Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 167 The Prophecy of Death

"Death?" Brian raised his eyebrows and looked at Bo Jin seriously.

"That's right, the God of Death... Not only is he unmatched in magic and alchemy, he also has outstanding talents in prophecy." Bo Jin sighed in a low voice.

"He once said that the morning star represents the door between life and death. The ghosts who escape will one day go back..."

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly to hide the strange look in his eyes.

"He also said that when the morning star lights up again, the trajectory of destiny will change." Bojin continued, "The God of Death believes that all the fates in this world are doomed, but the people who come with the morning star It will change the direction of destiny..."

"It's an interesting view..." Brian said cautiously.

"Not long ago, we found the stone tablet left by the God of Death, which recorded the new prophecy of the God of Death."

"What is it?" Brian said.

"He said that the Death God sect will experience ups and downs, destruction and rebirth, until a new morning star gives it a new life or dies forever..."

"He said that that person is the same kind of person as him. He will subvert all orders in the world and has the qualifications to become the master of death..."

"He said that if he could kill that man and send him back to death, he could gain his qualifications and open the door to immortality..."

Brian frowned, why did he feel a little fantasy? He looked at Bojin suspiciously, trying to find some trace of joking in his eyes, but Bojin was very serious.

Brian thought about these three sentences and found that the God of Death was targeting him in every word!

"Actually, we have been paying attention to you because the celestial phenomena when you were born were so similar to the God of Death." Bo Jin said truthfully, "But it was just observation. Maybe Elliot wanted to recruit you into the disciples of Death... However, It’s a pity that in the years you have been growing up, you have never shown the extraordinary talent of Death..."

"Very ordinary, yes, you could say mediocre... We thought it was a coincidence and Elliot lost interest."

"Things changed last summer. We found this stone tablet engraved with the prophecy of death in a ruins. So when we turned our attention to you again, we found that you had grown up..."

"At that time, our two factions had differences. One side hoped that you could join the Death Sect, and the other side thought that we could get rid of you. There was endless debate within the sect, and Elliot was also hesitant. But in the end, Elliot made up his mind. To kill you, he will use his strongest trump card, the so-called 'ominous'... He is already in a daze." Bo Jin continued.

"However, it was a bit late at that time. Elliot has been paying attention to your problem and handed over all the work of the Department of Mysteries to Crocker. After he finally arranged everything, your time turner has been approved After being sent to Hogwarts, Elliot was so angry that he flew into a rage..." Borgin raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"So, you just give me a gentle reminder, and then wait and see how the situation develops." Brian said calmly, "If I die under an ominous attack, you will not lose anything. But if I succeed If you escape and kill Elliot, you will make a lot of money..."

"You can understand it that way." Borgin's cloudy eyes glanced at Brian and said slowly, "To be honest, few of us think you can really escape...unless a miracle happens."

"Okay, I don't mean to care. You did remind me." Brian said slowly, "But after all, it was your Death God sect who attacked me for no reason... I helped you deal with such a big trouble, and you always You need to give me some compensation."

"What do you want?" Bo Jin looked at Brian.

"How about the Death Rune in your hands?" Brian smiled.

"You plan to study them? You know, that will speed up your death..." Bo Jin said.

"Perhaps the secret of transcending death lies inside... The runes created by the God of Death should always have their secrets." Brian said with a smile.

"Sure enough, you are the same person as him." Bo Jin sighed, "However, the God of Death has never admitted that it was the rune he created. Instead, he called it 'the wealth of another world'."

Brian closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"The God of Death...a person like me...a gift from another world." He thought, "Is he a time traveler like me?"

"But the runes he brought, the death spells and time spells he created..." Brian frowned, "Are there other worlds?"

Borgin was still talking there: "His prophecies are constantly coming true, and destiny is beginning to change... I don't know whether it's good or bad."

Brian curled his lips, not knowing what expression he should make in response to the so-called prophecy that the God of Death was clearly targeting him.

"You don't seem to believe it?" Bo Jin asked.

Brian said calmly: "Don't deify him too much...after all, he is still a human being."

"But, becoming the master of death is indeed possible only in this era..." Bo Jin said, "The God of Death's view is that only when the trajectory of fate changes and twists, can there be a person who truly transcends death."

"Because... immortality is not allowed?" Brian pondered.

"That's right," Bo Jin looked a little surprised, "The God of Death said the same thing. Only when fate is twisted will loopholes appear."

"That doesn't mean anything." Brian said, "Anyway, will you give me the Death Rune?"

"Of course... I can give it to you. You can regard it as a gesture of goodwill from us." Bo Jin nodded, "Follow me."

He stood up and groped on the bookshelf in the studio. The bookshelf slowly moved away, revealing the small door at the back.

Bo Jin opened the door, and the damp and cool air came from inside. He went out first.

Brian cautiously followed him inside, down the stairs, down, and finally entered a huge underground square.

"This is the true headquarters of the Death Sect," Borgin said. "My shop is one of the entrances."

There was no one around. They crossed the square and stopped in front of a black door engraved with the emblem of the Death Sect. Borgin tapped it with his wand, and the door slowly opened.

"With the death of the leader, this place has been opened to every member again, and everything is hidden inside." Bo Jin said, "I think it is better for this school to return to its original loose state..."

Brian looked at the layout of the room. It looked like a study room. There was a huge old thick book in the center with "Book of Death" written on it. The red fonts could make people feel an ancient and powerful force. magic.

Brian's eyes wandered around the room and saw a stone tablet standing in the corner with ancient runes on it. The runes were pieced together to form the three prophecies Borgin said. The eye-catching title written in ancient characters at the top is: Death Prophecy.

Brian twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly: "Do you believe this?" He looked very unserious.

"Didn't you notice? The font on it is exactly the same as the Book of Death, and the ancient magic revealed in it is the same. It was written by the God of Death himself." Bojin pulled out a broken book from the other side, " Maybe the God of Death has such a personality."

"Is this the thing that caused me so much trouble?" Brian squinted his eyes. As if sensing Brian's gaze, the fonts on the stone tablet became golden and dazzling.

"Oh my God, what has changed?" Bo Jin's eyes lit up and he moved closer. The font shone with golden light and slowly changed, seeming to be forming a new prophecy.

Brian pointed his wand at the stone tablet and said, "Let the past go by. Old Antique should not come out to cause trouble."

It turned out that the god of death did not seem to be kind to him, and he decided to strike first.

"Thunderbolt!" Brian read.

He didn't want that ancient "God of Death" to stumble him again!

The stone tablet exploded in response, and Bo Jin howled: "No!"

When the sound disappeared, a smaller stone tablet fell out. When Brian wanted to recite the spell again, Bojin rushed over and hugged the stone tablet.

"Okay, I won't recite the spell anymore..." Brian said helplessly as he looked at Bo Jin's defensive look.

After a long time, Bo Jin carefully looked at the words above, with a strange and ugly expression on his face.

As soon as he loosened his hands, the stone tablet fell to the ground with a bang and slid to Brian's feet.

I saw it read:

"The above are all jokes. If you take it seriously, just pretend that I didn't say it! - Death"

Brian's face darkened, and he cast a spell, turning the stone tablet into powder.

In the dark room, the two people looked at each other, neither wanting to speak.

There was an awkward silence.

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