Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 183 The Unforgivable Curse

The next few weeks were uneventful and uneventful.

In Potions class, Snape seemed to be in a bad mood. When Neville burned out his cauldron again, he unceremoniously put Neville in confinement.

In the herbal medicine class, Professor Sprout asked them to squeeze the pus from the Babo tuber. This disgusting process made many little witches complain incessantly. This pus is the best remedy for pimples and pimples, and Madam Pomfrey no longer has to worry about putting noses or ears on those little witches who try to use drastic measures to remove pimples.

Care of Magical Creatures has become the most unpopular class, as students have to look after disgusting and dangerous Blast-Ended Skrewts these days. Brian was somewhat pleased that he had the wisdom to abandon the course.

Over the past few days, Brian has been practicing Legilimency, trying to read the minds of those pets. Now he has successfully started and is almost at the mastery level. Likewise, he learned how pets think.

For example, Ofer sometimes misses Harry Potter, who is like the white moonlight in his heart, and also misses the feeling of the Imperius Curse; the white cat Daisy thinks that her owner Daphne is weird and wants to taste Ofer's The smell; and his owl Ika recently fell in love with a snow-white female owl, but the owl didn't want to talk to it.

"I didn't expect these usually stupid pets to have so many ideas..." Brian sighed. However, the simple and uncomplicated thoughts of pets are just right for him to practice Legilimency now.

The most exciting class is naturally Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which has become one of the most anticipated classes for many young wizards. Except Draco, of course.

Draco has indeed become more stable recently, not so jumpy and under-played, but Brian doesn't know how long he can stay in this state, whether it is three minutes of heat.

In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class this semester, Moody calmed down many young wizards.

He used the spider to demonstrate the three unforgivable curses in front of everyone. He used the Imperius Curse to make the spider tap dance on the table, the Cruciatus Curse to make the spider struggle and twitch in pain, and the Killing Curse to quickly take away Spider life.

After Moody finished his demonstration, there was no sound in the classroom. The little wizards even breathed softly and involuntarily avoided Moody's gaze on them. Some of them were still trembling.

"Yes, they are not beautiful and pleasant." Moody said calmly, "The Imperius Curse. Many wizards were controlled by the Imperius Curse at the beginning, which caused us a lot of trouble... Of course, maybe those Among people are your parents..." He glared at Draco and a few others fiercely, his expression showing disgust.

Draco turned his head away and muttered something.

Brian squinted at Moody, but Moody seemed not to see him, as if he had made up his mind to treat him as nothing.

"The Cruciatus Curse was also very popular at one time. Some lunatics who enjoyed torturing people liked this spell very much." Moody said softly.

Brian actually thinks that the Cruciatus Curse is also very useful in battle. The extreme pain it brings instantly can break the enemy's will and is enough to determine the outcome in an instant. It is a very effective control spell.

"In the end, the Killing Curse cannot be resisted. There is no breaking curse. The only thing you can do is not to be hit by it." Moody said. "As far as people know, only one person has escaped this curse. At this time, he is here." At school, Harry Potter."

The little wizards held their breath, and Daphne squeezed the quill in her hand tightly. The corners of Draco's mouth twitched, showing an expression of surprise or repulsion.

"These three Unforgivable Curses, if you use any one of them on someone, is enough to send you to Azkaban for a lifetime." Moody continued, "This is what I want to teach you to resist."

"You need to be prepared, be alert, and most importantly - always be vigilant and never let down!" Moody said, asking everyone to take notes. The class remained quiet until the end of get out of class.

Brian curled his lips quietly. He always believed that magic was neither good nor bad, and only the person who cast the spell could distinguish between good and evil.

Moody's magic eyes seemed to notice Brian's expression and stared at him intently. Brian smiled at him, looking harmless.

After class, as soon as the students left the classroom, there was a buzz of discussion, and everyone was saying those spells in awe-inspiring tones.

Moody deservedly went from "scariest" professor to "coolest" professor.

"However, if the dean hadn't failed to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he would have done better than Mad-Eye, wouldn't he?" Theodore looked a little indifferent. He disliked it like many Slytherin wizards. Moody's.

"Who knows? People say Professor Snape is a little afraid of Mad-Eye Moody..." Blaise commented arrogantly.

"That's just because the dean doesn't want to be acquainted with him... Who in the right mind would compete with a madman?" Theodore argued with reason.

At this moment, Moody's limping footsteps approached, and his wooden leg thumped on the ground. Theodore and the others hurried away.

However, in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Moody began to take turns reciting the Imperius Curse to all students to demonstrate the magic of this spell and see if they could resist the influence of this spell.

The students were in an uproar. Draco scratched his head and gritted his teeth: "This is illegal, Professor! This is disrespectful to us, my father..."

"I will do the same thing when your father comes!" Moody yelled at him, "If you don't want to learn through more cruel methods... wait until someone else takes control of you!"

"Come here!" Moody pointed at Draco, not hiding the disgust and repulsion in his eyes.

In the end, Draco could not withstand the influence of the Imperius Curse and was forced to do dozens of backflips in the classroom. Finally, he was slapped face first on the ground and a line of nosebleeds flowed out.

Moody continued to recite the spell to each student, saying: "It's too bad, no one can resist it? Harry Potter almost resisted it the first time! How outrageous!"

Under the control of the Imperius Curse, Blaise danced a solo ballroom dance in the classroom, as if he had a female partner; Theodore ran around the classroom five times, shouting slogans...

Brian has been thinking about how to resist the control of the Imperius Curse. It stands to reason that his current magic power should be similar to Moody, or even slightly exceed it, which is very effective in resisting the Imperius Curse. Moreover, Occlumency seems to be useful too...

"However, trying out the feeling of the Imperius Curse will also be helpful in studying it." Brian walked up to Moody calmly.

"Please give me some advice, Professor Mu-Di." Brian paused when he said his name, and a smile appeared on his face.

Moody's normal eye narrowed, and he shouted at Brian: "Out of body!"

A wonderful feeling swept through his body, and Brian felt himself becoming light and airy. All thoughts and worries were swept away, leaving only a hazy joy and relaxation.

The spell even penetrated the protection of Occlumency and penetrated deeper into the mind. Brian barely retained a certain amount of consciousness, but seemed to have forgotten many things.

Then, Moody's voice echoed in a corner of his mind: "Turn around a few times...Turn around a few times..."

Brian instinctively did not do so, and instead began to explore the origin of the sound. Where did it come from?

He resisted the desire to do it because he knew it was not of his own will. So, he woke up following the sound, as if he finally opened his eyes and saw everything in front of him again, but his eyes were already open.

"Turn around a few times..." The voice was still echoing in my mind, but I could barely resist it.

Brian smiled slightly at Moody, his expression looking dangerous.

Moody was silent for a moment and said: "Okay, Foley resisted! Very good! Next one!"

Brian stepped back and watched Moody chanting a spell to Daphne, but there was no expression on his face.

Apparently, Moody had used almost all his strength on the Imperius Curse that he recited, and he almost was actually controlled, or raised his wand to fight back.

He had every reason to believe that if he really failed to resist the Imperius Curse this time, Moody would maintain the spell and control him directly.

"So, are there really people who are still under control? This is indeed a good opportunity." Brian looked around calmly. The stealth nature of the Imperius Curse makes it difficult for others to notice the difference in those being controlled.

Draco was staring at Moody hatefully, his face red and wiping his nosebleed, Theodore and Blaise were whispering, Daphne frowned and moved her wrists, and several girls covered their faces in shame...

"However, it won't affect anything... If you insist on distinguishing it, it's not difficult." Brian thought lightly.

It's really not difficult. If he really wants to know whether a person is under the control of the Imperius Curse, he can just secretly cast the Imperius Curse on that person.

Use the Imperius Curse to identify the Imperius Curse, which is also a use of the Unforgivable Curse.

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