Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 173 Meeting with the Dark Lord

Brian was walking in a small town outside the Black Forest. This town was filled with gray tones, and the people's expressions were numb and indifferent. When seeing outsiders, there would always be an expression of caution and repulsion on their faces.

The sounds of children playing in the town and the smiles of teenagers and girls have become the only bright colors here, but when facing people they don't know, they will always be dragged into the house by their parents, and then the room will be closed with a bang. Door.

Brian collected a few Muggle hairs on the road. At this time, he had used Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as a young man with brown hair and blue eyes, and arrived in this town before nightfall.

He looked at the locals' wary and displeased eyes and shook his head slightly. It's surprisingly closed here.

Taking out the little locator, the little red dot representing Peter Pettigrew was staying somewhere in the black forest. Brian didn't waste any time and walked directly through the town towards the forest on the other side.

Everyone seemed to be hiding in the house, peering at him through the cracks in the windows.

"What's wrong here?" Brian was a little confused.

However, he had no intention of exploring and just walked towards his destination.

He encountered no danger along the way. He quickly passed through the town and entered the extremely dark forest.

The land here shows a dark color, and even the trunks of the trees are almost black. The dense branches and leaves block the sunlight, making the ground here almost invisible to the sky all year round.

Occasionally, desolate howlings could be heard in the forest, and the calls of unknown birds echoed in the forest. The tone was distorted and seemed a little weird.

"Hey, Muggle!" A female voice came from beside Brian, making him startled.

A fat woman poked her head out from the bushes on one side. Her hair was messy and there were a few dead leaves on it.

"You are..." Brian said a little warily.

"Oh, I'm Bertha Jorkins, and I'm staying in the nearest hotel... God knows, I originally wanted to go on vacation, but I couldn't find the resort. Instead, I ended up in such a shabby and boring town. I lost my way in the forest..." the woman complained endlessly, "I can guarantee that when I go back, I will blow the head of the old witch who gave me the map!"

Brian was startled and looked at her seriously.

"Oh, who made me get lost in the forest? I couldn't find the hotel..." Jorkins kept talking, "I was so tired that I slept in the bushes... You know How do you get out? I plan to walk over there and take a look."

The woman's finger points to the depths of the black forest.

"Just walk a few steps in the opposite direction and you can get out," Brian said.

"Ah, great, I have to go to the hotel and take a good shower." Jorkins muttered, "By the way, what did I see? I remembered, the fugitive... No, I have to make sure again. …”

With that said, she walked in the direction Brian pointed.

"Fugitive?" Brian lowered his eyes and walked into the depths of the forest.

It seems that Peter Pettigrew has not yet found Bertha and got the news from her. I wonder if Brian saved her life?

He looked at the locator in his hand, slowly put on the black robe, and hid his face under the hood.

The forest was getting darker and darker, Brian's footsteps rustled, and Ofer stuck his head out of his bag and hissed to Brian: "Master, there are a lot of snakes around!"

"I know," Blaine hissed.

The snakes that were ready to move crouched quietly after hearing the Parseltongue, looking directly at Brian with cold eyes.

"Is anyone there?" Brian took one last look at the locator, put it away, and said in a gentle voice, like an elegant and polite greeting when visiting a guest.

There was a hissing sound in the darkness, and a huge snake jumped out of the shadows like lightning, opening its sharp fangs towards Brian, causing a fishy wind.

"Armor protection!"

The invisible wall blocked the snake's attack. Brian jumped back lightly to avoid the subsequent tail swing, and released a bunch of pale golden nets at the snake.

The big snake struggled in the net, and the light net kept breaking, but the big snake was temporarily trapped.

"Avada Kedavra!" shouted a sharp, cold voice.

A green beam hit Brian, and the figure exploded like a mirror, shattering into black smoke.

"It seems that you are really weak. You can't even see a simple mirror image." Brian said.

A ray of red light shot out from the shadows, knocking out a man who was hiding in the corner and peeking at him with a wand. The man rolled to the side, it was Peter Pettigrew.

"Is this the way you treat your guests?" Brian walked out from the shade of the tree, his voice still kind and gentle, "I can't guarantee whether I will use the Death Curse on it next..."

The wand in his hand pointed at the struggling snake. The light network continued to heal as if it was alive, and it became increasingly difficult to break free. The big snake was like a rope tied into a tight knot, getting tighter and tighter.

"Who are you?" said the shrill voice.

"Mr. Brian Foley, the Dark Lord..." Brian bowed slightly and said softly.

"..." The voice was silent for a long time, and then said softly, "It's you...you still dare to come to me?"

"Of course, I'm here, aren't I?" Brian chuckled, "And you, it seems, there's nothing you can do against me."

The voice fell silent and did not respond for a long time.

"Of course, I'm not here to stop you. On the contrary, I'm very willing to resurrect you." Brian had a rich smile on his face, "So, I'm here to help you."

A cold snort emerged from the shadows.

"Ah, are you still angry about what happened in the first grade?" Brian said in a distressed tone, "To be honest, that's human nature. I feel like being possessed... is too ugly and not free."

"When someone wants to force me to do something I don't want to do, I think I retain the right to fight back." Brian said calmly. The tone was full of matter-of-factness, and seemed to be asking: Why are you so petty?

"But, I have been busy working on your resurrection." Brian said with a smile, "I did a lot of work in the first grade, and in the second grade... I am also thinking of ways to resurrect you. As for the third grade... "

Brian glanced at Pettigrew who was unconscious on the ground and said, "I let him come to you."

"Did you let Wormtail come here?" Voldemort said coldly.

"Yes, otherwise, how could he have escaped from me and Professor Snape?" Brian said, "I also used the Forgetting Curse to modify his memory and tell him that you were in the black forest of Albania... Of course, I just hid a small locator on him... It's a Muggle instrument, there is no magic fluctuation, I didn't expect you really didn't notice it..."

Voldemort's sharp and cold voice said slowly: "What are you trying so hard to do... for what purpose?"

"I said it, to resurrect you." Brian said with a smile.

"With you knowing you've pissed me off?"

"Anger can always be subsided... I think you... the Dark Lord needs to be resurrected." Brian said.

"Perhaps this will make it easier for you to believe me." Brian patted his forehead and raised his right hand. A thin, shining chain slowly appeared on it, illuminating Brian's cheek.

"Unbreakable Vow?" Voldemort said softly.

"Yeah, I think you have a way to tell what kind of oath this is..." Brian said, "This is an oath I made with you to help you resurrect."

"It's a pity that you in that diary were caught and killed by Dumbledore because you were targeting Harry Potter." Brian said with a regretful tone, "I have no choice but to find other methods."

"Then, why?" Voldemort's voice was very soft, "Why do you do this? You know how weak I am now..."

"Because, your ideas agree with me to some extent," Brian said. "I hope to break the Wizarding Secrecy Act and allow wizards to appear in the world openly..."

Voldemort laughed, and when it stopped, he hissed: "Come back, Nagini."

Brian withdrew the spell, and the big snake glanced at Brian reluctantly and swam into the shadows.

"Very good, I'll give you a chance to follow me." Voldemort said softly, "I won't pursue the things you did to anger me again."

"No, Dark Lord, did you make a mistake?" Brian smiled, "I'm sorry I didn't make it clear..."

"I'm not here to follow you, but to cooperate with you."

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