Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 177 Before the World Cup

Early in the morning on the day of the Quidditch World Cup, an alarm clock in the shape of a birdcage of thorns woke Brian from his sleep. He pulled out a black robe and put it on before walking downstairs.

His parents had packed their things and were waiting there.

Mr. Foley was wearing a black robe embroidered with luxurious and mysterious silver patterns, with a lazy expression.

Mrs. Foley stood aside with her hands folded, wearing a wide-brimmed black top hat with gauze on her head, and a slim black robe as beautifully designed as a dress. She was dressed as if she was going to a ball.

Mr. Foley checked the time and apparated directly with his family into a dense forest near the venue. Standing nearby were two tired, sullen wizards, dressed in odd Muggle clothes and holding a thick roll of parchment. One of them smiled when he saw Mr. Foley.

"Good morning, Mr. and Madam Foley," said the wizard. He rummaged through the parchment in his hand and said tiredly: "We walked over for about five minutes. You are at the first site. The camp manager is Mr. Roberts."

At this time, another family apparated over. Another wizard came over with a tired look on his face. They had been guarding here all night.

"Good morning, Lucius." Mr. Foley waved with a smile.

The Malfoy family came, also dressed in black, dressed like a gang gathering.

The two families greeted each other and walked towards the venue together. Draco winked at Brian and lowered his voice: "I heard from my dad that Ludo Bagman made a bet, and I want to bet on the Irish team to win."

"I thought, Ireland would win, but Viktor Crumb would catch the Snitch," Brian recalled.

"How is this possible? That's a bit outrageous..." Draco said, "I think if this really happened, Bagman would probably jump off the stands on the spot."

As they talked, they passed through a door. In front of it was a small stone house, and behind the stone house were hundreds of strange-shaped tents.

There was a man standing at the door of the stone house. It could be seen that he was a real Muggle. He showed a strange expression after seeing the wizard robes worn by a group of people.

Similarly, the Malfoy family also showed disgusted expressions, as if they had seen something dirty. Mr. Foley narrowed his eyes and showed a half-smiling expression. Mrs. Foley just glanced at Mr. Roberts without any change in expression.

"Oh, who are you? Have you reserved a tent?" Mr. Roberts asked warily.

At this moment, a wizard wearing bloomers descended from the sky, pointed his wand at Roberts, and said sternly: "Forget everything!"

Suddenly, Roberts' eyes wandered away, revealing a dazed and indifferent expression.

"I think you should stop dressing so weird... at least learn how to dress like me." The wizard pointed at the suit jacket and bloomers he was wearing, and said helplessly, "You have to recite the Forgetting Curse a dozen times a day. I really hope this all ends soon..."

As the wizard spoke, he took out a camp plan from the dazed Mr. Roberts and handed it to them, saying, "Please come in." After saying that, he disapparated.

The group entered the camp, and Mr. Foley glanced at the Muggle, who was whispering something to Lucius, with a playful and malicious expression.

The site was shrouded in a thin mist, and there were two rows of long tents beside the road. Most of them were ordinary, but there were always some that were too exaggerated. Brian even saw a tent in the shape of a four-story high building.

They stopped at a clearing with a small sign beside it: Foley. The Malfoy family walked to an open space on the opposite side.

"Okay, let me look for our tent." Mr. Foley pulled out his wand and waved it, and a black tent appeared out of thin air in the open space. The brackets jumped to where they should be, supporting the entire tent.

Soon, this tall tent was set up. It was taller than Mr. Foley. In front of it was a gorgeous black door. It didn't look like a tent at all, but like a small room. There was a A small gazebo.

The family walked in, and Brian looked back. The Malfoy family's tent had also been set up. Well, it looked like a small palace, with two floors.

The tent was surprisingly spacious and bright, with three bedrooms, a clean and bright living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There was also a house elf in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

The soundproofing effect of the tent is very good, and you can't hear the noise outside as soon as you walk in.

After the family had breakfast, Mr. Foley said with a smile: "I heard that Ludo Bagman opened a bet. I have to go and take a look... Of course, the Irish team will definitely win, I think."

"It's better to bet on the Irish team to win, but Viktor Krum will catch the Golden Snitch." Brian repeated, "But be prepared to not recover your gambling debt..."

"Oh, are you sure?" Mr. Foley narrowed his eyes, "This is a crazy decision that a real gambler would make, Brian."

Brian shrugged.

"Haha, but I can also get some money to go out and have fun..." Mr. Foley changed his tone and said, "Well, just for fun. Okay, I'll go find some friends." He said and walked out briskly. tent. Now he really looks like the prodigal son he once was.

Mrs. Foley sighed in disapproval, but said nothing and went to visit her friends instead.

Brian walked out of the tent and sat in the small pavilion outside the door to drink black tea. Soon, the venue gradually became lively. Draco, Theodore and Blaise all came over. The group gathered together and talked about their vacation. thing.

"Oh, it's so unlucky, I mean last semester." Blaise lost some weight and looked a little melancholy. "After I came home for Christmas, my father locked me in the basement! It wasn't until the end of the semester that my mother found me... …Oh my god, he’s crazy!”

"What? Haven't you been taking classes with us?" Draco's gray eyes widened.

"So, he pretended to be me..." Blaise said with a livid face, "Don't tell me what he did to ruin my reputation, such as falling in love with more than a dozen girls..."

"Well... you can rest assured that he is very normal, at least much more normal than you..." Although Theodore also found it incredible, he still managed to comfort his friend.

"I didn't feel comforted at all..." Blaise rolled his eyes and said angrily, "That old bastard!"

"That is your father after all... he has passed away." Theodore said.

"Haha, it's not the first time that my father has died. I'm used to it." Blaise sneered, "But this is the first time that I feel that this is something to be happy about. It's so satisfying!"

"Okay, by the way...why did he pretend to be you and go to Hogwarts?" Draco said in a low voice.

"I don't know either. Mom said he had been mysterious that year." Blaise couldn't help but lower his voice, "I dare say he must have discovered a treasure in the school!"

Brian couldn't help but smile as he listened to their wild guesses.

Time passed quickly and excitement filled the camp. By dusk, the Ministry seemed to have finally given up on covering up signs of magic. Disapparated vendors descended from the sky, their carts filled with weird gadgets. The little wizards were buying things they liked, and Draco was stuffing his pockets full.

A deep and deep sound of gongs could be heard from far away in the woods, and red and green lanterns lit up instantly, illuminating the road leading to the arena.

"It's time!" said Mr. Foley.

Thousands of people walked quickly along the passage into the woods. There was a huge stadium in the clearing in the forest. I heard that five hundred staff from the Ministry of Magic worked hard for a whole year to build this arena that can accommodate 100,000 spectators.

At the entrance to the stadium, they met the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, who greeted Mr. Foley with a warm smile.

"Ah, Albert, you're finally here!" Fudge greeted with a smile and stretched out his hand.

"Connelly," Mr. Foley stretched out his hand to shake Fudge's hand and said with a smile, "this is my wife Betty, and my son Brian."

"Oh, hello, hello." Fudge bowed slightly to Mrs. Foley, then looked at Brian kindly and said, "I know you, Brian, um, an outstanding student at Hogwarts, almost... Received the third-level medal of the Knights of Merlin..."

"Huh?" Mr. Foley's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Brian sighed helplessly and turned his head away, not wanting to speak.

Fudge blinked and continued: "Of course, just a little bit, if Sirius Black hadn't escaped..."

Mrs. Foley patted Brian on the shoulder, dumbfounded.

"First class, top box!" The witch at the entrance interrupted the slightly stagnant atmosphere, "Go all the way to the top!"

They walked to the top of the stadium and entered a small box facing the golden goal post.

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