Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 175 Chance Encounter

Early the next morning, Brian walked downstairs and had a simple breakfast in the hotel.

He found Bertha Jorkins walking down the stairs of the hotel opposite with her luggage. She seemed even more dazed, walking out of the town like a wandering spirit, looking like she was not interested in anything.

Brian glanced at the hotel opposite and spotted a familiar figure behind a gray window.

Brian smiled and walked into the hotel opposite. The hotel owner didn't know where he was, so Brian slowly climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door of the room corresponding to the window.

"Who's outside? I think I've already had breakfast." A familiar voice came from inside.

"No, I just wanted to visit an acquaintance." Brian said, "I didn't expect to see you here, Professor Lockhart."

There was silence for a long time, and then the door opened with a bang. Lockhart was wearing a fancy dressing gown and holding a wand in his hand.

"This tone...are you Brian Foley?" Lockhart said. He looked at Brian's current appearance, looked outside the door and looked left and right. When Brian walked in, he closed the door with a "snap".

"It's me." Brian nodded.

"Did that woman Jorkins tell you? That I'm here?" Lockhart had a short stubble on his face, and his expression looked slightly sad, but the restless temper could still be seen in his eyes. come out.

"No, I just saw you in the window. I haven't seen you for a long time, so I came to visit." Brian smiled, "Jorkins did say that she had seen a fugitive. I originally thought it was Sirius Black. ."

"Ah, I have been staying at the resort before, but I almost got recognized. I just came here to stay for a few days recently." Lockhart breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I didn't expect that there are people who know me here... I am so famous. When I get older, people will recognize me wherever I go.”

Lockhart said, his expression a little distressed, but also a little proud.

"What did you do to Bertha Jorkins?" Brian thought of the woman's appearance just now.

"Isn't it obvious? It's just a small forgetting spell." Lockhart showed his iconic smile again, his teeth still dazzlingly white.

Brian blinked, thinking that the woman had suffered serious sequelae due to Crouch's powerful forgetting spell. This time, she was either completely stupid or might have to bid farewell to the Ministry of Magic forever.

"Do you know what this town is like, professor?" Brian said.

"Ah, this is a famous town." Lockhart said with his hands behind his back. "I dare say that there are many fugitives in this town. Others include werewolves, vampires, and wandering dark wizards... I just came to hide. A few days, and then I’ll find a beautiful island to live my retirement life.”

"You're not trying to catch me, are you, Brian?" Lockhart's eyes were fixed on him.

"Of course not, good luck to you, Professor." Brian smiled.

"Of course, I will have good luck. To be honest, my luck has always been good, but going to Hogwarts to be a professor is the worst decision I have ever made." Lockhart said, "Your father must be smiling. Swallowed so much of my share...cunning guy."

The two talked for a while, and the atmosphere was unexpectedly harmonious. Lockhart also invited Brian to taste the high-end black tea he got during the trip. It seemed that even on the run, Lockhart still did not treat him badly.

"Those idiots at the Ministry of Magic actually blamed me for the Chamber of Secrets." Lockhart said in a relaxed tone, "But anyway, the debt is too heavy to bear, and I am not guilty of that crime... You can get it Believe me, I am not that kind of heir." He seemed to be reminding Brian in a subtle way.

"I understand." Brian nodded and took a sip of black tea.

"No matter what, the magic world will be in chaos soon. It is a good choice to hide and avoid the disputes." Brian said meaningfully.

"Then, I'll take my leave now, professor." Seeing that the time was almost up, Brian planned to leave.

"Are you leaving this town?" Lockhart said hurriedly, "Can we go together?"

"Okay." Brian nodded.

Lockhart breathed a long sigh of relief and began to pack his luggage, clothes and pants flying everywhere.

"Well, I've been stuck here for a few days...I don't want to go out." Lockhart explained, "I suspect that I'm being targeted by a few dark wizards...Of course, I'm not afraid of them, I just don't want to fight with them... It’s not good to fight and kill too much. I’d rather be reasonable, but they don’t seem to be able to listen to reason…”

"...I was thinking that maybe if we two go out together, they won't have any ideas about us." Lockhart threw the last sock into the suitcase.

Soon, the two people walked towards the outside of the town. There were still not many people on the street, and there seemed to be pairs of eyes hidden in the dark doorways and alleys, staring at them.

They walked outside the town safely, and just when Lockhart was relieved, several men in black robes rushed out from the dense trees on the roadside, holding wands in their hands and casting spells randomly.

"Armor protection!" Brian waved his wand and blocked all the incoming spells.

But those people pounced directly on them, opening their big mouths to bite them, and let out low roars.

Without much effort, Brian defeated them easily and learned what happened from the outrageous guy who cooked these dishes.

"Werewolf?" Brian pondered.

These werewolves discovered Lockhart's identity and knew that he was a fat sheep. They were ordered by the leader to come and rob him.

"Fenrir Greyback is in town?" Brian said softly.

"Yes." A werewolf nodded confusedly.

Brian narrowed his eyes and played with the wand in his hand. Lockhart circled anxiously, urging him to leave quickly.

Looking up at the town, Brian knocked them unconscious and slowly moved away from here with Lockhart.

Although the werewolf came closer to Brian, he didn't want to waste time on the werewolf. Although he knew that as long as Fenrir Greyback was killed, this group of werewolves would become a mess, falling into chaos and infighting.

A group of werewolves headed by Greyback would follow Voldemort in the future, which would be beneficial to Brian's plan, and there was no need to weaken them now.

Besides, there is really no need to weaken these werewolves. Basically, they haven't learned many spells. Not every werewolf can be as lucky as Lupine. This also means that except for the night of the full moon, the level of werewolves is really not that good.

Having someone to lead them creates less chaos and is easier to deal with.

As for cooperation... Werewolves are really not good partners to work with, and Brian is not even willing to control these guys to do things for him. He is not clear-headed, has a low IQ, has a rough personality, is reckless and prone to mistakes, hates wizards, and has a strong desire to attack wizards, and the night of the full moon is a time bomb.

Thinking about it this way, it's almost useless...

"Let nature take its course. The Dark Lord's return cannot be too low-profile." Brian said softly.

"What did you say?" Lockhart asked.

"Nothing." Brian said, "I should go back. Nice to meet you, Professor Lockhart."

"Oh, thank you for helping me." Lockhart said reservedly, "You know, if I take action, the ending of those werewolves may be very bad... I just want to keep a low profile, well, after all, the Ministry of Magic still has Thinking of catching me..."

Brian said goodbye to Lockhart, boarded the ship home, and quietly looked at the rough sea.

After a period of journey, Brian returned to the manor and was greeted by Mrs. Foley.

He glanced at the locator in his hand and saw that the little red dot representing Pettigrew was on its way back to China. It looked like it would be a long time before he could come back.

"I really don't have a long memory. I only know that I destroyed the locator on Pettigrew." Brian shook his head.

There is also a locator hidden in the badge he gave Pettigrew.

Of course, you can't find it unless you take it apart and look.

Brian shook his head and once again devoted himself to the pursuit of knowledge.

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