Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 184 House Elf Rights Promotion Association?

Brian wasn't too worried about the Imperius Curse, it didn't affect him at all.

However, out of concern for his friends' mental health, Brian still checked to see if any of his friends had any signs of being under the Imperius Curse.

Eventually, he discovered that Blaise was under control and was asked to monitor Blaine's movements. While conflicting with Brian's spell, Moody relinquished control of Blaise, freeing him.

As for Blaise...poor guy, Brian gave him an oblivion spell to keep him from worrying too much.

In the following time, Brian supplemented his knowledge step by step, practiced Legilimency, and thought about creating a flying spell.

A magic spell that allows you to fly by yourself without relying on broomsticks, flying carpets, etc.

There is currently no such spell. Brian only knows that Voldemort has created a flying spell that allows him to transform into black mist and fly at a good speed. It seems to be a kind of advanced black magic. And Snape learned this magic from Voldemort, allowing him to fly in the air like a real big bat.

Now Brian already has the ability to create the magic spell of flying. He already has an idea, but it will take some time.

In addition, it is to create some magic spells that truly suit you, spells that are not easily restrained, and can truly play a greater role at the master level.

However, after an arithmetic divination class, Hermione stopped him.

"What's the matter, Hermione?" Brian looked a little surprised.

"Um...cough..." Hermione coughed lightly, took out a badge from her pocket, and said seriously, "That's it, Brian, I founded an organization to promote the rights of house elves, and now I officially invite you. join in!"

As she spoke, she showed the dark green badge in her hand, which read: S.P.E.W.

Brian blinked, slightly confused.

"House Elf Rights Promotion Association!" Hermione said with high spirits, "The purpose is to prohibit the cruel abuse of house elves and improve their legal status! I think the short-term goal is to ensure that elves receive reasonable wages and a good working environment. Long-term goals include amending the law that elves are not allowed to use wands, and trying to get some elves to join the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures..."

Brian's expression became more and more strange, and he said gently: "I think you shouldn't waste your time on this kind of thing, Hermione."

Hermione looked at him angrily and said angrily: "Brian, do you think this kind of slave behavior is natural? Those hard-working house elves have been treated cruelly..."

"Hmm... I think we should prevent those house elves from being brutally abused. I agree with this." Brian said softly, "However, in fact, very few of them are actually abused. After all, house elves are very expensive... …”

"But fighting for their rights... is not a wise move, Hermione." Brian looked at her seriously.

"I know that wizards are deeply prejudiced against elves, but someone needs to stand up!" Hermione said unconvinced.

"That's not the problem, Hermione." Brian looked at the students hurriedly passing by and said, rubbing his brows, "The reason is because house elves are an intelligent race and possess the power of magic."

Hermione frowned tightly and looked at him sharply, as if looking at some stubborn old antique.

"We can protect magical animals and show mercy to pets. The ultimate reason is that they do not have the same intelligence as humans, do not have advanced magic, and do not pose a threat to us." Brian expressed his thoughts, "But domestic pets Elves are different, they are an intelligent race like humans."

"The ancient wizards paid a price of blood to completely defeat the elves and integrate them into the wizarding world. This is the winner and the loser, Hermione. If it was the wizard who failed in the first place, our ending now is probably no different. ." Brian looked at the little witch in front of him seriously.

Hermione's frown deepened, and she retorted: "But now they are no threat and are loyal to wizards. We just need to improve their lives..."

"So, what happened next?" Brian looked at her and said, "After giving them wages, will they want more? The answer is, yes... Human desires are endless, and this can be extended to all On an intelligent race.”

"When they have wages, they will demand vacations. When they have vacations, they will demand a good working environment, the right to use wands, the ability to participate in decision-making, freedom and equality, and the same rights as wizards..."

"Isn't that bad?" Hermione asked.

"It's very bad. Do you know what this means? It's another race that looks like goblins." Brian smiled, "There is a saying in the East that people who are not my race must have different hearts. Not at all. wrong……"

"It is impossible for us to meet all their demands, and we may even suppress their development, because we cannot watch an intelligent race gradually catch up with us. So what will they think at this time? They are oppressed... So, The resistance begins..." Brian sighed.

"The magic of house elves is actually very special and very powerful. Many wizards don't have strong resistance to their magic."

"I think you know the history of the goblin rebellion. The goblins resisted the wizards for their own rights..." Brian said, "You also know how many people died because of this at that time... You want to lay a path of freedom for the elves. Seed, but the result will not be so good, and future wizards and elves may have to pay the price with blood."

Hermione pursed her lips, appearing to be struggling, disagreeing, and unable to refute.

"So, we don't have much right to pity the same intelligent race. All the current peace was obtained by the ancient wizards with their blood and lives. They eradicated and even domesticated all ethnic groups that posed a threat to human beings. I think , we don’t have the right to subvert all of this now.”

"Unless..." Brian thought for a moment.

"Unless what?" Hermione's expression perked up.

"Unless we become stronger, so strong that they can no longer threaten us, then we have the right to pity them." Brian smiled, "But now, if you want to The seeds of freedom brought by elves will never be recognized.”

Hermione looked a little confused and disappointed.

"Instead of spending energy on elves, why don't we think about ourselves? Think about more practical and urgent problems." Brian said thoughtfully.

"What's the problem?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"The issues between Muggles and wizards, and... the International Wizarding Secrecy Law." Brian said slowly.

"What's the problem?" Hermione frowned in thought.

"The problem is huge. It can be said that all problems come from this." Brian said softly, "Wizards have been locked up in the wizarding world for too long, Hermione. This lifeless wizarding world is like a prison, even if it is not Small, but it does restrict the wizard’s freedom.”

"Hiding in the small wizarding world, carefully avoiding being discovered by Muggles... He obviously has strong personal power, but he has to be forced to hide." Brian sighed, "So, too many people are dissatisfied Due to the Wizarding Secrecy Act, Grindelwald, the first generation of the Dark Lord, swept the world and received the support of a large number of wizards."

"But obviously, he failed. This dissatisfaction was not alleviated, but was suppressed by violence." Brian continued, "So, the dissatisfaction with the secrecy law turned into resentment against Muggles, and the pure-blood theory became rampant, unprecedentedly develop.”

"Finally, the second generation of the Dark Lord appeared, easily gaining support from many wizards, and once again brought fear and killing to the wizarding world."

"Even though he was defeated, this concept has not died out. You should understand it deeply, Hermione." Brian said calmly.

Hermione said thoughtfully: "Is it really because of the Wizarding Secrecy Act?"

"This is a big reason. In fact, many wizarding families today who promote pure blood, before the introduction of the Wizarding Secrecy Act, had inextricable relationships with Muggles." Brian smiled, "For example, the Malfoy family , in fact, they have worked closely with Muggles and even received Muggle titles."

Hermione's eyes widened, obviously feeling a little weird.

"But with the promulgation of the Wizarding Secrecy Act, everything changed. Although it protected wizards from Muggle persecution, it also bred too much dissatisfaction and resentment, and eventually gave birth to two generations of Dark Lords." Brian said , "Perhaps we can continue to hide in the wizarding world, and Muggles will not be able to discover us for a long time... However, this does not solve any problem."

"Perhaps, the third or fourth generation of Dark Lords will appear and lead those who are dissatisfied with the status quo to resist it." Brian smiled, "When someone succeeds, he will no longer be a Dark Lord, but a Dark Lord." The...changer who leads the wizarding world to the dawn."

"This is the spirit of resistance rooted in the blood of intelligent races. The more oppressive it is, the more violent it will explode." Brian said, "I think if you are really... uh, relatively free, I think you should consider this Things will be a little more practical.”

Hermione nodded in despair and walked away in a daze.

Looking at the girl's dazed back, Brian shook his head helplessly. This was supposed to give Hermione something to do, so that she wouldn't have to worry about fighting for the elf's freedom all day long.

Hermione slowly returned to the Great Hall, looking distraught. She looked at the badge in her hand, left it on the table, and wolfed down her dinner.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Ron asked, "Are you finally giving up on this silly 'vomiting'...ahem...House Elf Rights Promotion Association?"

"What?" Hermione raised her head impatiently and frowned at him, "Okay, I have to think about it, maybe I didn't think carefully..." She stuffed the last bite of dinner into her mouth, and then hurriedly left.

"Where are you going, Hermione?" Harry shouted.

"Go to the library!" Hermione replied and ran away.

"What did she think of again?" Harry asked helplessly.

"Who knows." Ron shrugged, "You know, she's been a little nervous lately."

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