Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 168 Final Exam

Brian looked at Bo Jin's cloudy eyes quietly and remained silent.

Borgin turned his head away slightly embarrassed and handed the tattered book in his hand to Brian.

Brian took the book and said calmly: "So, this is a joke from the God of Death?"

The corner of Bo Jin's mouth twitched and he said: "Maybe... Haha, because of the joke of death, he worked hard and died in the end. Elliot is really... hehe..." He grinned and laughed happily.

Brian glanced at the stone tablet that had been shattered into powder. He felt that those three sentences might be both true and false. As for the new prophecy that he has not seen clearly, it may be a new joke that leads him astray, or it may be a true prophecy, leaving advice to future generations.

But no matter what, he didn't want to play death's game.

Now, Brian has seen clearly who the God of Death is. He left this stone tablet and gave the so-called prophecy. When someone followed what he said and then destroyed the stone tablet in anger and lost everything, a small stone tablet fell out of it and told him:

I was just joking, are you angry?

That person was probably going to go crazy on the spot.

"What a nasty guy..." Brian sighed.

He looked at the book in his hand, which recorded the meaning and usage of many strange runes, but it was obviously incomplete.

"Is that all there is?" Brian asked.

Bo Jin nodded and said: "These are all the runes mastered by the Death God Sect."

"Okay, thank you." Brian put the rune book away, "Then, it's time for me to go back."

Borgin silently closed the black door, escorted Brian out of the store, and then returned to the store.

Brian glanced back, always feeling that he might have an intersection with the Death Sect.

After moving around a few times, Brian returned to Hogwarts and returned to a peaceful campus life.

In the days that followed, Brian didn't think about those troublesome things and found a long-lost mental relaxation.

Blaise did not return to school, but he responded to Brian's letter at home, saying that he was safe but was busy organizing his father's funeral.

"Brace's father died again?" Draco looked at the letter and couldn't help but shudder.

"Dead?" Brian frowned. He did not kill Blaise's father.

"Yes," Draco unfolded Blaise's letter, "Mrs. Shabini said that Mr. Shabini was seriously injured that night. He broke an arm and fled home in embarrassment. He did not survive until he was sent to the hospital. St. Mungo's is dead..."

Brian felt his eyelids twitching. He had cured Shabini's injury that night, except for the arm that couldn't be reattached. But this description... He was 70% sure that Mrs. Shabini killed him.

"She is indeed a dangerous beauty snake." Brian sighed secretly.

"To be honest, I'm not surprised at all that this happened..." Draco said in a long voice, "There are always people who are not afraid of dying and provoking that woman... My parents even guessed how long he could last."

"Who knows? I really don't know who the next person will be." Theodore sighed, "Poor Blaise..."

"There will always be someone else..." Brian shook his head.

Daphne looked up from a pile of books, with cyan dark circles under her eyes. She said in a daze: "Why do people always flock to her?"

"Because it's so attractive. Madame Shabini's beauty is like deadly poison, but it's so sweet that it makes people addicted and crazy." Brian thought for a while.

Daphne murmured a few words under her breath and buried herself in the book again.

"Actually, you don't have to be so anxious..." Brian shook his head and lowered his voice, "Let me tell you secretly, there is a high chance that the Happy Curse will be tested in the Charms class exam!"

"Really?" Daphne raised her head quickly, making Brian worry that her slender neck would break.

"It's most likely so." Brian smiled.

Daphne started rummaging through the book quickly, and so did Draco. Crabbe and Goyle were flipping through the textbooks hurriedly, looking for the incantation of the Happy Charm. They held their wands in their hands and stared at the air in front of them, holding in the spell with ferocious faces, as if they had a grudge against the air.

Brian abandoned a course due to the loss of his Time-Turner, and after some consideration decided to cancel Care of Magical Creatures.

You may hear prophecies in the divination class, the ancient rune class professor can ask for rune knowledge, and the arithmetic divination class is quite educational, and they are all indoor classes, where you can learn other knowledge.

As for the Care of Magical Creatures class, Brian could completely learn the knowledge from the textbook. He didn't want to waste his time taking care of Flobber caterpillars or Explosive-tailed Skrewts.

Daphne was very sorry about this, while Draco was extremely envious and wanted to change the course.

"Perhaps, since I can't change this course, I can work harder to change the professor of this course." Draco's gray eyes rolled.

Exam week has begun, and the castle is extremely quiet.

During the Transfiguration exam, Professor McGonagall asked them to turn a teapot into a turtle, which made a large group of young wizards look pale and complain that the exam was too difficult.

Draco was exhausted after walking out of the examination room, as if he had suffered a great blow. Daphne floated out like a ghost. If Brian hadn't pulled her, she almost hit the stone pillar.

Everyone hurriedly finished their lunch and rushed to the Charms classroom. This time I really took the happy spell test.

Under Brian's spell, his partner Daphne showed the most sincere smile she had seen in days, sweeping away the gloom as if the clouds were clearing and the sun appeared.

After Daphne became less nervous, her spell worked steadily, making Brian laugh heartily. The two men laughed face to face until they were interrupted by Professor Flitwick's voice.

After dinner, Daphne remained in a good mood, with a faint smile on her face.

During the Care of Magical Creatures exam hosted by Hagrid, now that he had no worries, he carefully designed the exam content and brought in a large group of feverish salamanders, asking them to find a solution.

For a while, the little wizards on the field were busy using water or ice cubes to cool down the salamander, but to no avail.

Brian built a fire for his salamander and threw it into it. The salamander gradually regained its vitality and became energetic in the fire.

Draco raised his eyebrows at him from a distance and lit the fire in the same manner.

For the potions exam in the afternoon, they needed to brew a confusion potion, which made many young wizards lament. Snape patrolled the classroom with a sullen face, spending most of the time hanging around Harry, looking happily at Harry's failure to brew the potion well. But at least Draco and Daphne were doing well.

It is worth mentioning that Snape set and proctored the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.

After Draco found out that Lupine was a werewolf, soon all the parents of the students knew about it. Lupine received a lot of howling letters while still in the hospital, and he had to pack his bags and leave Hogwarts in a hurry before the end of the school year.

Snape examined how to identify and kill werewolves, telling the students in a mocking tone: There might be a werewolf hiding among you.

"It turns out that the knowledge you have learned does not seem to be in your mind...Few people have discovered the identity of your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor within this year." At the end of the exam, Snape said coldly, "Brain It’s a good thing, please be smarter in the future.”

A group of young wizards walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with blushing faces.

Brian and Daphne's last exam was a divination class. Trelawney asked them to enter the classroom one by one and tell her what she saw in the crystal ball.

"I saw a big black dog, that was ominous! And a black crow..." Brian actually saw nothing.

"Oh, poor kid..." Trelawney said through tears, tapping Brian's name.

Daphne came out looking happy and told Brian that she saw a catastrophe and got a good score.

"So, the divination class test is not difficult, there is no need to be so nervous." Brian said with a smile.

Daphne nodded in agreement and returned to her usual self.

After the exam, the little wizards happily went to Hogsmeade village for vacation.

Brian and the others gathered at the Three Broomsticks, drinking butterbeer to celebrate the end of exams and the upcoming holidays.

"There will be a Quidditch World Cup final this summer!" Draco said with a smile, "Will you go and watch it?"

"Probably so." Brian shrugged, thinking of a Quidditch enthusiast at home.

There was a noisy sound outside. The Weasley twins made large swaths of artificial snowflakes. The snowflakes were painted with various ghost faces. They fluttered down from the sky and made different miserable sounds when they landed on the ground. The cry brings a long-lost coolness to the hot summer.

"This can be considered the last peaceful time in the past few years." Brian sighed.

Thank you Weiyun Danxiang and book friend 20180808212111525 for the 100 starting coins!

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