students.

Draco leaned forward and greeted Krum, who nodded, appearing taciturn. Several girls found quills with bright eyes and wanted him to sign their hats or robes.

"I mean, he's a bit too arrogant..." Draco muttered in a low voice, "Although he is indeed quite powerful..."

"You can think of it this way, maybe he just doesn't speak English well." Brian said.

After everyone was seated, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous and different dinner. Brian tasted a few bites of foreign-style dishes and thought they tasted pretty good.

In the middle of their meal, a Beauxbatons girl finally took off her headscarf, revealing a waterfall of long silver hair, azure eyes, and an appearance that was too beautiful to be human.

Many boys turned their heads and looked at her, their mouths wide open, and some of them seemed to be unable to speak for a while.

"Is she a Veela?" Draco said dryly, looking at her again and again.

"Maybe." Daphne wrinkled her nose, glanced at Brian who was seriously tasting a plate of grilled fish, and quickly looked away.

"She should have Veela blood." Brian looked at Fleur with admiration and sighed.

After dinner, Dumbledore stood up and smiled and introduced the two people who came in during the banquet: "Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Sports. Together with me, Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim, we will form a judging panel to judge the efforts of the warriors.”

Ludo Bagman smiled and waved cordially, looking very happy and not looking like he was in debt at all. Mr. Crouch was meticulous and had a very serious expression.

At this time, Filch brought a large wooden box inlaid with jewelry and placed it on the table.

Dumbledore pulled out his wand and knocked on the wooden box three times, and took out a large, rough wooden goblet with blue-white flames dancing inside.

"...Write your names and schools on the slips of paper and put them in. Tomorrow night, the Goblet of Fire will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools!" Dumbledore said with a smile, "Of course. In order to prevent underage students from being tempted, I will draw an age line around it..."

After Dumbledore said his last words of caution, he announced that the banquet was over. The little wizards reluctantly walked towards their respective common rooms.

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