In the early morning, Foley Manor was shrouded in light mist, quiet and peaceful, until the first ray of sunlight woke it up from its sleep.

The house elves cleaned every place early, polished the glasses on the table and prepared breakfast.

They always hide themselves from their master's sight, and not disturbing their master when working is what every house elf should do.

"Good morning, dear child."

As Brian descended the stairs hung with portraits, a lady with curly black hair greeted him gently.

"Good morning, ma'am," Brian said gently. This is probably my great-great-grandmother or something.

He came to the table where his parents were already having breakfast.

Mr. Foley was wearing a black dressing gown, reading today's Daily Prophet, commenting with his tongue, and using interesting sarcastic language to make Mrs. Foley smile.

Brian grabbed a breakfast and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.

"I know that the current Ministry of Magic is in a terrible state." Mr. Foley put the newspaper aside and said, "Let's not talk about Sirius Black for now, let's talk about the Department of Mysteries... The director was... They swaggered in and killed them, but those Aurors haven't found any clues yet... tsk tsk..."

"Fudge's current situation is not very good. An incompetent Minister of Magic... is extremely stupid and leads the wizarding world to decay... If I were Fudge, I might be so ashamed that I would step down directly." Mr. Foley said with a smile.

"Brian, what do you think of Fudge, the Minister of Magic?" Mr. Foley asked in an authentic tone.

Brian took a bite of the bread in his hand, glanced at Mr. Foley, and said calmly: "Whether Fudge is a fool or not, he is the most suitable Minister of Magic...for us."

"Because he is greedy for money and power, he can be bribed... Because he is sleek and sophisticated and knows how to make a choice between advancement and retreat, so we can get convenience and benefits from him... He may not be a good minister for the magic world, but he is still good for us. good."

"You see more clearly than your mother, Brian." Mr. Foley applauded, "Yes, he is a good minister for us... That's why he still has so many supporters this time and did not step down directly. … As long as he doesn’t make any more serious mistakes.”

Mrs. Foley rolled her eyes at him and suggested in a soft and gentle tone: "How about we go on a trip together this summer? This time is enough for us to travel around Europe."

"Mom, go ahead. I still have some important things to deal with," Brian said.

"Again, Brian, since when did you become so boring?" Mr. Foley chanted, "Tell me, what are you doing mysteriously? About that guy Borgin?"

Brian smiled and shook his head and said, "The matter with Mr. Borgin is over. I just want to see a friend."

"Friend? Male or female?" Mr. Foley asked brightly.

"Male." Brian said slowly.

Mr. Foley sighed in frustration.

"Brian, you should also find a girlfriend." Mr. Foley joked, "It doesn't have to be for the purpose of getting married, the main thing is to enrich your experience..."

"Albert, don't teach bad children!" Mrs. Foley frowned.

"Okay, okay..." Mr. Foley waved his hand, "Do you think this kid still needs my teaching?"

"But you have to gain more experience, so as not to be confused by women like Domera... His husband, Mr. Shabini, died again." Mr. Foley sighed, "I went to participate. At his funeral, the woman cried so sadly... a dozen men gathered around to comfort her."

"Don't let me know that you were one of the dozen or so people who gathered around you?" Mrs. Foley glared at him.

"How dare I..." Mr. Foley shrugged.

The topic unknowingly veered off topic.

Thinking of Mrs. Chabini, Mrs. Foley frowned rather unhappily and said: "I heard that that woman has been very close to Mr. Kaufman recently..."

Brian swallowed the food in his mouth silently, and mourned for Blaise for a moment in his heart.

After breakfast, he returned to his familiar study room, looked at his existing 8.2 testimony points, and began to improve himself.

First, he used three witness points to enhance his memory to the highest master level.

Brian closed his eyes and felt that his thinking had never been so fast and clear. All memories seem to be organized and summarized into volumes, stored deep in the consciousness.

All kinds of details that had been ignored before came to mind in detail, and then flew across the surface of consciousness like butterflies, and were collected in the pages of the book in categories.

And when Brian wanted to recall something, those memories would automatically open up and appear in front of his eyes, as if he had a pensieve.

Brian opened his eyes and smiled slightly, thinking that Dumbledore's memory level must not have reached this level.

In this way, he can grow faster.

Next, he used two witness points to upgrade his Transfiguration to the master level, and he used the remaining three witness points in Charms to upgrade it to the highest level.

"Almost..." Brian closed his eyes and felt it. In the next year, he is confident that he will gain the power to compete with the Dark Lord.

Although his actual level is not up to the level in the system now, the improvement of his memory will greatly speed up his ability to learn knowledge. Soon, he will be able to make up for his lack of knowledge and truly exert his powerful power.

His overall level now is:

[Magic (Master)], [Reflexivity (Grandmaster)], [Memory/General Knowledge (Master)], [Transfiguration (Master)], [Charms (Grandmaster)], [Potions (Expert)], [Alchemy (Master)], [Occlumency (Master)], [Language Runes (Mastery)], [Spellless Casting (Mastery)].

"In this case, the next route is clear." Brian said.

He stood up, looked out through the window at the green grass field under the sunshine, and the lake with sparkling waves like bright pearls, and sighed softly.

After walking back and forth in the study for a few steps, Brian sat back down at the desk and took out the Death Rune in his hand.

"Start studying now?" Brian patted it gently.

"It's better to find the runes of the Big Four first, as well as the Deathly Hallows..." He knew that these runes must be inseparable from the Deathly Hallows.

Brian thought about it and put these runes away temporarily. Because studying these runes will shorten your lifespan, it is best to study them after everything is ready.

No matter what, after speculating more about his rebirth, dreams, systems, and the legends left by the God of Death, Brian had a hunch that his lifespan could not be wasted casually.

I'm afraid, he doesn't have that much time...

"Time..." Brian sighed. His expression was a little sad and a little relieved, but in the end it turned into determination.

"No matter what, my pursuit will not change." He said softly.

What he pursues is always the ultimate in magic.

"As for an interesting era, it can be seen as an explanation for them."

Brian thought, looked at the books in the study, then took out his wand and opened a hidden secret door with a gentle wave.

The Foley family has a large collection of books, and the study room is filled with relatively less dangerous books. Those truly profound magic books are hidden in the secret room of the study.

Brian had already found this secret room and took several books from it to study. But now, he can really study those advanced spells and black magic.

"With the Patronus Charm, you won't have your mind corroded by black magic...or in other words, if something goes wrong, you can detect it in time and make adjustments." Brian murmured.

Inside is a dark small study room with only a dozen bookshelves filled with dusty books.

Brian picked up a book with a blood-red cover, which was beating vigorously like a heart.

After moving a few books out, Brian calmly opened the books.

On the table, there is a small positioning instrument with a small red dot inside, which is drifting on the road to Albania.

The gears of destiny are about to start turning...

Thank you Mr. Lost Book Boy for the 100 starting coins.

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