Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 169 Conversation at the End of Semester

Even though it was an afternoon, there wasn't any sunlight coming into the Room of Requirement. The chandelier on the ceiling illuminates the place brightly, and also reflects the figure sitting at the desk writing something.

The quill in Brian's hand moved smoothly across the parchment, and lines of beautiful fonts flowed out from the tip of the pen. On the top of the parchment was written in cursive letters: Future Action Plan Arrangements.

There are several items listed at the back, including the Dark Lord's resurrection plan, the collection of relics of the Four Giants and the collection of Horcruxes, the Death Rune research plan, etc.

Brian continued to write the rest of the plan, but he was unsatisfied and was erasing it and rewriting it.

On the desk next to him lay a mess of parchment with messy research projects written on it.

On the piece of paper closest to him, written in bold cursive letters at the top: Conjecture about the gift of time.

Below is a somewhat messy relationship diagram with several questions written next to it.

Take the pebbles given by time as an example. Will there still be the me who picked up the pebbles in the first place? (cross out the entire line)

If the gift of time can tell me some answers, could it be because I am destined to get that answer?

Well, the same goes for the time turner. I rely on it to escape from ominous circumstances, is it because I am destined to escape from it?


The handwriting below is somewhat blurry due to scribbling and alteration.

Finally, write a few concluding words.

From the research on the gift of time, it is something fabricated by time to ensure that no paradox occurs. It seems to have no origin and end, and no causal relationship, but there is a self-consistent logic, which is related to fate to a certain extent. .

When the destined result of fate conflicts with what is happening now, it is possible to get the gift of time, or in other words, it is more appropriate to call it the gift of fate.

Be wary of taking advantage!

The gift of fate itself is the product of the distortion of time and fate, and there are hidden risks. It may seem peaceful at ordinary times, but once the risk occurs, it may be life-threatening.

Those who play with time will eventually be played with by time!

Be wary of time turners.

Next to this paper was another piece of parchment, on which was written in bold letters: Regarding the possibility of group battles using time-turners.

There was also a large paragraph written on the paper, and some places were crossed out in large sections.

Behind it is written: Time cannot change the ending!

Afterwards, I simply wrote a few pieces of analysis: According to the development of time, only after I am sure that I survived that battle can I go back to the past through the time turner to help my past self fight. The cause and effect are reversed.

In the original book, Harry Potter once used a time turner to go back in time and save himself from the dementors. Only when he is sure to survive can he go back to save his past self and let himself survive.

So, what was the initial hook?

Is it because of fate? Destined to survive at that time, will everything happen next?

Harry Potter needs to fulfill his savior duties, he must survive.

Brian Foley...if he is really the Black Crow, he will take the world by storm...

By this logic, the Time-Turner does not change the outcome of the battle. When things are destined to succeed, the help of your future self is the icing on the cake; when things are destined to fail, even using a time turner will not help.

The above are conjectures and are yet to be determined.

Beware of time turners!

There is also a thick stack of parchment underneath, and I don't know what is written on it.

On the other side of the desk, there is a piece of parchment that appears to be somewhat blank, with only a few lines written on it:

About Merlin.

Death left in the sixth century AD, and Merlin became active around that time. Is Merlin related to Death?

Merlin was invited to study the secrets of the Deathly Hallows and the Rune of Death. Did he discover the secret of Death and survive for more than a thousand years?

Is the phenomenon of people's confusion about Merlin related to this?

If the Death Rune cannot be completed, continue to try to find traces of Merlin, or you may be able to complete the rune and find out the secret.

There is also a stack of books on the desk, including Nico Flamel's alchemy book and a copy of the Death Rune. There was a letter open above the books, which invited Brian to have a talk, signed Dumbledore.

Brian finally finished writing the action plan. He stretched out and inserted the quill in his hand into the ink bottle. After reading it carefully, he collected the manuscripts on the table and put them into the brazier at his feet. inside. Tongues of fire climbed up the parchment and quickly devoured them.

Brian packed his things, walked out of the Room of Requirement, and walked straight towards the principal's office.

When I came here again, I was already familiar with the road. Dumbledore was happily eating a plate of toffee finger cakes. When he saw Brian coming in, he licked his lips with some unsatisfaction.

"Would you like some, Brian?" He pushed the plates of sweets on the table over and said with a smile.

Brian took a piece of sizzling honey candy and put it in his mouth, and glanced at the dirty Sorting Hat hanging on the shelf intentionally or unintentionally.

"Your book, sir, thank you very much." Brian handed him the ominous research record that Dumbledore had given him before. "It has been of great help to me."

Dumbledore took the book and said with a smile: "It seems you have found a way to deal with it?"

Brian pondered for a moment and decided to tell the truth: "Yes, Ominous cannot lock the prey using the time turner. Therefore, using the time turner immediately after seeing Ominous can escape the ominous gaze. But this only delays a little time. That’s all…”

"Oh, so, your time turner was taken away..." Dumbledore crossed his hands and said, "The time turner you made yourself... was destroyed?"

Brian nodded and added: "It doesn't have much impact. I have gotten rid of it...at least within ten years..."

He looked into Dumbledore's eyes and said: "The shortest time between each ominous appearance is ten years, so you can delay time through this method."

"How did you do it?" Dumbledore's blue eyes suddenly became extremely penetrating.

"Find a soul to be swallowed for me..." Brian said slowly, "The ominous lock has loopholes. In the short period of time when it is about to swallow you, you can make a little resistance. For example, Throw away a piece of soul hidden in your body..."

Brian looked seriously into Dumbledore's eyes. His face was extremely serious, but he showed no other expression.

Brian smiled lightly and said, "Just in time, I found something... similar to the diary from last semester..."

"What?" Dumbledore stood up with his hands on the table and stared at Brian, as if there was a vast ocean of magic hidden in his old body.

Brian looked at him quietly.

Dumbledore sat back slowly.

"I really didn't expect it...can you show me that thing?" Dumbledore's eyes sparkled.

"Of course..." Brian found the locket and handed it to him across the desk.

Dumbledore looked at the ordinary-looking locket seriously, as if he was looking at something interesting.

After a long time, he pushed up his glasses and said with emotion: "It's amazing that you can come up with such a method..."

"So, do you know what this is?" Dumbledore carried the locket and took out a tattered diary from the drawer. He put them together and looked at them carefully.

"I think... they should all be related to the Dark Lord." Brian said slowly.

Dumbledore stared at him seriously.

"Maybe it has something to do with the secret of the Dark Lord's immortality." Brian shrugged and said in a relaxed tone.

"Yes, he will always be resurrected." Dumbledore said softly.

"Soon, sir. Have you heard Professor Trelawney's recent prophecy?"

"Ah, Harry told me..." Dumbledore blinked.

"So, are you ready?" Brian smiled.

"Well... you know, only by resurrecting him can he be completely dead..." Dumbledore said softly, "After finding... these things," he pointed to the things on the desk.

"So, are you ready again?" Dumbledore asked.

"Maybe." Brian raised the corners of his mouth.

Under the breathless eavesdropping of many portraits on the wall, the two people looked at each other, maintaining an inexplicable tacit understanding. ,

Finally, Brian took back the locket and left the principal's office.

Dumbledore leaned back on the armchair, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, appearing to be in a good mood.

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