Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 180 School starts

The Foley family meeting ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

At least Brian understood his parents' thoughts and truly finalized his future plans.

After the conversation, Mr. Foley was interested in testing Brian's strength and proposed a duel.

As a result, he was taken care of by Brian in a few moments. At this time, he was squatting aside and silently doubting life.

Mrs. Foley looked very happy, humming softly like a cheerful little girl.

At this time, the shadow of the Dark Lord's imminent return seemed to have completely dissipated.

Brian no longer interfered with Voldemort's affairs, and they never contacted him again. In the next week, he lived a peaceful life.

The three newly saved witness points were used by him in the transformation technique, and another ability reached the top level. What he lacks now is knowledge and the creation of a spell that suits him - for example, he wants to fly.

But this can only be studied after the semester starts.

He took the time to go to Diagon Alley to buy all the textbooks and supplies for the next semester. Mrs. Foley also prepared several exquisite gowns for him. Her aesthetic level has always been impeccable.

Mr. Foley gloated about how troubled the Ministry of Magic had been in recent days. According to him, it was a good pleasure to see those well-dressed Ministry officials scrambling because of one shouting letter after another.

One week after the Quidditch World Cup, it was time to start school again.

"Look what news Rita Skeeter broke?" Mr. Foley held the newspaper and said with a smile, "Mad-Eye Moody blew up his own trash can and claimed that someone had broken into his house. ...It also attracted Muggle law enforcers. The Ministry of Magic only wants to cover up, but those reporters have noses sharper than dogs!"

"Hey, Mad-Eye is really going crazy. I think he was a famous Auror back then. The dark wizards he captured filled half of the cells in Azkaban..." Mr. Foley didn't know what he was thinking of. , with a somewhat sarcastic expression.

"When did this happen?" Brian looked over.

"Last night." Mr. Foley put the newspaper aside and said, "Is it packed? It's time for us to set off."

The family arrived at King's Cross Station, where the Hogwarts Express had stopped, spewing thick smoke.

"You're in for a surprise this year, Brian," Mr. Foley said mysteriously. "It's going to be a lot of fun."

Brian glanced at Mr. Foley and nodded slightly. He knew it must be about the Triwizard Tournament.

"How come there wasn't such a good thing when I was in school?" Mr. Foley didn't receive Brian's curious inquiry and felt a little bored, so he sighed instead.

"A few days ago, I finally caught Ludo Bagman, who was evading debt, and we had a great chat." Mr. Foley said meaningfully.

"What do you want him to do?" Mrs. Foley smiled.

"It's nothing, just make friends..." Mr. Foley blinked innocently, "I've always been generous to my friends."

At this time, the whistle blew, and Brian walked up to the car door and waved to the couple.

The train emitted more smoke and slowly started to move after a loud whistle.

Brian walked into the carriage where Draco was staying, along with Daphne and Astoria. Draco was whispering something to Astoria. Astoria covered her mouth and smiled, while Daphne was holding her cat and looking at Draco warily.

Brian raised his eyebrows, sat next to Daphne, and said, "How was your summer vacation?"

"It's great! We went to many places..." Daphne said with a smile what she had experienced during her trip, "I think we were almost able to enter Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... It's so beautiful there, like It’s a dreamy castle in a fairy tale. We also saw many rune horses flying through the sky pulling beautiful carriages..."

"Actually, there are some in Hogwarts, right? Ragged, moldy carriages, and... invisible Thestrals pulling them?" Draco interjected slowly, "I hope those Thestrals can be better. of honor.”

"You know what? My dad considered sending me to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts. He knew the headmaster at Durmstrang and said there would never be room for people who were... well, hemp-born. The guy with melon will enroll in school." Draco glanced at the two girls and paid a little more attention to his words.

"It's a pity that my mother doesn't want me to go to school so far away. Dad said that Durmstrang students really learn dark magic, unlike Hogwarts, where they learn defense..." Draco continued road.

Brian smiled. He remembered that Mr. Foley originally wanted him to come to Durmstrang.

Ofer poked his head out of his bag and slowly swam over to the table. Daphne's white cat Daisy's eyes lit up, she jumped up on the table with a "hoo", stretched out her furry paws and started playing with the snake.

"Stupid cat, don't move my head... Well, pat it down a little bit... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ofer lazily didn't want to move, letting Daisy pat her body and move her body to rub it from time to time.

"I remember that Viktor Krum was still in school at Durmstrang?" Daphne rubbed the cat's head and said, "I heard that he performed very well in the World Cup this year, but it's a pity that we couldn't go see it. …”

"Oh, yes, a good seeker. He caught the Golden Snitch this year, but lost the game." Speaking of this, Draco glanced at Brian, "By the way, Brian, you predicted the result early? Is divination class really so useful?"

"It's just a reasonable guess." Brian shook his head, "You know, the divination class is all about the gods..."

"Okay." Draco said slowly, looking at the admiring expressions of Daphne and Astoria, and said somewhat unhappily, "However, although Krum performed well, he relied entirely on his opponents. His opponents Lynch...Have you ever seen a player hit the ground twice in a game? He wants the world to know how much he doesn't want his feet to leave the ground..."

"So I'm not surprised that Krum can catch the Golden Snitch...but that man is gloomy and bow-legged." Draco warned Astoria, "He is definitely a violent guy."

Astoria nodded seriously, and Draco raised his chin in satisfaction.

"But do you know what will be at Hogwarts this year?" Draco said enthusiastically.

"What?" The two sisters looked over curiously.

"Triwizard Tournament!" Draco said in a low voice.

"How could it be! That was suspended centuries ago because of too many deaths!" Daphne exclaimed, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Yes, my father told me, and I was surprised when I heard it." Draco said proudly, "No matter what, I will sign up to become a warrior..."

"That's too dangerous, Draco!" Daphne said, "You might die!"

"They have strengthened their security this year..." Draco shook his legs and said unnaturally, "Besides, warriors must withstand the test."

Daphne looked at Brian with disapproval, but Brian smiled and nodded and said, "I will also participate."

"Of course, if it were you, you should behave very well..." Daphne's cheeks turned slightly red and she sincerely agreed, "Come on!"

"Hey, Daphne, you treat her too differently!" Draco shouted dissatisfied.

Astoria covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes turning into crescent moons.

As they talked, the train kept going north and the rain fell harder and harder.

The Hogwarts Express finally slowed down and stopped at the dark Hogsmeade Station. Thunder rumbled in the air, and the rain fell hard and fast.

"Waterproof and moisture-proof." Brian cast a waterproof spell on everyone to prevent them from turning into drowned rats in the pouring rain.

They stepped off the train, and the rain poured on their heads like buckets of ice water. Although their hair and clothes were not wet under the effect of the waterproof spell, they still felt extremely cold.

Several people stepped through the muddy water and hurriedly entered a carriage, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

With violent bumps, the carriage set off, splashing with water all the way, and finally stopped at the foot of the stone steps in front of the castle gate.

They jumped out of the carriage and hurried into the hall.

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, turning everyone's cheeks blue and white, and the thunder that followed was like the sky collapsing.

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