Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 172 Travel

The Foley family's vacation plans fell by the wayside.

Mr. Foley was obsessed with the upcoming Quidditch World Cup final, Mrs. Foley still attended the party, and Brian was busy filling in the knowledge and paying attention to the movements of Peter Pettigrew.

Time passed slowly, and Brian was fascinated by the vast knowledge of the magical world. With constant learning and practice, Brian finally reached the highest level of several magic spells he had mastered.

He discovered that any magic spell that reaches the master level will have unexpected magical changes, and has the ability to turn decay into magic.

For example, the Illusion Curse not only makes him invisible, but also hides his smell, heat, etc., so that he will not be seen through so easily. The Appearance Curse that can see through this Illusion Body Curse must also be of the same level.

Another example is Apparition. This is originally an unstable magic. It is generally only suitable for rushing. It is difficult to work in battles disrupted by magic. First, it takes time, and second, it is prone to danger.

But the master-level phantom apparition is more stable and faster. If a wizard can cast this magic without a spell, he can do the same thing as Elliot did last semester, constantly teleporting in battle.

It's a pity that Brian's spell-free spellcasting level has never been improved. The current mastery level allows him to cast these spells without spells at most, but the casting time is longer. Although it is faster than chanting spells, the power of the spells will also be There are relatively large cuts.

Of course, spells such as the Stunning Curse and the Disarming Curse have only become more difficult to resist. The Iron Armor Curse has increased in strength and is less likely to be broken. The types of magic that can be defended have also increased. For some tricky and difficult-to-prevent spells, The black magic also has certain resistance ability.

Next year, Brian only needs to improve his transformation, spellcasting, and magic levels to really catch up in terms of combat effectiveness.

By then, he would no longer have to fear the resurrected Voldemort.

It may not be as good as the Black and White Demon King in terms of the variety of spells and self-created spells, but it can indeed stand on the same level as them, and is more than enough to protect itself and counterattack.

Brian glanced at the darkening sky outside and put down the old, moldy book in his hand.

There were some stains on the open pages, as if blood had been spattered on them, and they were already black. This page reads: The principles and release of the Fire Curse.

The Fire Spell can summon a cursed magical flame. This flame will mimic the form of some monsters and become more and more powerful by burning and devouring everything. It cannot be extinguished by water, only the counter-curse and the All-Curse Curse can extinguish it.

To cast this spell requires a person filled with the desire to destroy everything.

Before the fierce fire becomes too powerful, you need to use a counter-spell to extinguish it in time, otherwise it will escape the control of the spell caster and devour everyone and everything regardless of friend or foe.

"It's not too difficult, and it can be controlled to a certain extent..." Brian thoughtfully left the study and entered the spell practice room, where there were some dummies for practice.

Brian pulled out his wand and pointed it at a dummy. Soon, a flame ignited on it. Its color was a somewhat coquettish purple, like a fiery blooming violet. It released an astonishing temperature, making the cloth standing in the distance... Ryan could feel the dull pain in his skin.

Soon, the fierce fire swallowed up the dummy and transformed into a fire snake. It stretched its body restlessly and wrapped up the surrounding dummies. Even the ground showed signs of melting.

Brian frowned, tightened his control, and made the fire snake calm down. But its violent eyes still looked maliciously at everything around it that could be turned into food, including Brian.

Brian thought for a moment, let go of his control, and let the flames consume all the dummies. Li Huo also transformed into more forms, including birds with long tail feathers and small fire dragons. Fortunately, Brian can still control it at this level.

However, the flames still wanted to break out of the house and burn more.

Brian waved his wand and recited a counter-spell, and the flame monsters let out a silent roar reluctantly, and then slowly extinguished.

He waved the wand again, and another small piece of fierce fire appeared. Under Brian's control, it did not expand, but remained a small piece.

Brian took out a few things from his carry-on bag. These were several fire extinguishers he bought at the Muggle market, and he began to experiment with them.

As a result, none of them seem to be of much use.

Brian extinguished the fire, looked at the surrounding floors and walls that showed signs of melting, and tried to repair them, but the curse of the fire prevented them from returning to their original state.

Brian worked on the house for a long time before he managed to get rid of the curse and restore the house to its original state.

He returned to the study and wrote on a piece of parchment: Scientific research on Li Fire.

...The method of blocking oxygen cannot extinguish the fire, it does not rely on oxygen to burn...The flame retardant will be burned by the fire as fuel and become the food for the fire to grow...Clear water cannot extinguish the fire, but it will not become a fire. The nourishment for the burning fire...

Isolation method: Clear away all combustible materials around. But Li Huo will jump out of the isolation circle on his own initiative and look for new fuel.

Guess: If a powerful water spell is used as a blocking circle, it may be possible to prevent the spread of the fierce fire. It needs to be tested, and its practicality is not high.

After Brian finished writing, he put the parchment aside and slowly leaned back on the chair.

He picked up the locator that had been sitting on the corner of the table. That little red dot has been parked in Albania for two days, moving only in a small area, and this location is the Black Forest of Albania.

"It's almost time. I can go there." Brian breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his room.

Early the next morning, Brian proposed to his parents the idea of ​​going out to meet friends and then left the house.

He looked at the map in his hand, looking for a route from here to Albania.

"Using phantom appearance is obviously unrealistic. It can only go to the places it has been or the position it sees with its eyes, and it cannot move long distances at one time..."

"Floo fans are not allowed either. The fireplaces in each country are disconnected from each other. Only some special-purpose fireplaces from the Ministry of Magic are allowed to connect to foreign countries..."

"I need to get to Albania faster..."

"So... let's take a plane."

Brian put away the map and reached the node closest to London Heathrow Airport via Floo. Then he bought some Muggle clothes nearby and blended in with the crowds of people coming and going.

Soon, he arrived at the airport, but then Brian remembered that he did not have identification documents from the Muggle world.

He sighed helplessly. Originally, he wanted to abide by the rules of the Muggle world, but now he had to use some unconventional means.

Brian looked up the flight information, cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself, and unhurriedly lined up to get on the plane to Italy.

When the plane was about to take off, Brian found an empty seat, canceled the disillusionment spell, sat on it, and smiled at the Muggle boy on his side.

The plane slowly flew high into the sky, and outside the window was an endless stretch of white clouds, like they were traveling through snow-white marshmallows.

Brian leaned back in his seat and seemed to have returned to his previous life.

He took out a spell book and read it carefully, while the Muggle boy next to him looked at the scenery outside the window with curiosity.

"Are you reading a magic book?" The boy soon became bored and saw the book in Brian's hand.

"Yeah." Brian nodded without looking away.

"I also have a magic book!" the boy said enthusiastically, "and a magic wand, a crystal ball... I can also recite spells! Like... thunder, thunder, thunder, bang!"

"...Very interesting." Brian smiled.

The two chatted, mainly the boy talking and Brian listening. The little boy talked a lot, from magic spells to TV shows, to the Big Wizard game he was playing, and also talked about several supernatural games he secretly played with his friends...

"I'm telling you, we might have actually summoned a ghost that day!" the boy said in an exaggerated tone.

Soon, the plane landed, and the boy reluctantly followed his parents and told Brian that he could go and play with him when he had time.

Brian shook his head, but a smile appeared on his face.

He arrived in Bari, the nearest port, by car and boarded a ship bound for Albania.

Soon, he reached the end of his journey.

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