Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 166 The Story of the Death Sect

Knockturn Alley is still the same as before. In the dirty and narrow alley, pedestrians come and go in a hurry, and all the doorways seem to have malicious looks hidden in them.

Brian recited the Disillusionment Charm to himself and arrived at the entrance of the Borgin-Bock store with ease.

He first carefully checked the surrounding situation and found nothing suspicious, and then walked into the store.

The store was still the same, and even the products on display seemed to have remained the same. The windows were covered with dust again, and looking through the windows, the streets outside looked foggy.

Brian rang the bell on the counter, and a moment later, a figure came out from the backstage.

Bo Jin hunched his back and said in his oily accent: "Welcome."

After he saw Brian's face, he coughed lightly and said, "You're here. I thought you would come last night..."

"Mr. Borgin, good morning. I'm here because I have some confusion that I hope you can answer." Brian said gently and politely.

"Ah, come to the back, I will tell you everything." Bo Jin nodded and walked into the dark back room first.

Brian narrowed his eyes, played with his wand in his hand, and followed in cautiously.

There were no traps or ambushes. Borgin invited Brian into his alchemy studio for the first time. This is a small, dim room with several worktables and oil lamps lit on them. The walls are dark and messy materials are piled in the corners.

The two sat at a small desk facing each other, and Brian looked at him quietly.

"I can tell you a story..." Bo Jin said smoothly.

"If it's the story of the God of Death, I already know it." Brian said, "The God of Death sect?"

Borgin seemed a little surprised, and then nodded with understanding: "You must have known it from the things on Elliot's body... Indeed, we call ourselves the Death Sect."

"I only know the story before the death of the Death Sect." Brian did not reveal the Slytherin portrait.

"Okay, I can tell you something..." Bo Jin coughed lightly and spoke slowly and authentically.

"At the beginning of the sixth century AD, the God of Death left. No one knew where he went. Of course, the Death God sect believed that it was impossible for him to die. They had been waiting for the return of the God of Death. However, after more than two hundred years, there was no more death. News from the God of Death..."

"As a result, ambition is sprouting, chaos is brewing, and people's greed for the Death Rune and the Deathly Hallows can no longer be suppressed."

"At that time, the descendants of the God of Death, faced with internal and external troubles, decided to hide the school completely in the dark, but fights often broke out within the group... First, the races enslaved by the God of Death began to resist, and various factions fought openly and secretly, sitting back and watching and even promoting the murder of the descendants of the God of Death... …”

"The Death Rune became incomplete in the struggle and division. Before the last Death descendant was found, he buried the Deathly Hallows in an unknown place and quietly ended his life... As the Death has always been The door of death beneath the school disappeared again, and this once glorious school came to an end."

"In the twelfth century, when a young man was browsing ancient books at home, he accidentally discovered the remaining records and books of the Death God Sect, and even some of the Death God runes... He was deeply fascinated, and fanatically pursued the Death God Sect and even the God of Death. everything of……"

"He learned that he was the only remaining descendant of the Death God. He changed his surname to Tanat and embarked on the path of rebuilding the Death God sect."

"He has been fighting for this all his life. Relying on the attraction of the Death Rune, he gathered a group of researchers to jointly pursue everything about Death... At that time, the Death Sect could only be regarded as a discussion group for enthusiasts and a small group of researchers. Circle." Borgin recalled, "This is the origin of the current Death God sect."

"Later, Tanat's son inherited the old Tanat's business and gradually developed this school into an organized school, recruiting apprentices and teaching alchemy knowledge. The school grew and grew in his hands."

"At that time, their biggest wish was to recover the Deathly Hallows, but unfortunately there was no news. It was not until later, when the fairy tale of Beedle the Poet spread, that they suddenly discovered that the Deathly Hallows had actually appeared a long time ago."

"It's a pity that at that time, the three Peverell brothers had already died. The Elder Wand was circulated among powerful wizards, bringing countless misfortunes; the Resurrection Stone disappeared after the death of its owner, and they only Found a collapsed old house; the invisibility cloak also disappeared..."

"Wait a minute, the invisibility cloak seems to have been passed down... It should be easy to find it by following Peverell's descendants." Brian asked.

"Ah, this involves the magic of the Deathly Hallows. If the Elder Wand represents power, and the Resurrection Stone represents longing, then the Invisibility Cloak represents protection..." Bo Jin murmured, "Protection, its The magic lies not in invisibility, but in making it impossible for those who seek it to ever find it..."

"It cannot be found by tracing back to history. Those who try to trace its origins to find it will always unconsciously ignore it and even the people who own it. Only those who see and study it with their own eyes will discover its specialness." Bo Jin sighed, "It's an invisible protection."

Brian nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"The Death God Sect only found traces of the Elder Wand, but at that time, Tanat was not willing to cause trouble for this. The Death God Sect was still developing secretly... Although it was no longer glorious, it was still united enough to pursue the truth and use the family group to The form is passed down.”

"Time passed slowly, old Thanat died, and his son Elliot also joined the Death Sect. This was the turning point of everything." Borin said quietly.

"Elliot is a genius in alchemy. He learned all the skills of the old Tanat when he was a teenager, except for the death rune. He is young and promising, dares to think and do, and has a charming personality. He was once considered It is the hope of the Death Sect..."

Brian noticed he said "once."

"Elliot was even more enthusiastic about everything about Death. People didn't think this was a bad thing at the time. In his twenties, he single-handedly found the last remnants of the old Death sect and found a part of the Death Rune , and confirmed that the door under the Ministry of Magic is the door of death..."

"It seems that the Death God Sect is about to regain its ancient glory..." Bo Jin's cloudy eyes blinked, "He is recognized by everyone as the new leader of the Death God Sect..."

"Under his initiative, everyone left their family names in the Book of Death, which represents the rebirth of the school."

"However, at that time, Elliot finally tore off his disguise and revealed his ambition." Bo Jin said, "What he pursues is immortality, so he feverishly pursues the secret of death, even if it is destroyed Human nature. He cultivates his cronies extensively and trains the children who join the school to become loyal followers to him. They are euphemistically called disciples of death, but in fact they are just fanatics who have lost themselves..."

"Of course, this is nothing... As long as he can bring development to the school and make the participants of the school stronger, it will be worth it..."

"The beginning was indeed good. Research on the Door of Death made progress. Elliot came up with a creature that could bring death. It had a certain connection with the Door of Death. Elliot named it Serbrus, I hope it can be like the mythical watchdog of the underworld..."

"It did gain a great reputation. Gradually, it was considered a harbinger of death by the wizarding world, and people called it ominous..." Bo Jin said, "Later, it was used to eliminate dissenters and eliminate enemies... "

"There is nothing to criticize. On the contrary, it is a very wise approach. Elliot's support has never been higher. Many families believe that this can bring them huge benefits, and more families and individuals have sworn to join the school. ."

"As a result, the Death God Sect transformed from a loose school of alchemical exchanges, mutual assistance and academic research into an ambitious organization with a leader."

"It's a pity that Elliot eventually became an obstacle." Borgin sighed. "He cultivated disciples of death as his confidants in an attempt to make everyone obey his words..."

"He did not dare to study the Death Rune because it would shorten his life, but he also prohibited peripheral families from studying it, fearing that they would become stronger and shake his foundation... He held ominous control and threatened those who were unwilling to obey him. man; he controls the Door of Death, and all who wish to study it must obtain his consent..."

"Is this what you are considering? Want to kill him through me?" Brian said calmly.

"Yes, today's death theology sect has long been divided into three factions. The leader faction is dominated by Elliot, including his close disciples; the peripheral family newspaper group maintains the original academic sharing and mutual assistance, but is affected by the influence of Elliot’s pincer; and some wallflowers trying to cling to Elliot.”

"Then the opportunity we've been waiting for comes, and Elliot is determined to kill you..."

"As long as you can escape the ominous pursuit, you are qualified to kill him. Elliot has continued his life in various ways over the years, but in fact he has long been the strong one..." Bojin said, "We were restricted by the oath before. So I can only remind you in a subtle way..."

Brian frowned and said, "Then, why do you think I can successfully kill Elliot? And why did Elliot want to kill me?"

"Ah, this has something to do with Death..." Bo Jin said meaningfully.

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