Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 179 Family Meeting

Under Brian's Appearance Spell, he saw Barty Crouch Jr. being dragged behind him by Winky, with an expression sometimes confused and sometimes angry, struggling to get back to the camp.

Finally, Barty Crouch Jr.'s eyes became clearer and clearer. He slowly raised the wand in his hand and shouted coldly:

"The bones reappear!"

A huge green shiny object emerged from the tip of his wand and rose into the sky.

Brian looked up and saw that it was a huge skeleton, with a large python emerging from the skull's mouth, glowing green in the night sky, like a terrifying neon light.

Brian tilted his head and looked at it lightly.

Screams erupted from the surrounding woods, and the Death Eaters marching in the camp scattered like mice after seeing a cat.

Brian calmly retreated into the shade of the trees and watched as a group of Ministry of Magic wizards rushed over and cast spells randomly. Winky was knocked unconscious. Crouch Jr. just had time to put the wand in Winky's hand and was also knocked unconscious. .

The Harry trio ran to the edge, and then retreated in a panic. They were surrounded by more than twenty wizards, with wands pointed at them.

"Stop! That's my son!" Arthur Weasley hurried over.

"Who released the Dark Mark?" a wizard asked sharply.

"We didn't do anything!" Ron said.

"Don't lie!" Mr. Crouch looked a little crazy, and his meticulous hair was messy.

Amos Diggory found the house elf Winky in the woods and said, "Gotcha! There's a house elf here with a wand in his hand!"

"This...impossible..." Mr. Crouch's face was pale and his eyes were burning. He strode quickly towards the place where Winky was found, groping quickly on the ground. When he touched a familiar human body, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurried back.

At this time, the invisible Brian walked over and looked at the person lying on the ground. He thought for a while, cast a transformation spell on the tree trunk on one side, making him look exactly like Crouch Jr., then put the invisibility cloak on it, and dragged Crouch Jr. back into the shadows.

"Resume quickly." Brian muttered the spell in a very soft voice, watching Little Crouch wake up in a daze, his expression constantly struggling, and finally he looked at him as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Who are you?" he said hoarsely.

"Barty Crouch Jr.?" Brian smiled, "What a coincidence..."

On the other side, the wizard from the Ministry of Magic cast a flashback spell on the wand in Winky's hand. Finally, Mr. Crouch gave Winky a piece of clothing indifferently.

Crouch Jr. looked at this scene with deep sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

"The Dark Lord is preparing a resurrection plan and needs your help..." Brian said slowly, "If you are willing..."

Little Crouch stared at him, his mouth twitching, and finally turned into a low and wild laugh. He said hoarsely: "Finally... has the day finally come? Of course, I am the most loyal servant of the Dark Lord... "

Brian looked at him without emotion and said softly: "I have informed his people that someone will come to help you... When Mr. Crouch comes to take you away..." He pointed over there. The transformation dummy on the ground said: "That's when you start..."

"As for what happens next, I won't interfere... You guys should not be so useless."

"Then, I wish you good luck..." Brian said with a genuine smile. He rubbed the badge in his hand, notified the other side, then turned and walked towards the camp.

Little Crouch looked at him gloomily, his eyes shining brightly in the night, with a bit of hysterical arrogance.

Brian returned to his tent with ease. Mr. Foley had already returned and was talking quietly to Mrs. Foley with a pale face. Brian returned to his bedroom and canceled the disillusionment spell on his body.

[Witness the World Cup Death Eater incident, witness point +1]

Brian sighed slightly and said softly: "It seems that it is necessary to hold a family meeting."

He walked out of the bedroom, and the couple looked at each other, frowning and pretending that nothing happened.

"A dark mark appeared in the sky?" Brian asked.

Mr. Foley's face turned even more ugly. He covered his chest exaggeratedly and said, "Stop talking, it's so scary! My heart is still beating fast..."

"It hasn't happened yet..." Mrs. Foley rolled her eyes at him, and then frowned worriedly.

Brian had nothing to say. He sat on the sofa and said softly: "When I get home, I have something to tell you... something very important."

Mr. and Mrs. Foley looked at each other and nodded slightly.

They went back to their bedrooms and slept for a few hours. Early the next morning, Mr. Foley packed up his tent haphazardly, said goodbye to his friends, and apparated directly to the camp and went home.

"Look, the Ministry of Magic is panicking...the criminals have not been caught...security is lax...bringing shame to the country..." Mr. Foley returned to his original appearance, reading today's Daily Prophet with a smile, "Rita Skeeter, I knew she wrote it."

"This woman's pen is a murderous knife. She can write the living to death, and she can also write the dead to life..." Mr. Foley said, "But she doesn't dare to write about us... You know, there is a prophecy in our family. Part of the shares of the daily newspaper...I can make her have no salary."

On this day, they did not mention what happened last night. While the Ministry of Magic was busy, they leisurely made up for their sleep. It was not until after dinner that they gathered around the tea table in the garden, and the atmosphere seemed a bit silent.

In the end, it was Brian who spoke first, and he said softly: "Father, what do you think about what happened last night?"

"What's the matter? It's just a trick played by a reckless guy." Mr. Foley tapped the table with one hand and said in a casual tone, "Don't pay too much attention."

Mrs. Foley sat aside demurely, with her eyes slightly lowered, listening quietly, like an elegant sculpture.

"No, father, judging from many signs, he is coming back." Brian said calmly, "Soon."

Mr. Foley's right eye twitched, and his straight back suddenly collapsed. He rubbed his forehead and said, "How did you judge, Brian?"

"Last semester, Professor Trelawney gave a prophecy... His loyal servant will break free from the chains and let him make a comeback." Brian showed a faint smile, "At the beginning, Harry Potter would Defeat him, this prophecy also comes from Trelawney.”

"Alas..." Mr. Foley sighed, "Yes, it's getting closer. Recently, the Dark Mark has always been moving... His power is gradually coming back."

Mrs. Foley pursed her lips tightly, stretched out her hand to cover his, her face turned slightly pale.

"But it's what I said...he won't do anything to us." Mr. Foley patted Mrs. Foley's hand and comforted her softly.

Brian looked up at the stars in the night and asked softly: "So, what kind of world do you expect? Do you really agree with the Dark Lord's actions?"

"That's not a problem we need to consider, Brian." Mr. Foley shook his head, "How much power, how many things to consider..."

"I am seriously asking for your opinions, father and mother." Brian used the formal title and looked at them seriously.

"Do you really want a wizard to rule the Muggle world?" Brian said in a very soft voice.

Mrs. Foley did not comment, but looked at Mr. Foley.

"That's pretty good, I guess..." muttered Mr. Foley.

"At least, I don't agree with it." Brian expressed his opinion for the first time at home. "Wizards and Muggles are the same race, with the same wisdom and thoughts... It is even said that due to education and other aspects The reason is that the intelligence of Muggles surpasses that of most wizards to a certain extent... They have no magic, but they can use their own brains to create magic-like things."

"Father, have you heard any news about Muggles?" Brian asked.

"Ahem, I remember you mentioned it at Christmas, and I went to find out a little bit more about it..." Mr. Foley coughed lightly.

"Then, you should know that taking charge of Muggles is not a reliable thing." Brian said softly, "Even if we use the Imperius Curse to control the leader of Muggles, it is only a highly dangerous approach."

"Just like we can't bear someone becoming our master, Muggles think the same way. Unless we use a protracted war and pay a huge price to eventually defeat one side completely. That may last for decades or hundreds of years, and it will Beware of means of mutual destruction..."

"Well, I know..." Mr. Foley sighed. In fact, he is a smart man. It was okay that he didn't understand Muggles before, but after he put aside his prejudices and saw the Muggle world, he was shocked to realize that things were far from that simple.

"So, in the final analysis, all hatred comes from dissatisfaction with the Wizarding Secrecy Act. The frustration of being trapped in a corner of the wizarding world for hundreds of years finally turned into resentment against Muggles..." Brian said softly.

"So, how about trying to create a better world?" Brian raised his lips, "A world where wizards can appear in the world openly and gain their due status?"

"If there really is such a day in your lifetime, it would be really worth celebrating." Mr. Foley sighed, "So, you want to set this as your goal?"

"No, I'm working hard on it." Brian smiled, "Can you support me?"

"Of course, there is no unsupportive statement." Mr. Foley blinked and gave him an encouraging look. Mrs. Foley looked at him with a smile. It's like when your parents said "I want to be an astronaut" when you were a child and said "that's awesome" with a smile.

"That's good." Brian said gently.

Since you have come to this world, you must leave something behind. It didn't matter how, if they really supported putting wizards above everything else...he was willing to adjust the goals.

"By the way, this has nothing to do with the Dark Lord, right?" Mr. Foley said helplessly.

"On the contrary, to achieve this goal, the world needs a Dark Lord." Brian said softly. He didn't want to be the Dark Lord, so he had to let Voldemort come.

No matter what, he always believed that allowing himself to become the Dark Lord and stand on the opposite side of the vast majority of people was the stupidest thing to do.

"Father, do you want to be the Minister of Magic?" Brian tilted his head.

Mr. Foley blinked his eyes dully, then shook his head and said: "Only a fool wants to do that job... Why am I so busy now? Why am I so busy?"

"You don't have to be so busy...what's the secretary doing if you have something to do?" Brian said with a smile.

"So I'm only responsible for taking the blame?" Mr. Foley rolled his eyes.

"I know." Brian nodded thoughtfully. It seems that Fudge, the Minister of Magic, is acceptable.

"So, what do you want to do?" Mrs. Foley said softly.

Brian pursed his lips and said meaningfully:

"Fairy tales are always black and white, but when fairy tales become reality, we know that there is a realm called gray."

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