Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 182 Legilimency

"Strange, why would Daphne have such a dream..."

Early the next morning, Brian was eating bread and thinking with slightly distracted eyes.

"Something's wrong. No matter what, I won't make this world a scary place..." He thought slightly distressedly, "Am I going to lose it?"

"But judging from their behavior, it seems that I am inhumane and took the initiative to do it? It's incredible..." He narrowed his eyes, "Is it the 'future' or the unknown 'past'?"

After breakfast, it’s time for the day’s classes. For Brian, going to class is just another place to study on his own.

After the morning class, Draco complained with a dark face: "Why do we have to take care of those slimy, smelly snails? Those disgusting things should be eliminated! It's like taking care of flies and mosquitoes ridiculous!"

Daphne's face didn't look very good either. A small hole was burned out of her sleeve by the blast-ended snail, and her nose was wrinkled like the cat she raised.

"It can burn people, sting people, bite people, and has a stinking smell. This kind of pet is probably what silly Hagrid wants in his dreams." Draco held back his anger. I turned to this morning's newspaper and wanted to have some fun.

However, at this time they need to rush to class. Brian and Daphne rushed towards the Divination classroom.

At the beginning of class, Trelawney greeted Harry in a sad tone, saying: "You have something on your mind, my dear boy. I see that the days ahead of you are full of hardships...I fear that what you fear is really true. It will come sooner than you think..."

Harry looked at her expressionlessly, already immune to such words, but still a little irritated. But at least Trelawney didn't say he was going to die soon, which Harry thought was a significant improvement.

Daphne opened the textbook with some distress, listened to Trelawney's eloquent narration, and studied the horoscope chart. She was extremely sure that she must have been kicked in the head by Peeves when choosing courses, so she made such a ridiculous choice.

Brian calculated the times and angles, filling in the planetary positions at the time of his birth on the chart. The job involved tedious calculations, but not too difficult for Brian.

After he quickly filled out the form, he found that the calculation method in the book was quite accurate.

He then instructs Daphne on how to calculate. Daphne was always bad at calculations, and if she were a Muggle, she would be absolutely terrible at math.

Brian used a testimony point obtained at yesterday's opening ceremony to try to focus on prophecy, but it was still "insufficient conditions to upgrade."

Brian didn't know what conditions were required to upgrade the prophecy technique, but he wasn't too disappointed.

If he hadn't wanted to study the principles of prophecy out of curiosity, he would really have no interest in this item. For him, a future full of unknowns is enough to give him a sense of expectation. If he knew the fragments of the future, it would be as boring as being spoiled.

In the middle of the class, Trelawney walked over and looked at Brian's chart, and then said sadly: "The position of Venus... My God, my dear child... That is the star of the alternation of life and death, accompanied by death from birth. ……poor child……"

Trelawney's eyes, which were enlarged by her glasses, were filled with tears, as if she were looking at a poor little boy who was about to die violently.

Daphne stared at her, her cheeks bulging slightly, like a little hamster.

Brian smiled, feeling more and more that Daphne was like some animal, cute and harmless, making people feel relaxed.

Before get out of class ended, Trelawney gave him a lot of homework because he was annoyed by Ron's weirdness.

Next, Brian took a lesson in Arithmancy. He opened a Legilimency book, studied it, and started practicing directly in class.

To learn Legilimency, you must first learn to observe and collect people's emotions.

Normal Legilimency requires pulling out the wand and chanting a spell, which is not much different from ordinary magic spells. Only a master of Legilimency can perform Legilimency silently, making it a mind-reading ability.

But there is no doubt that Legilimency is as easy to learn and difficult to master as Occlumency. Only Dumbledore can use Legilimency silently at Hogwarts, and even Snape needs to recite a spell.

However, the spell Legilimency is only useful if it is used unconsciously.

"There is no doubt that little Crouch must be good at Occlumency." Brian thought divergently. Otherwise he wouldn't have been planning how to abduct Harry right under Dumbledore's nose.

You know, according to what is said in the book, even if a Legilimency master does not use it directly on people, it can make people more sensitive to other people's emotions, feelings, etc.

"However, as my father said, for someone like Dumbledore, the level of Occlumency does not necessarily need to be completely resisted. As long as he can detect Legilimency and hint that he has noticed it..." Bu Bu Ryan smiled and shook his head.

Out of politeness and respect, the caster will terminate Legilimency, and those who don't have a good eye will start a fight.

As for the Dark Lord who can't be defeated... just keep your attitude straight, pretend not to notice, and maybe hit him on the head?

"However, judging from my practice of Occlumency and my contact with Voldemort..." Brian frowned, "His Legilimency level is at the Master level at best, and has not reached the Grandmaster level. So Dumbledore That’s probably the case.”

"So, the secret is at that level..." Brian sighed softly.

He has always wondered why the system would separate Occlumency and Legilimency as separate items instead of including them in Charms... You know, although these two spells are very special, they are very different from each other. Other items are simply not qualified.

In essence, they are all magic spells, but the upgrade of Charms Science cannot lead to the improvement of these two magic spells.

"Now that I think about it, it's because they have secrets, right?" Brian smiled sarcastically.

"Putting these two curses in front of me in a swaggering way is like telling me openly: Come on, there are important secrets in these two curses. Either ignore them, or spend time, energy and... Go explore the witness point..." Brian closed his eyes and said softly, "It's really...bad..."

He felt the mood swings of the students around him. Most of the young wizards seemed to lament how difficult this class was, and only a few top students, including Hermione, really enjoyed this class.

However, until the end of get out of class, Brian had made little progress in learning Legilimency. After all, he couldn't recite the spell in class.

Brian thought about Legilimency and walked slowly towards the auditorium. The little wizards hurried past him, rushing to have dinner.

Brian pulled out Ofer from his bag, put his wand against it and said, "Legilimency."

Ofer turned over, exposing his silver belly, and continued to sleep.

"Hmm... there doesn't seem to be any mood swings... but are you a little hungry?" Brian felt Ofer's thoughts and emotions, frowned and stuffed it back, thinking about what was wrong with the spell he cast.

When he finally arrived at the auditorium, there was an uproar and everyone was talking.

"What's wrong?" Brian sat at the long table and raised his eyebrows.

"Mad-Eye Moody... turned Draco into a stoat!" Blaise said with a pale face, "Then he made him jump up and down... you know, like this..." He Gestures.

"How could he do this!" Daphne's fair cheeks turned red with anger, "He will hurt Draco! I can't believe it, he is a professor, this is the worst form of corporal punishment!"

Astoria nodded beside her, her expression worried and indignant.

Brian held his forehead and sighed.

In the evening, Draco returned to the common room, his pale cheeks flushed, and he hurried into the dormitory.

His friends were a little overwhelmed, and Brian said helplessly: "Let him be alone."

There was no doubt that today was Draco's unlucky day.

When the night got darker, Brian returned to the dormitory, and Draco sat steadily on the bed, his expression unclear in the darkness.

"Are you feeling better? We are all worried about you." Brian said softly.

"It's nothing, I'm not afraid of that old lunatic." Draco said viciously, "He only wants to punish me because he has objections to my father!"

"So, what can you do to him?" Brian asked.

"I...I will tell my dad and ask him to kick this old madman out of school!" Draco said without confidence.

"Obviously, he will stay at Hogwarts for a year... The school can't find a wizard willing to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for the time being." Brian said calmly.

Draco was a little silent.

"So, it's because you're not strong enough that he can do whatever he wants to you." Brian said softly, "Power is a kind of power, but it must be guaranteed by force. Your own strength is the weapon to protect yourself."

"If you are not strong enough, then you have to keep a low profile." Brian said, "This has always been my creed."

Draco looked thoughtful.

Brian didn't speak anymore, and the dormitory fell into silence.

Perhaps, this is also a time for growth.

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