Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 176 Riddle House

When a person is immersed in something he likes, time always flies by.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

There is about half a month until the start of school, and the Quidditch World Cup is about to be held.

Mr. Foley's friend Cornelius Fudge gave them three of his best tickets. It must be said that when Fudge was in deep trouble because of the Department of Mysteries and Sirius, he received strong support from Mr. Foley, which made their friendship even deeper.

That's what Mr. Foley said, anyway.

Draco wrote a letter to Brian, telling him that Theodore and Blaise would also go there, but Daphne's family was traveling and could not go to the game this time.

And just the night before the game, Brian received a contact message from the badge.

Brian glanced at the locator, then walked out of the house, found a hidden corner and changed into a black robe, drank a cup of polyjuice potion, and then began to apparate.

Soon, he reached his destination. This is a large house located on a hillside. From here, you can see the village below. The house is very old, the tiles on the roof are incomplete, and the walls are covered with ivy. It looks like what Muggles call a haunted house.

At this time, there was only one window in the house that was shining with light, and the light was flickering, light and dark, like a will-o'-the-wisp with its teeth and claws.

"Riddle House..." Brian muttered lightly and stepped inside.

The front door was locked, and Brian gently unlocked it and walked in, then thoughtfully locked the door again.

He walked up the dusty stone steps, and a faint light came through a door at the end of the dark corridor. Brian stepped on the dust on the ground, and his footsteps sounded muffled.

He knocked lightly on the door, and a slightly trembling voice came from inside: "Who?"

"I, weren't you the one who came to find me?" Brian said in a soft voice.

Peter Pettigrew opened the door and let Brian in.

This is a dark room, the fire in the fireplace is the only source of light here. The firelight casts long spider web-like shadows on the wall, which looks a bit weird. An ancient armchair stood in front of the fireplace, facing the fire, and the person sitting on it could not be seen clearly.

"So, why did you come to me?" Brian glanced around, cleaned the dust on another armchair placed by the table, and sat on it casually.

Peter Pettigrew let out a low groan and quickly moved away from Brian.

"Our plan needs to get started, Boo..." a shrill voice sounded from behind the armchair in front of the fireplace.

"Don't mention my name..." Brian interrupted.

"From now on, you can call me..." He thought of Trelawney's prophecy and said, "Black Crow."

Although the name wasn't great and he didn't like it, it suited it.

"What are you afraid of?" came Voldemort's chilling voice.

"Everything you say may be known," Brian said softly, "I don't want someone to know it so quickly."

"Okay, Black Crow." Voldemort said, "The time is coming, I need you and Wormtail to rescue my loyal servant, and then complete our plan..."

"Of course, I will look for opportunities." Brian smiled, "I will come find you after the Quidditch World Cup is over."

"Master's determination still hasn't changed?" Pettigrew's voice was trembling, with a hint of whimpering.

"Of course it hasn't changed, Wormtail." Voldemort's voice was stern and threatening.

"But it can be done without Harry Potter, Master!" Pettigrew was silent for a long time, then seemed to muster up the courage to say. He just wanted Voldemort to make a comeback as soon as possible, instead of taking great risks and kidnapping Potter. He couldn't afford to risk failure, which would result in him dying or being imprisoned in Azkaban.

"I've already said it once, Wormtail." Voldemort's voice was lazy, but mixed with a hint of chill, "Don't make me repeat it a second time... I won't use anyone else, I've already waited. It’s been thirteen years, there’s no harm in waiting a few more months…”

Seeing Peter Pettigrew's pleading eyes, Brian secretly rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Let Voldemort hang himself on the crooked tree that is Harry Potter.

"Soon, Wormtail...my loyal servant will join us, and Harry Potter is doomed..." Voldemort said in a very soft voice, "By then, Harry Potter will survive." The boy will die...and I, Voldemort, will rise!"

At this time, Brian glanced outside the door. He heard a hissing voice coming from outside: "Master, there is an old Muggle outside the door eavesdropping..."

Voldemort heard Nagini's voice too, and hissed back: "Come in, Nagini."

"Wormtail, Nagini told me that there is a Muggle outside the door who is listening to our conversation every word... Please come in, Mr. Muggle."

Wormtail opened the door, and the big snake Nagini swam in lazily, entrenched itself on the tattered carpet in front of the fireplace, staring at Brian maliciously. Standing outside the door was an old man on crutches. He was shaking badly, but he still limped in.

Brian's eyes were on Nagini. This snake had changed a lot compared to what he had seen in the black forest before. It seemed more powerful and had an evil aura about it.

"So, who did Voldemort kill during his journey and turn Nagini into a Horcrux?" Brian looked thoughtfully at the big snake that was eager to avenge its shame, and curled his lips slightly. .

It seems that Voldemort went crazy thinking about immortality, and was eager to make another Horcrux before he was resurrected. However, it was probably just to keep it as a backup. If something went wrong again this time and there was a living Horcrux that could move, he would no longer have to wait hopelessly to be found like before.

Brian stopped looking at Nagini and instead looked at the old Muggle man at the door. The old man scratched his head and said, "I heard you, you are going to harm people! My wife will call the police..."

Brian sighed and had no intention of saving the old man. It's obviously not worth breaking up with Voldemort because of an old Muggle man.

"You are lying, you have no wife, no one knows you are here..." Voldemort's voice said coldly, "Don't lie to Lord Voldemort, he knows everything..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light flashed across, and the old Muggle man collapsed to the ground, his cloudy eyes losing all their energy.

"It's time for you to go back, Black Crow." Voldemort's voice sounded a little tired, "Wormtail, get rid of the body... I'm going to rest. Don't forget to feed Nagini milk before going to bed..."

Brian couldn't help but chuckle. Facing Wormtail's puzzled gaze, he coughed lightly and said innocently, "I'm sorry, I didn't know this big snake was still drinking milk... Well, it's quite... cute."

Nagini seemed to feel something. It raised its triangular head, opened its mouth and let out a hissing threatening sound, as if it was about to pounce at any time.

"I'm leaving first, bye." Brian stood up with a smile, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

[Witness and participate in the Riddle House incident, witness points +0.5×2]

After looking at the system prompts, Brian didn't waste any more time and apparated directly in the corridor back to the manor.

And on this night, Harry Potter woke up from his sleep.

He lay upright on the bed, breathing heavily and wearing rough clothes. He pressed his fingers tightly on the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, where there was a burning pain.

Harry sat up, covering his scar with one hand, and fumbled for his glasses with the other.

He endured the pain of the scar and tried his best to recall the scene in his dream.

Everything was so vivid, he concentrated on recalling it...a dark room with a snake on the carpet...a small man, that was Peter Pettigrew...and a cold, sharp voice that made Ha Harry felt chills all over. It was Voldemort's voice, but Harry couldn't recall what he looked like in the dream.

There was another man sitting in the armchair, half of his expression hidden in the darkness, his expression a bit playful and mysterious... Harry promised that he had never seen that man before, but he always felt familiar... What did Voldemort call him? What about? What crow?

I can't believe that someone dared to talk to Voldemort so casually, and Voldemort wasn't angry yet.

Also, who is that old man? He was killed...

Harry buried his face in his hands and tried his best to recall the details of his dream, but he couldn't recall them more and more.

However, he remembered one thing clearly.

They are planning to kill one person, that is...him!

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