Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 178 Quidditch World Cup

There are about twenty purple gold-plated seats in the small box, divided into two rows.

There were already many people sitting inside, including the Weasley family, Harry and Hermione, who were sitting in the front row. There was also the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, whom Fudge introduced to them.

Sitting in the back row was a house elf with a tea towel wrapped around his body and his face buried in his slender hands, leaving only a pair of long, bat-like ears exposed. There was an empty seat next to her, directly behind Harry.

After Brian and others entered the box, Percy Weasley stood up suddenly as if he had been electrocuted, bowed deeply to Fudge, and his glasses fell to the ground and shattered.

The Brian family sat in the back row, while Fudge greeted Harry kindly and made wild gestures with the Bulgarian Minister of Magic.

The Malfoy family soon came in. They had recently donated a large sum of money to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. As VIPs invited by Fudge, they received a warm welcome from Fudge.

Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy looked at each other, and the atmosphere seemed not so harmonious. Fortunately, they didn't fight, and Draco didn't exaggerate on this occasion.

Draco sat next to Brian and said helplessly: "Theodore and the others didn't get first-class tickets..."

Brian nodded, and at this time, Ludo Bagman rushed into the box. He was wearing a long Quidditch robe, his belly was already fat, he was bouncing around, and he looked very happy.

Ludo chanted the Loud Voice Charm to himself, and then shouted loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome!"

"First of all, please allow me to introduce...the mascot of the Bulgarian team!"

The stands erupted in exclamations, and Mr. Foley tutted: "Oh, Veela!"

One hundred Veela slid towards the arena. Their skin was as bright and soft as the moon, and their silver hair was blowing in the wind behind their heads, like goddesses on the moon. They danced to the music, and the stands of 100,000 people were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Brian's eyes were dazed for a moment, and then he used Occlumency to isolate the charm, and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him with admiration. Mr. Foley clucked his tongue and his eyes widened. After being pinched by Mrs. Foley, he became serious and said: "Oh, this is art, Betty, you must respect art..."

However, not everyone can control themselves. Draco's gray eyes were so wide that they seemed to pop out of his head, and his body moved involuntarily towards the box, only to be firmly pulled back by Brian.

On the front seat, Harry put one leg up on the wall of the box, as if he wanted to step into the arena. Ron took a diving stance and was held tightly by Hermione.

"What are you doing? Harry, Ron!" Hermione said dissatisfied.

The Veela's dance ended, the music stopped, and everyone woke up as if from a dream. Harry and Ron sat back in their seats with red faces, their eyes involuntarily glancing towards the Veela.

Next, the Irish team's mascot appeared, which was a group of Irish leprechauns holding small lights. They were arranged like clovers, as if they were performing a grand fireworks display.

Countless gold coins fell from the sky, and people cheered and scrambled noisily.

"The leprechaun's gold coins will disappear in a few hours." Brian picked up a gold coin that fell on his lap and looked at it carefully. Draco watched with disdain as Harry and Ron scrambled under the seats to pick up gold coins.

When the performance was over, the two teams entered the arena, and the game officially began.

This game was exciting enough even for Brian, who didn't like Quidditch very much. The players passed the ball at an incredible speed and used various complex and superb tactics. Mr. Foley was eager to try it and wished he could get off the field to compete in person.

Draco put on the panoramic binoculars, ignored talking to Brian, and cheered with the team's wonderful performance.

When the Irish team led by 30 points, Viktor Crum suddenly dived towards the ground, and the Irish team's seeker Lynch also dived down. Immediately, Krum stopped diving and spiraled upward, but Lynch fell heavily to the ground.

There were laments from the seats in the Irish audience.

"Wonsky's fake move is used to contain dangerous seekers!" Mr. Foley said in admiration, "I'm good at this too!"

The game was paused for a while, and Lynch, who had regained his strength, played again. The game continued, and soon the Irish team led 130:10.

The game became particularly fierce, with constant fouls and free throws. The Veelas screamed loudly and danced. The leprechauns formed a giant hand in the air and made very rude gestures, knocking the Veelas away. He was so angry that he exposed his bird's head with a sharp beak, and angrily threw flaming things at the little leprechaun.

At this point, Lynch dived toward the ground, but Crum caught up with him.

Lynch hit the ground hard again, and Krum caught the Snitch.

The game is over, Bulgaria has 160 points and Ireland has 170 points. The Irish won.

The Irish players were dancing for joy. Krum held the Golden Snitch in his hand, and his already gloomy expression became even gloomier.

A large group of doctors whistled to drive away the tussling Veela and leprechauns, causing chaos on the field.

Mr. Foley snorted lightly and said: "Interesting result, but the Irish team should remember a little longer and remember to change the seeker... My skills are definitely much better than Lynch..."

"Bragging," Mr. Malfoy on the side raised his lips slightly, "how many years have you not played Quidditch? It's been twenty years..."

"Then I won't be as embarrassed as Lynch..." Mr. Foley argued, "I always want to have a close contact with the earth!"

Ludo Bagman was well organized until the end of the game. He looked calm, but Brian saw that his legs were shaking.

"I think I have become Ludo's biggest creditor..." Mr. Foley said playfully.

"I don't think you'll come back." Mrs. Foley covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Ah, what I value is that this little money can help me gain a friend...a die-hard friend." Mr. Foley raised the corner of his mouth, "After all, he is also the Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic."

Brian kept his smile and looked at the seat next to the house elf Winky. He had secretly used the Revealing Spell before and saw a thin, pale young man sitting there, with light yellow blond hair and slight freckles on his face. He watched the game in a daze and secretly took away Harry's wand midway through the game.

The family returned to their tent, but Mr. Foley had no intention of going to bed and was going out instead.

"Albert, you..." Mrs. Foley seemed to know something. She grabbed Mr. Foley's hand and looked at him with a slight frown.

"Oh, Betty, I just went to have fun with my friends... Well, you can treat it as a team-building activity." Mr. Foley said with a smile, "Don't worry, friends always have to get together more."

Mrs. Foley pursed her lips, slowly let go of her hand, watched him walk out of the tent worriedly, then sighed softly and sat on the sofa.

"Brian, go back to bed!" Mrs. Foley said seriously, "Don't go out tonight!"

"Mom, why didn't you stop him?" Brian said softly.

"What's the use? Although I know that if I don't want him to go, he will definitely listen to me in the end..." Mrs. Foley's expression looked calm and cold, "But, on important matters, I don't Will interfere with his decision..."

"Why? You know...she..." Brian said softly.

"She... so what?" Mrs. Foley had a sarcastic expression on her face, and then sighed, "I always mess up things, Brian. Maybe I can make decisions on small things, But on big matters, I will listen to your father..."

"After all, I betrayed him once, but he forgave me, so I will trust him in the future..." Mrs. Foley lowered her eyes slightly and looked at her hands folded in her lap.

Brian blinked slowly, patted her hand gently, and then returned to the bedroom.

The Quidditch World Cup brought him a Witness Point income.

He put on his black robe, slipped out of the tent quietly, walked into the woods, and looked at the brightly lit camp.

There were sounds of commotion in the camp, with people screaming and running in panic. A group of men in black robes wearing hoods and masks pointed their wands above their heads. Four struggling figures were twisted into various weird shapes in the air. They were the Roberts family.

The parade continued to grow, several tents were collapsed, and flames burned. Brian watched quietly, with an extremely indifferent expression.

He saw the house elf stumbling toward the bushes, as if dragging something. Brian recited a magic spell and followed him into the dense jungle.

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